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  1. Linear ether-based highly concentrated electrolytes for Li–sulfur batteries
  2. Understanding the effects of ethanol on the liposome bilayer structure using microfluidic-based time-resolved small-angle X-ray scattering and molecular dynamics simulations
  3. pSPICA Force Field Extended for Proteins and Peptides
  4. Molecular Level Origin of Ion Dynamics in Highly Concentrated Electrolytes
  5. Improved Protein Model in SPICA Force Field
  6. HER‐2‐Targeted Boron Neutron Capture Therapy with Carborane‐integrated Immunoliposomes Prepared via an Exchanging Reaction
  7. Pragmatic Coarse-Graining of Proteins: Models and Applications
  8. Mutation detection of urinary cell-free DNA via catch-and-release isolation on nanowires for liquid biopsy
  9. Molecular Dynamics Simulations of High-Concentration Li[TFSA] Sulfone Solution: Effect of Easy Conformation Change of Sulfolane on Fast Diffusion of Li Ion
  10. Complex Energy Landscapes of Self-Assembled Vesicles
  11. Lithium-Ion Dynamics in Sulfolane-Based Highly Concentrated Electrolytes
  12. Li-Ion Transport and Solution Structure in Sulfolane-Based Localized High-Concentration Electrolytes
  13. Self-Assembly of Glycerol-Amphiphilic Janus Dendrimers Amplifies and Indicates Principles for the Selection of Stereochemistry by Biological Membranes
  14. Fluorescence Turn‐on of Tetraphenylethylene Derivative by Transfer from Cyclodextrin to Liposomes, HeLa Cells, andE. coli
  15. Cooperative antimicrobial action of melittin on lipid membranes: A coarse-grained molecular dynamics study
  16. Amphotericin B assembles into seven-molecule ion channels: An NMR and molecular dynamics study
  17. SPICA Force Field for Proteins and Peptides
  18. Adsorption characteristics of peptides on ω-functionalized self-assembled monolayers: a molecular dynamics study
  19. All-atom molecular dynamics study of hepatitis B virus containing pregenome RNA in solution
  20. Domain Formation in Charged Polymer Vesicles
  21. Analyzing the Role of Surfactants in the Colloidal Stability of Nanoparticles in Oil through Coarse-Grained Molecular Dynamics Simulations
  22. Hemimicelle formation of semi-fluorocarbon chains at air–water interface: coarse-grained molecular dynamics study with an extension of the SPICA force field
  23. Seipin accumulates and traps diacylglycerols and triglycerides in its ring-like structure
  24. Chain-End Modification: A Starting Point for Controlling Polymer Crystal Nucleation
  25. Thermodynamic aspect of sulfur, polysulfide anion and lithium polysulfide: plausible reaction path during discharge of lithium–sulfur battery
  26. Position-Dependent Diffusion Constant of Molecules in Heterogeneous Systems as Evaluated by the Local Mean Squared Displacement
  27. Seipin accumulates and traps diacylglycerols and triglycerides in its ring-like structure
  28. Conformation and Orientation of Branched Acyl Chains Responsible for the Physical Stability of Diphytanoylphosphatidylcholine
  29. Exact long-range Coulombic energy calculation for net charged systems neutralized by uniformly distributed background charge using fast multipole method and its application to efficient free energy calculation
  30. Pivotal Role of Interdigitation in Interleaflet Interactions: Implications from Molecular Dynamics Simulations
  31. Effect of the Packing Density on the Surface Hydrophobicity of ω-Functionalized (−CF3, −CH3, −OCH3, and −OH) Self-Assembled Monolayers: A Molecular Dynamics Study
  32. Property Decoupling across the Embryonic Nucleus–Melt Interface during Polymer Crystal Nucleation
  33. Monodisperse Polymer Melts Crystallize via Structurally Polydisperse Nanoscale Clusters: Insights from Polyethylene
  34. Molecular simulation of the shape deformation of a polymersome
  35. The Amphotericin B–Ergosterol Complex Spans a Lipid Bilayer as a Single-Length Assembly
  36. Heteroaryldihydropyrimidines Alter Capsid Assembly By Adjusting the Binding Affinity and Pattern of the Hepatitis B Virus Core Protein
  37. pSPICA: A Coarse-Grained Force Field for Lipid Membranes Based on a Polar Water Model
  38. Divining the shape of nascent polymer crystal nuclei
  39. Effects of Packing Density and Chain Length on the Surface Hydrophobicity of Thin Films Composed of Perfluoroalkyl Acrylate Chains: A Molecular Dynamics Study
  40. Large-scale molecular dynamics simulation of perfluorosulfonic acid membranes: Remapping coarse-grained to all-atomistic simulations
  41. All-atom molecular dynamics study of impact fracture of glassy polymers. I: Molecular mechanism of brittleness of PMMA and ductility of PC
  42. Average Conformation of Branched Chain Lipid PGP-Me That Accounts for the Thermal Stability and High-Salinity Resistance of Archaeal Membranes
  43. tSPICA: Temperature- and Pressure-Dependent Coarse-Grained Force Field for Organic Molecules
  44. Hydrogen Permeation in Hydrated Perfluorosulfonic Acid Polymer Membranes: Effect of Polymer Crystallinity and Equivalent Weight
  45. Molecular Behavior of Linear Alkylbenzene Sulfonate in Hydrated Crystal, Tilted Gel, and Liquid Crystal Phases Studied by Molecular Dynamics Simulation
  46. Cholesterol-Induced Conformational Change in the Sphingomyelin Headgroup
  47. A coarse-grain model for entangled polyethylene melts and polyethylene crystallization
  48. Structure of Hydrated Crystal (Lc), Tilted Gel (Lβ′), and Liquid Crystal (Lα) Phases of Linear Alkylbenzene Sulfonate (LAS) Studied by X-ray Diffraction and Molecular Dynamics Simulation
  49. Molecular mechanism of material deformation and failure in butadiene rubber: Insight from all-atom molecular dynamics simulation using a bond breaking potential model
  50. SPICA Force Field for Lipid Membranes: Domain Formation Induced by Cholesterol
  51. Direct Evidence for Li Ion Hopping Conduction in Highly Concentrated Sulfolane-Based Liquid Electrolytes
  52. Isokinetic approach in logarithmic mean-force dynamics for on-the-fly free energy reconstruction
  53. Exploring the effect of pendent side chain length on the structural and mechanical properties of hydrated perfluorosulfonic acid polymer membranes by molecular dynamics simulation
  54. Molecular dynamics study of thermodynamic stability and dynamics of [Li(glyme)]+ complex in lithium-glyme solvate ionic liquids
  55. Identification of Factors Promoting HBV Capsid Self-Assembly by Assembly-Promoting Antivirals
  56. Polymer Electrolytes Containing Solvate Ionic Liquids: A New Approach To Achieve High Ionic Conductivity, Thermal Stability, and a Wide Potential Window
  57. Molecular Dynamics Study on the Mechanical Deformation of Hydrated Perfluorosulfonic Acid Polymer Membranes
  58. Transferable coarse-grained model for perfluorosulfonic acid polymer membranes
  59. Janus dendrimersomes coassembled from fluorinated, hydrogenated, and hybrid Janus dendrimers as models for cell fusion and fission
  60. Effect of the cation on the stability of cation–glyme complexes and their interactions with the [TFSA]− anion
  61. Molecular Dynamics Study of the Morphology of Hydrated Perfluorosulfonic Acid Polymer Membranes
  62. Permeability across lipid membranes
  63. Molecular dynamics simulations of cholesterol-rich membranes using a coarse-grained force field for cyclic alkanes
  64. Coarse-grained molecular dynamics study of membrane fusion: Curvature effects on free energy barriers along the stalk mechanism
  65. Precise calculation of the local pressure tensor in Cartesian and spherical coordinates in LAMMPS
  66. Structures of [Li(glyme)]+ complexes and their interactions with anions in equimolar mixtures of glymes and Li[TFSA]: analysis by molecular dynamics simulations
  67. [70]Fullerenes Assist the Formation of Phospholipid Bicelles at Low Lipid Concentrations
  68. Thermodynamic Stability of [60]Fullerene and γ-Cyclodextrin Complex in Aqueous Solution: Free Energy Simulation
  69. Effective interaction between small unilamellar vesicles as probed by coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulations
  70. Free energy analysis along the stalk mechanism of membrane fusion
  71. Interactions in ion pairs of protic ionic liquids: Comparison with aprotic ionic liquids
  72. A guiding potential method for evaluating the bending rigidity of tensionless lipid membranes from molecular simulation
  73. Intermolecular Interactions in Li+‐glyme and Li+‐glyme–TFSA−Complexes: Relationship with Physicochemical Properties of [Li(glyme)][TFSA] Ionic Liquids
  74. Method of evaluating curvature-dependent elastic parameters for small unilamellar vesicles using molecular dynamics trajectory
  75. Regioselective Recognition of a [60]Fullerene-Bisadduct by Cyclodextrin
  76. Effect of different substituents on the water-solubility and stability properties of 1 : 2 [60]fullerene derivative·gamma-cyclodextrin complexes
  77. Probing the structure of PEGylated-lipid assemblies by coarse-grained molecular dynamics
  78. Effect of Carboxylation on Carbon Nanotube Aqueous Dispersibility: A Predictive Coarse-Grained Molecular Dynamics Approach
  79. Molecular Dynamics Study of Catanionic Bilayers Composed of Ion Pair Amphiphile with Double-Tailed Cationic Surfactant
  80. Computer simulation studies of self-assembling macromolecules
  81. Premicelles and monomer exchange in aqueous surfactant solutions above and below the critical micelle concentration
  82. Effects of spherical fullerene nanoparticles on a dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine lipid monolayer: a coarse grain molecular dynamics approach
  83. Cholesterol Effect on Water Permeability through DPPC and PSM Lipid Bilayers: A Molecular Dynamics Study
  84. Micellization Studied by GPU-Accelerated Coarse-Grained Molecular Dynamics
  85. Novel numerical method for calculating the pressure tensor in spherical coordinates for molecular systems
  86. Effects of conformational flexibility of alkyl chains of cations on diffusion of ions in ionic liquids
  87. Free energy analysis of vesicle-to-bicelle transformation
  88. Coarse-grained force field for ionic surfactants
  89. Nanoscale carbon particles and the stability of lipid bilayers
  90. Molecular dynamics study of nanoparticles and non-ionic surfactant at an oil–water interface
  91. Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Nanoparticles and Surfactants at Oil/Water Interfaces
  92. Parametrization and Application of a Coarse Grained Force Field for Benzene/Fullerene Interactions with Lipids
  93. Molecular Dynamics Study of Isoprenoid‐Chained Lipids: Salient Features of Isoprenoid Chains As Compared with Ordinary Alkyl Chains
  94. Interactions of Perfluoroalkyltrifluoroborate Anions with Li Ion and Imidazolium Cation: Effects of Perfluoroalkyl Chain on Motion of Ions in Ionic Liquids
  95. Exploring the utility of coarse-grained water models for computational studies of interfacial systems
  96. Zwitterionic Lipid Assemblies: Molecular Dynamics Studies of Monolayers, Bilayers, and Vesicles Using a New Coarse Grain Force Field
  97. Coarse-Grained Potential Models for Phenyl-Based Molecules: I. Parametrization Using Experimental Data
  98. Coarse-Grained Potential Models for Phenyl-Based Molecules: II. Application to Fullerenes
  99. A mean field approach for computing solid-liquid surface tension for nanoscale interfaces
  100. Paramaterization of a coarse-grained model for linear alkylbenzene sulfonate surfactants and molecular dynamics studies of their self-assembly in aqueous solution
  101. The shear hysteresis in lamellar structure of surfactant–water binary system
  102. Size-dependent hydrophobic to hydrophilic transition for nanoparticles: A molecular dynamics study
  103. Transferable Coarse Grain Nonbonded Interaction Model for Amino Acids
  104. Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Ionic Liquids: Cation and Anion Dependence of Self-Diffusion Coefficients of Ions
  105. Models for Phosphatidylglycerol Lipids Put to a Structural Test
  106. Computational exploration of novel silicon nanostructures
  107. Area per Ligand as a Function of Nanoparticle Radius: A Theoretical and Computer Simulation Approach
  108. Fluorination effects on structure and dynamics of phospholipid bilayer: A molecular dynamics study
  109. Enhanced Hydrophobicity of Fluorinated Lipid Bilayer: A Molecular Dynamics Study
  110. Large-Scale Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Self-Assembling Systems
  111. Calculating the surface tension between a flat solid and a liquid: a theoretical and computer simulation study of three topologically different methods
  112. Efficient free energy calculation of water across lipid membranes
  113. Free-energy analysis of the molecular binding into lipid membrane with the method of energy representation
  114. United-Atom Acyl Chains for CHARMM Phospholipids
  115. Electronic and optical properties of polyicosahedral Si nanostructures: A first-principles study
  116. Coarse-grained molecular modeling of non-ionic surfactant self-assembly
  117. Molecular dynamics simulation of an archaeal lipid bilayer with sodium chloride
  118. Multi-property fitting and parameterization of a coarse grained model for aqueous surfactants
  119. Molecular dynamics simulations of self-organized polyicosahedral Si nanowire
  120. Molecular dynamics simulation of icosahedral Si quantum dot formation from liquid droplets
  121. Molecular Dynamics Study of Bipolar Tetraether Lipid Membranes
  122. Intermolecular interaction between the pendant chain of perfluorinated ionomer and methanol
  123. Calculation of heat capacities of light and heavy water by path-integral molecular dynamics
  124. Molecular Dynamics Study of the Methanol Effect on the Membrane Morphology of Perfluorosulfonic Ionomers
  125. Quantum simulation of the heat capacity of water
  126. Spatial confinement effect on the atomic structure of solid argon
  127. Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Swollen Membrane of Perfluorinated Ionomer
  128. Comparative molecular dynamics study of ether- and ester-linked phospholipid bilayers
  129. Can such Long Time Steps Really be used in Dissipative Particle Dynamics Simulations?
  130. Stress-assisted grain boundary sliding and migration at finite temperature: A molecular dynamics study
  131. Molecular Dynamics Study on the Effects of Chain Branching on the Physical Properties of Lipid Bilayers:  2. Permeability
  132. Two-dimensional self-assembled structures of adenine molecules: modeling and simulation
  133. Dynamics of a highly branched lipid bilayer: a molecular dynamics study
  134. Rapid estimation of elastic constants by molecular dynamics simulation under constant stress
  135. Intermolecular interaction between the pendant chain of perfluorinated ionomer and water
  136. Molecular dynamics study of the Lipid Bilayers: Effects of the Chain Branching on the Structure and Dynamics
  137. Rigid‐body dynamics in the isothermal‐isobaric ensemble: A test on the accuracy and computational efficiency
  138. Self-guided molecular dynamics in the isothermal–isobaric ensemble
  139. Molecular dynamics study of the dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine bilayer in the liquid crystal phase: an effect of the potential force fields on the membrane structure
  140. A Voronoi analysis of lipid area fluctuation in a bilayer
  141. Molecular dynamics simulation of the dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) lipid bilayer in the fluid phase using the Nosé-Parrinello-Rahman NPT ensemble