All Stories

  1. Combining Hearing and Brain Health in a Group Protocol for Black Older Adults.
  2. A case of aphemia following non-dominant sub-insular stroke: unveiling the Foix-Chavany-Marie phenomenon
  3. Written Language Usage With Pen and Technology in Adults Across Generations
  4. Computer-Mediated Cognitive-Communicative Intervention for Residents with Dementia in a Special Care Unit: An Exploratory Investigation
  5. Guest Editor's Column
  6. Alexia due to ischemic stroke of the visual word form area
  7. Some critical concerns for adapting the Bilingual Aphasia Test to Bahasa Indonesia
  8. Single-trial fMRI Shows Contralesional Activity Linked to Overt Naming Errors in Chronic Aphasic Patients
  9. Strategies for longitudinal neuroimaging studies of overt language production
  10. Formulaic expressions in spontaneous speech of left‐ and right‐hemisphere‐damaged subjects
  11. Evolution of phonemic word fluency performance in post-stroke aphasia
  12. Processing of complex sentences in a case of aphasia in Indonesian: thematic vs. linear strategies