All Stories

  1. Obesity and its Association with Irisin Level Among Individuals with FNDC5/Irisin Gene Variants RS16835198 and RS726344
  2. Irisin Gene Polymorphism Rs3480 and Rs1746661and Obesity in Egyptian Populations
  3. The Effect of Hepatitis C Virus Eradication with New Direct Acting Antivirals on Glucose Homeostasis in Non-Diabetic Egyptian Patients
  4. Hepatopulmonary syndrome in noncirrhotic patients with chronic viral hepatitis
  5. Evidence to Support a Putative Role for Insulin Resistance in Chronic Kidney Disease
  6. Insulin resistance after kidney donation
  7. Susceptibility to Hyperglycemia in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease
  8. Prediabetes: a must to recognise disease state
  9. Predictors of New Onset of Diabetes after Transplantation in Stable Renal Recipients
  10. Evidence for Increased Risk of Prediabetes in the Uremic Patient