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  2. Forum: Russia, Europe and the colonial present: the power of everyday geopolitics
  3. Smart shrinkage solutions? The future of present-day urban regeneration on the inner peripheries of Europe
  4. Coping with peripheralization in small cities. What is the role of human agency?
  5. COVID-19 as a game-changer? The impact of the pandemic on urban trajectories
  6. Intergovernmental dynamics in responding to COVID-19 in English and Australian cities
  7. Understanding forced internal displacement in Ukraine: insights and lessons for today’s crises
  8. The governance dilemmas of urban shrinkage: Evidence from Northeast China
  9. Causes and Consequences of the War in Eastern Ukraine: An Economic Geography Perspective
  10. Urban shrinkage with Chinese characteristics
  11. Regional inequalities in Europe, North America, and BRICS economies, 1980-2015
  12. <b>Study on Reconstruction from a Natural Disaster and the Progress of Urban Shrinkage</b>
  13. Erratum
  14. Cui bono? On the relative merits of technology-enhanced learning and teaching in higher education
  15. Conceptualizing Urban Shrinkage
  16. Lisbonizing versus Financializing Europe? The Lisbon Agenda and the (un)Making of the European Knowledge-Based Economy
  17. Shrinking cities: Notes for the further research agenda
  18. Varieties of shrinkage in European cities
  19. Ukraine’s diverging space-economy: The Orange Revolution, post-soviet development models and regional trajectories
  20. Class Voting and the Orange Revolution: A Cultural Political Economy Perspective on Ukraine's Electoral Geography
  21. Varieties of neoliberalism? Restructuring in large industrially dependent regions across Western and Eastern Europe
  22. Global Focus
  23. East European Cities — Patterns of Growth and Decline, 1960–2005
  24. Resurgent European cities?
  25. The trajectories of European cities, 1960–2005
  26. Strengths and Weaknesses of ‘Weak’ Coordination: Economic Institutions, Revealed Comparative Advantages, and Socio-Economic Performance of Mixed Market Economies in Poland and Ukraine
  27. Beyond Varieties of Capitalism
  28. Re-Constructing the Post-Soviet Industrial Region
  29. Poland and Ukraine: Institutional Structures and Economic Performance
  30. European Cities
  31. Transition Economies