All Stories

  1. How Law Shapes Collaborative Forest Governance: A Focus on Indigenous Peoples in Canada and India
  2. The effect of communication on individual preferences for common property resources: A case study of two Canadian First Nations
  3. Indigenous communities and climate change: a Recognition, Empowerment and Devolution (RED) framework in the Murray-Darling Basin, Australia
  4. To log or not to log? How forestry fits with the goals of First Nations in British Columbia
  5. Putting Indigenous water rights to work: the Sustainable Livelihoods Framework as a lens for remote development
  6. Fairness and justice in Indigenous water allocations: insights from Northern Australia
  7. Indigenous values and water markets: Survey insights from northern Australia
  8. How Does Corporatization Improve the Performance of Government Agencies? Lessons From the Restructuring of State-Owned Forest Agencies in Australia
  9. Barriers to indigenous enterprise development on communally owned land
  10. Are forest sector firms maximizing the economic returns from their timber? Evidence from British Columbia
  11. Institutional determinants of profitable commercial forestry enterprises among First Nations in Canada
  12. Providing for social equity in water markets: the case for an Indigenous reserve in northern Australia