All Stories

  1. Article
    Exploring Ice Properties with Terahertz Spectroscopy
    Prof Vincent Wallace
  2. Article
    Hydration water drives the self-assembly of guanosine monophosphate
    Prof Vincent Wallace
  3. Article
    Assessment of anti-corrosion coatings adhesion using terahertz time domain reflection spectroscopy
    Prof Vincent Wallace
  4. Article
    Evaluation of Potential Risks Associated with Cancel Cell Motility and Utilisation of MMW Radiation in Anticancer Applications
    Prof Vincent Wallace
  5. Article
    The temperature dependent changes in the terahertz absorption spectrum due to the self-assembly of quadruplexes in a solution of the nucleoside guanosine monophosphate
    Prof Vincent Wallace
  6. Article
    Thickness and Refractive Index Calculation of Contact Lenses Over Time Using Terahertz Imaging and Optical Coherence Tomography
    Prof Vincent Wallace
  7. Article
    Infrared and terahertz spectrally adaptive filters based on MEMS technologies
    Prof Vincent Wallace
  8. Article
    Submillimeter-Wave Cornea Phantom Sensing Over an Extended Depth of Field With an Axicon-Generated Bessel Beam
    Prof Vincent Wallace
  9. Article
    3D Printed Fabry–Pérot Filters for Terahertz Spectral Range
    Prof Vincent Wallace
  10. Article
    Optical Temperature Change Estimate of 60 GHz MMW Radiation Mediated Heating in Nervous Tissue with Rhodamine B and Rhodamine 6G Fluorescent Indicators
    Prof Vincent Wallace
  11. Article
    The study of the terahertz absorption spectrum of G-Quadruplex
    Prof Vincent Wallace
  12. Article
    Characterization of bound and free water in gelatin hydrogels and their contribution to THz frequency permittivity
    Prof Vincent Wallace
  13. Article
    Comparison of biomaterials used in contact lenses based on water content analysis with terahertz spectroscopy
    Prof Vincent Wallace
  14. Article
    Design of a ring-focus dual reflector objective for standoff sensing of spherical targets in the 220 – 330 GHz band
    Prof Vincent Wallace
  15. Article
    Millimeter Waves Alter the Genomic Architecture and Transcriptome of Primary Human Fibroblasts
    Prof Vincent Wallace
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    The Origin of 1.6 Terahertz Absorption of Ice
    Prof Vincent Wallace
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    Millimeter waves alter DNA secondary structures and modulate the transcriptome in human fibroblasts
    Prof Vincent Wallace
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    650 GHz Imaging as Alignment Verification for Millimeter Wave Corneal Reflectometry
    Prof Vincent Wallace
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    Extraction of Thickness and Water-Content Gradients in Hydrogel-Based Water-Backed Corneal Phantoms Via Submillimeter-Wave Reflectometry
    Prof Vincent Wallace
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    Submillimeter-Wave Permittivity Measurements of Bound Water in Collagen Hydrogels via Frequency Domain Spectroscopy
    Prof Vincent Wallace
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    Investigation of optimal THz band for corneal water content quantification
    Prof Vincent Wallace
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    Reproducibility of Terahertz Peaks in a Frozen Aqueous Solution of 5-Methylcytidine
    Prof Vincent Wallace
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    Cell Culture Confluency as a Potential Factor in Biological Effects of Millimetre Wave Radiation in In Vitro Experiments
    Prof Vincent Wallace
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    Combined THz and OCT characterization of biologically relevant tissue phantoms
    Prof Vincent Wallace
  25. Article
    Effect of Millimeter Waves on Genome Architecture and the Transcriptome of Primary Human Fibroblasts
    Prof Vincent Wallace
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    Terahertz Radiation Stimulates Neurite Growth in PC12 Derived Neurons During Development Phase: Preliminary Study
    Prof Vincent Wallace
  27. Article
    Ex Vivo Effect of 60 GHz MMW radiation on Leech Neuron Intracellular Calcium Alteration
    Prof Vincent Wallace
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    Prediction of the terahertz absorption features with a straightforward molecular dynamics method
    Prof Vincent Wallace
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    Co-registered combined OCT and THz imaging to extract depth and refractive index of a tissue-equivalent test object
    Prof Vincent Wallace
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    Non-Contact, Non-Destructive Testing in Various Industrial Sectors with Terahertz Technology
    Prof Vincent Wallace
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    Convergence of terahertz radiation and nanotechnology
    Prof Vincent Wallace
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    Ultrathin tunable terahertz absorbers based on electrostatically actuated metamaterial
    Prof Vincent Wallace
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    Use of Terahertz Waves To Monitor Moisture Content in High-Pressure Natural Gas Pipelines
    Prof Vincent Wallace
  34. Article
    Differences and Similarities Between Millimetre Wave and Thermal Heating Effect on Action Potential Triggering in Leech Interneuron
    Prof Vincent Wallace
  35. Article
    Relating Nanoparticle Geometry and Terahertz Reflectivity
    Prof Vincent Wallace
  36. Article
    Utilisation of MMW Radiation to Facilitate Apoptosis in Triple Negative Breast Cancer Cell Lines via TRPV1 Receptor Sensitization
    Prof Vincent Wallace
  37. Article
    Millimeter Wave Radiation Activates Leech Nociceptors via TRPV1-Like Receptor Sensitization
    Prof Vincent Wallace
  38. Article
    Correlation between saturated fatty acid chain-length and intermolecular forces determined with terahertz spectroscopy
    Prof Vincent Wallace
  39. Article
    Hydration of gelatin molecules studied with terahertz time-domain spectroscopy
    Prof Vincent Wallace
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    Terahertz biophotonics as a tool for studies of dielectric and spectral properties of biological tissues and liquids
    Prof Vincent Wallace
  41. Article
    Collagen and Muscle Fibrous Tissue as a Contrast Mechanism in the THz region
    Prof Vincent Wallace
  42. Article
    Modelling Neuronal Activity Alterations Caused by MMW- THz Mediated Melting of Lipid Membrane
    Prof Vincent Wallace
  43. Article
    Special Issue on “In-and-off Body-Centric Nano-scale Wireless Communication and Networks”
    Josep Miquel JornetProf Vincent Wallace
  44. Article
    Concentration analysis of breast tissue phantoms with terahertz spectroscopy
    Prof Vincent Wallace
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    An assessment of multimodal imaging of subsurface text in mummy cartonnage using surrogate papyrus phantoms
    Prof Vincent Wallace
  46. Article
    The interaction between electromagnetic fields at megahertz, gigahertz and terahertz frequencies with cells, tissues and organisms: risks and potential
    Prof Vincent Wallace
  47. Article
    Ultrathin tunable terahertz absorber based on MEMS-driven metamaterial
    Prof Vincent Wallace
  48. Article
    Evaluation of a biologically relevant level of MMW radiation absorption in neuronal tissue
    Prof Vincent Wallace
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    The application of effective medium theory in tissue phantoms
    Prof Vincent Wallace
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    Use of a handheld terahertz pulsed imaging device to differentiate benign and malignant breast tissue
    Prof Vincent Wallace
  51. Article
    The 2017 terahertz science and technology roadmap
    Prof Vincent Wallace
  52. Article
    Fast Tunable Terahertz Absorber Based on a MEMS-driven Metamaterial
    Prof Vincent Wallace
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    In vivo terahertz reflection imaging of human scars during and after the healing process
    Prof Vincent Wallace
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    Alterations in neuronal action potential shape and spiking rate caused by pulsed 60 GHz millimeter wave radiation
    Prof Vincent Wallace
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    Optical properties extraction of breast tissue using an intraoperative terahertz probe
    Prof Vincent Wallace
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    Preliminary study of different scar types with terahertz imaging
    Prof Vincent Wallace
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    Terahertz characterization of an asphaltene sample and its polarity-based sub-fractions
    Prof Vincent Wallace
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    Deciphering Cell-to-Cell Communication in Acquisition of Cancer Traits: Extracellular Membrane Vesicles Are Regulators of Tissue Biomechanics
    Prof Vincent Wallace
  59. Article
    Modulation of the Hydration Water Around Monoclonal Antibodies on Addition of Excipients Detected by Terahertz Time-Domain Spectroscopy
    Prof Vincent Wallace
  60. Article
    The Potential of the Double Debye Parameters to Discriminate Between Basal Cell Carcinoma and Normal Skin
    Prof Vincent Wallace
  61. Article
    Breast Cancer classification using extracted parameters from a terahertz dielectric model of human breast tissue
    Prof Vincent Wallace
  62. Article
    A Dielectric Model of Human Breast Tissue in Terahertz Regime
    Prof Vincent Wallace
  63. Article
    High correlation of double Debye model parameters in skin cancer detection
    Prof Vincent Wallace
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    Use of Finite Difference Time Domain Simulations and Debye Theory for Modelling the Terahertz Reflection Response of Normal and Tumour Breast Tissue
    Prof Vincent Wallace
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    Terahertz Biomedical Science and Technology
    Prof Vincent Wallace
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    Terahertz Dynamic Imaging of Skin Drug Absorption
    Prof Vincent Wallace
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    Inline monitoring of paper thickness in an industrial setting
    Prof Vincent Wallace
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    Nondestructive determination of defects in firmly joint plastic compounds with portable THz system
    Prof Vincent Wallace
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    Terahertz waveguide prism
    Prof Vincent Wallace
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    Terahertz Time-Domain Spectroscopy of Human Blood
    Prof Vincent Wallace
  71. Article
    Terahertz Time-Domain Spectroscopy of Human Blood
    Prof Vincent Wallace
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    Optimizing multi-dimensional terahertz imaging analysis for colon cancer diagnosis
    Prof Vincent Wallace
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    Understanding terahertz data for medical applications
    Prof Vincent Wallace
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    Breast cancer tissue diagnosis at terahertz frequencies
    Prof Vincent Wallace
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    Classification of terahertz-pulsed imaging data from excised breast tissue
    Prof Vincent Wallace
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    Improved sample characterization in terahertz reflection imaging and spectroscopy: erratum
    Prof Vincent Wallace
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    Terahertz pulsed imaging of freshly excised human colonic tissues
    Prof Vincent Wallace
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    Terahertz pulsed imaging in vivo: measurements and processing methods
    Prof Vincent Wallace
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    Terahertz pulsed imaging of knee cartilage
    Prof Vincent Wallace
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    The future of medical imaging
    Prof Vincent Wallace
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    Accuracy and resolution of THz reflection spectroscopy for medical imaging
    Prof Vincent Wallace
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    Enhanced skin permeation and hydration by magnetic field array: preliminary in-vitro and in-vivo assessment
    Prof Vincent Wallace
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    Terahertz pulsed imaging of liver cirrhosis
    Prof Vincent Wallace
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    Terahertz pulsed spectroscopy of freshly excised human breast cancer
    Prof Vincent Wallace
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    Terahertz pulsed imaging—A potential medical imaging modality?
    Prof Vincent Wallace
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    Improved sample characterization in terahertz reflection imaging and spectroscopy
    Prof Vincent Wallace
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    Three-dimensional imaging of optically opaque materials using nonionizing terahertz radiation
    Dr Axel Zeitler Prof Vincent Wallace
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    An intra-operative THz probe for use during the surgical removal of breast tumors
    Prof Vincent Wallace
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    Characterizing rat tissue samples using Terahertz Pulsed Imaging
    Prof Vincent Wallace
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    Using terahertz pulsed imaging (TPI) to identify colonic pathology.
    Prof Vincent Wallace
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    Application of terahertz imaging to osteoarthritis
    Prof Vincent Wallace
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    Terahertz imaging detects cancerous tissue
    Prof Vincent Wallace
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    An oil and water emulsion phantom for biomedical terahertz spectroscopy
    Prof Vincent Wallace
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    Application of Finite Difference Time Domain methods to Terahertz Spectroscopy Measurements of Breast Cancer
    Prof Vincent Wallace
  95. Article
    A Comparison of Terahertz Pulsed Imaging with Transmission Microradiography for Depth Measurement of Enamel Demineralisation in vitro
    Prof Vincent Wallace
  96. Article
    Terahertz pulsed imaging and spectroscopy of breast tumors
    Prof Vincent Wallace
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    Terahertz Pulsed Spectroscopy of Human Basal Cell Carcinoma
    Prof Vincent Wallace
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    Terahertz pulsed imaging and spectroscopy of breast tumours
    Prof Vincent Wallace
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    Terahertz Spectroscopy of Biologically Relevant Liquids at Low Temperatures
    Prof Vincent Wallace
  100. Article
    Using Terahertz Pulsed Imaging to Measure Enamel Demineralisation in Teeth
    Prof Vincent Wallace
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    Biomedical applications of terahertz technology
    Prof Vincent Wallace
  102. Article
    Terahertz Pulsed Imaging of Human Breast Tumors
    Prof Vincent Wallace
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    Development of a hand-held TPI system for medical applications
    Prof Vincent Wallace
  104. Article
    Medical applications of broadband terahertz pulsed radiation
    Prof Vincent Wallace
  105. Article
    Simulating the response of terahertz radiation to basal cell carcinoma using ex vivo spectroscopy measurements
    Prof Vincent Wallace
  106. Article
    Terahertz pulsed imaging of basal cell carcinoma ex vivo and in vivo
    Prof Vincent Wallace
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    Tissue classification using terahertz pulsed imaging
    Prof Vincent Wallace
  108. Article
    In vivostudy of human skin using pulsed terahertz radiation
    Prof Vincent Wallace
  109. Article
    Simulation of terahertz pulse propagation in biological systems
    Prof Vincent Wallace
  110. Article
    Terahertz pulsed imaging and spectroscopy for biomedical and pharmaceutical applications
    Prof Vincent Wallace
  111. Article
    Terahertz pulsed imaging with 1.06 μm laser excitation
    Professor Mohamed MissousProf Vincent Wallace
  112. Article
    Terahertz-pulsed imaging of cancers
    Prof Vincent Wallace
  113. Article
    Prof Vincent Wallace
  114. Article
    Terahertz Pulse Imaging of ex vivo Basal Cell Carcinoma
    Prof Vincent Wallace
  115. Article
    Terahertz Pulse Imaging: A Pilot Study of Potential Applications in Dentistry
    Prof Vincent Wallace
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    Three-dimensional terahertz pulse imaging of dental tissue
    Prof Vincent Wallace
  117. Article
    Terahertz pulse imaging in reflection geometry of human skin cancer and skin tissue
    Prof Vincent Wallace
  118. Article
    Chondrocyte Repopulation of Allograft Cartilage: A Preliminary Investigation and Strategy for Developing Cartilage Matrices for Reconstruction
    Prof Vincent Wallace
  119. Article
    <title>Terahertz pulse imaging in reflection geometry of skin tissue using time-domain analysis techniques</title>
    Prof Vincent Wallace
  120. Article
    <title>Monitoring pigmented skin lesions</title>
    Prof Vincent Wallace
  121. Article
    Potential uses of terahertz pulse imaging in dentistry: caries and erosion detection
    Prof Vincent Wallace
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    Three-dimensional terahertz pulse imaging of dental tissue
    Prof Vincent Wallace
  123. Article
    Two-Photon Excitation Laser Scanning Microscopy of Human, Porcine, and Rabbit Nasal Septal Cartilage
    Prof Vincent Wallace
  124. Article
    <title>Terahertz imaging and spectroscopy of human skin in vivo</title>
    Prof Vincent Wallace
  125. Article
    Two-photon imaging of collagen remodeling in RAFT tissue cultures
    Prof Vincent Wallace
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    Two-Photon Laser Scanning Microscopy of Epithelial Cell-Modulated Collagen Density in Engineered Human Lung Tissue
    Prof Vincent Wallace
  127. Article
    Classification of reflectance spectra from pigmented skin lesions, a comparison of multivariate discriminant analysis and artificial neural networks
    Prof Vincent Wallace
  128. Article
    Gene inactivation by multiphoton-targeted photochemistry
    Prof Vincent Wallace
  129. Article
    Influence of optical properties on two-photon fluorescence imaging in turbid samples
    Prof Vincent Wallace
  130. Article
    Spectrophotometric assessment of pigmented skin lesions: methods and feature selection for evaluation of diagnostic performance
    Prof Vincent Wallace
  131. Article
    Photodynamic Therapy of Human Glioma Spheroids Using 5-Aminolevulinic Acid¶
    Prof Vincent Wallace
  132. Article
    <title>Layered Monte Carlo model for the description of diffuse reflectance spectra from pigmented skin lesions</title>
    Prof Vincent Wallace