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  1. The TRPV1 taste receptor's potential perceived mechanism of mushroom-derived salty peptides
  2. How to determine which ultrasound assisted extraction parameter influences efficiency most.
  3. Influence of Ultrasonic Pretreatment with Hot Air Drying on Nutritional Quality and Structural Related Changes in Dried Sweet Potatoes
  4. Effects of Variety, Season, and Region on Theaflavins Content of Fermented Chinese Congou Black Tea
  5. Drying Performance and Product Quality of Sliced Carrots by Infrared Blanching Followed by Different Drying Methods
  6. Analysis and Evaluation of the Characteristic Taste Components in Portobello Mushroom
  7. Artificial Neural Network Modeling of Drying Kinetics and Color Changes of Ginkgo Biloba Seeds during Microwave Drying Process
  8. Effects of culture substrates on taste component content and taste quality ofLentinula edodes
  9. Preparation of rapeseed protein hydrolysates with ACE inhibitory activity by optimization and molecular weight distribution of hydrolysates
  10. Effect of Low-Frequency Ultrasonic-Assisted Enzymolysis on the Physicochemical and Antioxidant Properties of Corn Protein Hydrolysates
  11. Impact of Power Ultrasound on Antihypertensive Activity, Functional Properties, and Thermal Stability of Rapeseed Protein Hydrolysates
  12. Postmenopausal Iron Overload Exacerbated Bone Loss by Promoting the Degradation of Type I Collagen
  13. Effects of different carbon sources and C/N values on nonvolatile taste components ofPleurotus eryngii