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  1. Is 25 Hz enough to accurately measure a dynamic change in the ocular accommodation?
  2. Optical treatment of amblyopia in older children and adults is essential prior to enrolment in a clinical trial
  3. The correction of static and dynamic aniseikonia with spectacles and contact lenses
  4. Unmasking the linear behaviour of slow motor adaptation to prolonged convergence
  5. Increased onset of vergence adaptation reduces excessive accommodation during the orthoptic treatment of convergence insufficiency
  6. The iPod binocular home-based treatment for amblyopia in adults: efficacy and compliance
  7. Can current models of accommodation and vergence predict accommodative behavior in myopic children?
  8. Time Course of Dichoptic Masking in Normals and Suppression in Amblyopes
  9. Reduced vergence adaptation is associated with a prolonged output of convergence accommodation in convergence insufficiency
  10. Comparison of super-resolution algorithms applied to retinal images
  11. Transient improvements in fixational stability in strabismic amblyopes following bifoveal fixation and reduced interocular suppression
  12. The Regional Extent of Suppression: Strabismics Versus Nonstrabismics
  13. Mechanisms underlying the etiology and treatment of Convergence Insufficiency
  14. Sensitivity Analysis of Schor's adaptive model of accommodation-vergence
  15. Effect of heterophoria type and myopia on accommodative and vergence responses during sustained near activity in children
  16. Ocular wavefront aberration and refractive error in pre-school children
  17. Binocular Balance in Normal Vision and Its Modulation by Mean Luminance
  18. Effect of near adds on the variability of accommodative response in myopic children
  19. Authors Reply
  20. Effect of Vergence Adaptation and Positive Fusional Vergence Training on Oculomotor Parameters
  21. Differences between phoria and vergence adaptation in myopic children with esophoria
  22. Effect of Vergence Adaptation on Convergence–Accommodation: Model Simulations
  23. Binocular Adaptation to +2 D Lenses in Myopic and Emmetropic Children
  24. Dynamic photorefraction system: An offline application for the dynamic analysis of ocular focus and pupil size from photorefraction images
  25. Strehl Ratio and Visual Acuity in a Pre-School Population
  26. Binocular adaptation to near addition lenses in emmetropic adults
  27. Effect of proximity on the open-loop accommodative response of the eye
  28. Geometrical optical analysis of photorefractive methods
  29. Hyperopia and Emergent Literacy of Young Children: Pilot Study
  30. Evidence-based spectacle prescribing for infants and children
  31. Vergence accommodation and monocular closed loop blur accommodation have similar dynamic characteristics
  32. Application of video-based technology for the simultaneous measurement of accommodation and vergence
  33. Gain and Movement Time of Convergence-Accommodation in Preschool Children
  34. Corneal and Lenticular Components of Total Astigmatism in a Preschool Sample
  35. The Manifestation of Noncycloplegic Refractive State in Pre-School Children is Dependent on Autorefractor Design
  36. Prism induced accommodation in infants 3 to 6 months of age
  37. Measurement of the validity of a preschool vision screening program.
  38. An infrared eccentric photo-optometer
  39. Slope-based eccentric photorefraction: theoretical analysis of different light source configurations and effects of ocular aberrations
  40. Two infant vision screening programmes: Prediction and prevention of strabismus and amblyopia from photo- and videorefractive screening
  41. Gain changes in the accommodative convergence cross-link
  42. Gain changes in the accommodative convergence cross-link
  43. Two infant vision screening programmes: Prediction and prevention of strabismus and amblyopia from photo- and videorefractive screening
  44. Geometrical technique to determine the influence of monochromatic aberrations on retinoscopy
  45. Effect of monochromatic aberrations on photorefractive patterns
  46. Geometrical theory to predict eccentric photorefraction intensity profiles in the human eye
  47. Reduction of infant myopia: a longitudinal cycloplegic study
  48. Retinoscopic Patterns: Explained by the Optics of an Eccentric Source
  50. Precise measurement of angle alpha
  51. The effect of the optics of the eye on noninvasive measurements
  52. Coaxial photorefractive methods: an optical analysis
  53. The influence of chromatic aberration on the static accommodative response
  54. A geometrical optical analysis of photorefractive methods
  55. Quantitative Photorefraction Using an Off-Center Flash Source
  56. Eccentric Photorefraction
  57. Eccentric photorefraction
  58. Orthoptic Treatment of Subjects Showing Slow Accommodative Responses
  59. Effect of a Yellow Ocular Filter on Chromatic Aberration
  60. Chromatic aberration of the fish eye and its effect on refractive state
  61. The refractive significance of the nictitating membrane of the bird eye
  62. Effects of Topical Anesthetics on Phenylephrine-lnduced Mydriasis