All Stories

  1. A method to derive satellite-based extreme precipitation return levels in poorly gauged areas
  2. A high‐impact meso‐beta vortex in the Adriatic Sea
  3. Hail Climatology in the Mediterranean Basin Using the GPM Constellation (1999–2021)
  4. Changes in extreme daily precipitation over Africa: Insights from a non-asymptotic statistical approach
  5. Quantitative Precipitation Estimation over Antarctica Using Different Ze-SR Relationships Based on Snowfall Classification Combining Ground Observations
  6. Precipitation Products’ Inter–Comparison over East and Southern Africa 1983–2017
  7. Role of moist and dry air advection in the development of Mediterranean tropical‐like cyclones (medicanes)
  8. A New Method for Hail Detection from the GPM Constellation: A Prospect for a Global Hailstorm Climatology
  9. Hailstorm Detection by Satellite Microwave Radiometers
  10. Satellite Remote Sensing of Precipitation and the Terrestrial Water Cycle in a Changing Climate
  11. Linking sea surface temperature and soil moisture trends and precipitation in East Africa
  12. East Africa Rainfall Trends and Variability 1983–2015 Using Three Long-Term Satellite Products
  13. The activities of the international precipitation working group
  14. Global-scale evaluation of 22 precipitation datasets using gauge observations and hydrological modeling
  15. Global precipitation measurements for validating climate models
  16. Global-scale evaluation of 23 precipitation datasets using gauge observations and hydrological modeling
  17. Supplementary material to "Global-scale evaluation of 23 precipitation datasets using gauge observations and hydrological modeling"
  18. Potential vorticity patterns in Mediterranean “hurricanes”
  19. MSWEP: 3-hourly 0.25° global gridded precipitation (1979–2015) by merging gauge, satellite, and reanalysis data
  20. Evaluation of Monthly Satellite-Derived Precipitation Products over East Africa
  21. MSWEP: 3-hourly 0.25° global gridded precipitation (1979–2015) by merging gauge, satellite, and reanalysis data
  22. Requirements for a robust precipitation constellation
  23. Spatial and temporal variability of precipitation over the Mediterranean Basin based on 32‐year satellite Global Precipitation Climatology Project data. Part‐II: inter‐annual variability and trends
  24. Spatial and temporal variability of precipitation over the Mediterranean Basin based on 32-year satellite Global Precipitation Climatology Project data, part I: evaluation and climatological patterns
  25. Editorial
  26. An intercomparison of two passive microwave algorithms for snowfall detection over Europe
  27. Precipitation Science: Observations, Retrievals, and Modeling
  28. Soil as a natural rain gauge: Estimating global rainfall from satellite soil moisture data
  29. Daytime identification of summer hailstorm cells from MSG data
  30. The validation service of the hydrological SAF geostationary and polar satellite precipitation products
  31. The 183-WSL fast rain rate retrieval algorithm. Part II: Validation using ground radar measurements
  32. Definition and impact of a quality index for radar-based reference measurements in the H-SAF precipitation product validation
  33. Day-time identification of summer hailstorm cells from MSG data
  34. Precipitation products from the hydrology SAF
  35. Editorial
  36. Analysis of tropical‐like cyclones over the Mediterranean Sea through a combined modeling and satellite approach
  37. Precipitation from Space: Advancing Earth System Science
  38. Extreme precipitation on the Island of Madeira on 20 February 2010 as seen by satellite passive microwave sounders
  39. Validation of Satellite-Based Precipitation Products over Sparsely Gauged African River Basins
  40. First validation of retrieved rain rates and snow cover mask of the 183-WSL retrieval method
  41. Cycles and Propagation of Deep Convection over Equatorial Africa
  42. Satellite and Numerical Model Investigation of Two Heavy Rain Events over the Central Mediterranean
  43. Analysis of instability indices during the development of a Mediterranean tropical-like cyclone using MSG-SEVIRI products and the LAPS model
  44. Status of satellite precipitation retrievals
  45. The 183-WSL fast rain rate retrieval algorithm
  46. Detection and Measurement of Snowfall from Space
  47. A GIS approach to ingest Meteosat Second Generation data into the Local Analysis and Prediction System
  48. On the fundamental role of Hans Pruppacher for cloud physics and cloud chemistry
  49. A 10-year climatology of warm-season cloud patterns over Europe and the Mediterranean from Meteosat IR observations
  50. Rainfall variability associated with the summer African monsoon: A satellite study
  51. The Fourth International Precipitation Working Group Workshop
  52. Modelling of orographic precipitation over Iberia: a springtime case study
  53. Passive Microwave Remote Sensing of Rain from Satellite Sensors
  54. Section II: Rainfall measurement and estimation
  55. Precipitation: Measurement, remote sensing, climatology and modeling
  56. Observing precipitation by means of water vapor absor tion lines: a first check of the retrieval capabilities of the 183-WSL rain retrieval method
  57. Validating a rapid-update satellite precipitation analysis across telescoping space and time scales
  58. A review of satellite meteorology and climatology at the start of the twenty-first century
  59. Satellite Precipitation Measurements for Water Resource Monitoring1
  60. Rain Retrieval Using the 183 GHz Absorption Lines
  61. The propagation and diurnal cycles of deep convection in northern tropical Africa
  62. Satellite Sensing
  63. Cloud Microphysical Properties Retrieval During Intense Biomass Burning Events Over Africa and Portugal
  64. Neural Network tools for Satellite Rainfall Estimation
  65. The International Precipitation Working Group: A Bridge Towards Operational Applications
  66. Precipitation measurements from space
  67. Analysis of severe convective events from two operational dual polarisation doppler radars
  68. Radiative Forcing of Asian Dust Determined from the Synergized GOME and GMS Satellite Data-A Case Study
  69. Aerosol Characterization and Direct Radiative Forcing Assessment over the Ocean. Part II: Application to Test Cases and Validation
  71. A Neural Networks–Based Fusion Technique to Estimate Half-Hourly Rainfall Estimates at 0.1° Resolution from Satellite Passive Microwave and Infrared Data
  72. Characterization of plumes on top of deep convective storm using AVHRR imagery and radiative transfer simulations
  73. Satellite observations of convective storm tops in the 1.6, 3.7 and 3.9 μm spectral bands
  74. Radiative effects of simulated cirrus clouds on top of a deep convective storm in METEOSAT second generation SEVIRI channels
  75. <title>Lessons learned from synergistic use of polar and geostationary satellite sensors for the retrieval of aerosol characteristics</title>
  76. Deep convection over Northern Italy: synoptic and thermodynamic analysis
  77. The 18 June 1997 Companion supercells: Multiparametric Doppler radar analysis
  78. Parameterisation of surface radiation flux at an Antarctic site
  79. Simulations of time-coincident, co-located measurements from ENVISAT-1 instruments for the characterization of tropospheric aerosols: A sensitivity study including cloud contamination effects
  80. IR‐based satellite and radar rainfall estimates of convective storms over northern Italy
  81. Cloud fraction within GOME footprint using a refined cloud clearing algorithm
  82. Mesoscale and radar analysis of the 30 June 1998 supercell
  83. WWW and the aerobiologist: operating instructions
  84. Cloud detection with GOME: a refinement of the cloud clearing algorithm using ATSR-2 images
  85. Multispectral, High-Resolution Satellite Observations of Plumes on Top of Convective Storms
  86. POLKEY: an expert system for the identification of pollen grains
  87. Atmospheric effects of the El Chichón volcanic eruption observed by a multiwavelength sun-photometer, 1982–1985
  88. Ice accretions on fixed cylinders
  89. A Wind Tunnel Investigation of the Effect of an External, Vertical Electric Field on the Shape of Electrically Uncharged Rain Drops
  90. A Wind Tunnel and Theoretical Study on the Melting Behavior of Atmospheric Ice Particles: III. Experiment and Theory for Spherical Ice Particles of Radius > 500 μm
  91. Measurements of atmospheric turbidity from a network of sun-photometers in Italy during ALPEX
  92. A numerical study of the heat transfer through a fluid layer with recirculating flow between concentric and eccentric spheres
  93. Estimation of precipitation from space-based platforms