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  1. Seasonal variations in rain cells propagation over Central Africa and association with diurnal rainfall regimes
  2. Processes behind the decrease in Congo Basin precipitation during the rainy seasons inferred from ERA‐5 reanalysis
  3. Window opening area for thermal comfort performance in the wet tropical region of Cameroon
  4. Appropriate statistical rainfall distribution models for the computation of standardized precipitation index (SPI) in Cameroon
  5. Dynamic and Thermodynamic Contributions to Late 21st Century Projected Rainfall Change in the Congo Basin: Impact of a Regional Climate Model’s Formulation
  6. Past and future annual droughts in the five agro-ecological zones of Cameroon
  7. The influence of intraseasonal oscillations on rainfall variability over Central Africa: case of the 25–70 days variability
  8. Projected changes in extreme precipitation and temperature events over Central Africa from COSMO‐CLM simulations under the global warming level of 1.5°C and above
  9. Assessment of uncertainties in reanalysis datasets in reproducing thermodynamic mechanisms in the moisture budget’s provision in the Congo Basin
  10. The seasonal cycle of cloud radiative effects over Congo Basin based on CERES observation and comparison to CMIP6 models
  11. Influence of strong South Atlantic Ocean Dipole on the Central African rainfall’s system
  12. Projected changes in extreme rainfall and temperature events and possible implications for Cameroon's socio‐economic sectors
  13. Impact of tropical waves on rainfall modulation and heavy rainfall event occurrence over western equatorial Africa
  14. Projected Impact of Increased Global Warming on Heat Stress and Exposed Population Over Africa
  15. The ERA5's diurnal cycle of low-level clouds over Western Central Africa during June–September: Dynamic and thermodynamic processes
  16. Comparative study of two drought description models in Central-Africa: the revisited effective drought index and the standardized precipitation index
  17. Spatiotemporal Variability, Trends, and Potential Impacts of Extreme Rainfall Events in the Sudano-Sahelian Region of Cameroon
  18. Projected impact of increased global warming on heat stress and exposed population over Africa
  19. Simulating extreme temperatures over Central Africa by RegCM4.4 regional climate model
  20. An investigation into the role of synoptic conditions on Central African precipitation variability
  21. Climat de l'Afrique centrale : avancées et lacunes
  22. Évaluation des produits 3B42 et 3B43 de Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) par rapport aux observations des stations météorologiques synoptiques sur le Cameroun
  23. Influence de la paramétrisation du «slab‐ocean» dans le modèle climatique régional RegCM4 en Afrique centrale
  24. Mechanisms of Rainfall Biases in Two CORDEX-CORE Regional Climate Models at Rainfall Peaks over Central Equatorial Africa
  25. Potential impact of 1.5, 2 and 3 °C global warming levels on heat and discomfort indices changes over Central Africa
  26. Sensitivity of Rainfall to Cumulus Parameterization Schemes from a WRF Model over the City of Douala in Cameroon
  27. Contributions of Seasonal Rainfall to Recent Trends in Cameroon’s Cotton Yields
  28. Boundary layer schemes in the regional climate model RegCM4.6 over Central Africa
  29. On the computation of ISO amplitude and frequency indices using a discrete wavelet transform model and application to the study of the annual cycle of ISO activity in Central Africa
  30. Climatology of super‐refraction and trapping layers conditions over Central and West Africa
  31. Trends and Interannual Variability of Extreme Rainfall Indices over Cameroon
  32. On the study of seasonal patterns of 25–70-day intraseasonal oscillations in Central Africa
  33. Process-based assessment of the impact of reduced turbulent mixing on Congo Basin precipitation
  34. Assessment of agricultural drought during crop-growing season in the Sudano–Sahelian region of Cameroon
  35. Influence of slab-ocean parametrization in a regional climate model (RegCM4) over Central Africa
  36. Simulated impact of global warming on extreme rainfall events over Cameroon during the 21st century
  37. Investigation of anomalous propagation conditions in Central and West African stations using high-resolution GPS radiosonde observations
  38. Process‐Based Analysis of the Added Value of Dynamical Downscaling Over Central Africa
  39. Interannual variations in the amplitude of 25–70-day intraseasonal oscillations in Central Africa and relationship with ENSO
  40. Assessing Climate-system Historical Forecast Project (CHFP) seasonal forecast skill over Central Africa
  41. CORDEX Multi‐RCM Hindcast Over Central Africa: Evaluation Within Observational Uncertainty
  42. An evaluation of COSMO‐CLM regional climate model in simulating precipitation over Central Africa
  43. Projected changes in the seasonal cycle of extreme rainfall events from CORDEX simulations over Central Africa
  44. Sensitivity of SPI to Distribution Functions and Correlation Between its Values at Different Time Scales in Central Africa
  45. Process-oriented assessment of RCA4 regional climate model projections over the Congo Basin under $$1.5 \ ^{\circ }{\text {C}}$$ ...
  46. Daily characteristics of Central African rainfall in the REMO model
  47. Evaluation and projected changes in daily rainfall characteristics over Central Africa based on a multi-model ensemble mean of CMIP5 simulations
  48. Low clouds Cover
  49. Assessing the performance of WRF model in predicting high-impact weather conditions over Central and Western Africa: an ensemble-based approach
  50. Diurnal Cycle of Convective Cloud Occurrences Over Cameroon During June–August
  51. Sensitivity studies of the RegCM4 simulation in West and central Africa during strong and weak years of Atlantic cold tongue
  52. Consequences of 1.5°C and 2°C global warming levels for temperature and precipitation changes over Central Africa
  53. Projected trends of extreme rainfall events from CMIP5 models over Central Africa
  54. Diurnal cycle of rainfall over Central Africa simulated by RegCM
  55. WRF high resolution simulation of an extreme rainfall event over Douala (Cameroon): a case study
  56. Evaluation of simulations with the regional climate model REMO over Central Africa and the effect of increased spatial resolution
  57. On the added value of the regional climate model REMO in the assessment of climate change signal over Central Africa
  58. Sea surface temperature patterns in the Tropical Atlantic: Principal component analysis and nonlinear principal component analysis
  59. Bayesian Processor of Output for Probabilistic Quantitative Precipitation Forecast over Central and West Africa
  60. Total Water Storage Change in Cameroon: Calculation, Variability and Link with Onset and Retreat Dates of the Rainy Season
  61. Assessment of simulated rainfall and temperature from the regional climate model REMO and future changes over Central Africa
  62. On convection and static stability during the AMMA SOP3 campaign
  63. Seasonal variations of surface duct conditions in Ngaoundere, North Cameroon
  64. Evaluation of probabilistic precipitation forecast determined from WRF forecasted amounts
  65. A comparative analysis of intraseasonal atmospheric variability in OLR and 1DD GPCP rainfall data over Central Africa
  66. Evaluation of Vapor Pressure Estimation Methods for Use in Simulating the Dynamic of Atmospheric Organic Aerosols
  67. Spatio-Temporal Variability of Western Central African Convection from Infrared Observations
  68. Evaluation of Eta Weather Forecast Model over Central Africa
  69. Case Study of Pollutants Concentration Sensitivity to Meteorological Fields and Land Use Parameters over Douala (Cameroon) Using AERMOD Dispersion Model
  70. Seasonal variations in the diurnal patterns of convection in Cameroon–Nigeria and their neighboring areas
  71. Diurnal cycle of convective activity over the West of Central Africa based on Meteosat images
  72. Analyse des conditions météorologiques pour la sécurité aérienne à Douala