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  1. Polarization aberrations of electrically tunable liquid crystal mirrors
  2. Director grating and two-beam energy exchange in a hybrid photorefractive cholesteric cell with a helicoidal polymer network
  3. Modelling the Surface Plasmon Spectra of an ITO Nanoribbon Grating Adjacent to a Liquid Crystal Layer
  4. Phase modulators with tunability in wavefronts and optical axes originating from anisotropic molecular tilts under symmetric electric field II: experiments
  5. Controlling the domain structure of ferroelectric nanoparticles using tunable shells
  6. Tunable Diffraction Gratings in Copolymer Network Liquid Crystals Driven with Interdigitated Electrodes
  7. Electrically Switchable Color Changes in Lying Helix Cholesteric Liquid Crystals
  8. Optofluidic platform using liquid crystals in lithium niobate microchannel
  9. XXII conference on liquid crystals (chemistry, physics and applications)
  10. Optical propagation through anisotropic metamaterials: Application to metallo-dielectric stacks
  11. Electrical control of nanoparticles arrays created via topological defect lines design in anisotropic fluids
  12. Impact of photo-transformed molecules on two-beam energy exchange in hybrid photorefractive cholesteric cells
  13. Effective medium theory for anisotropic media with plasmonic core-shell nanoparticle inclusions
  14. Optical Properties of Titanium Dioxide — Vanadium Dioxide Multilayer Thin-Film Structures
  15. Theoretical modeling of photo-induced lens formation in a polymerizable matrix containing quantum dots
  16. Using liquid crystals to control surface plasmons
  17. Flexoelectro-optic effect and two-beam energy exchange in a hybrid photorefractive cholesteric cell with a short-pitch horizontal helix
  18. Surface plasmon absorption in MoS2 and graphene-MoS2 micro-gratings and the impact of a liquid crystal substrate
  19. Numerical modelling of light propagation in surface plasmon resonance sensor with liquid crystal
  20. Modulation transfer function of liquid crystal microlenses and microprisms using double dielectric layer
  21. Light-induced electric field generated by photovoltaic substrates investigated through liquid crystal reorientation
  22. Laser-induced erasable patterns in a N* liquid crystal on an iron doped lithium niobate surface
  23. Origins of Kerr phase and orientational phase in polymer-dispersed liquid crystals
  24. Liquid crystal control of the plasmon resonances at terahertz frequencies in graphene microribbon gratings
  25. Optical manipulation and defect creation in a liquid crystal on a photoresponsive surface
  26. Liquid crystal lenses with tunable focal length
  27. Electro-optical effect in a planar nematic cell with electric field sensitive boundary conditions
  28. Two-wave energy exchange in photorefractive hybrid cell with bent-core liquid crystal
  29. Theoretical analyses of a liquid crystal adaptive lens with optically hidden dielectric double layer
  30. Controlling hyperbolic metamaterials with a core-shell nanowire array [Invited]
  31. Magneto-induced anisotropy in magnetic colloids of superparamagnetic magnetite nanoparticles in an external magnetic field
  32. Interaction of electromagnetic waves in nematic waveguide
  33. All-optical phase shifter with photovoltaic liquid crystal cell
  34. Tuning surface plasmons in graphene ribbons with liquid crystal layer
  35. Two beam energy exchange in hybrid liquid crystal cells with photorefractive field controlled boundary conditions
  36. Equilibrium configurations of director in a planar nematic cell with one spatially modulated surface
  37. Modelling of director equilibrium states in a nematic cell with relief surface
  38. Light-induced Soret effect and adsorption of nanocrystals in organic solvents
  39. Light manipulation of nanoparticles in arrays of topological defects
  40. Doping liquid crystals with nanoparticles. A computer simulation of the effects of nanoparticle shape
  41. Electrically active nanoantenna array enabled by varying the molecular orientation of an interfaced liquid crystal
  42. Inorganic–Organic Photorefractive Hybrids
  43. Dynamic and Permanent Gratings in Suspensions of Absorbing Nanocrystals in Organic Solvent
  44. Cloaking by shells with radially inhomogeneous anisotropic permittivity
  45. Liquid Crystal Control of Surface Plasmon Resonance Sensor Based on Nanorods
  46. Electrically variable liquid crystal lens based on the dielectric dividing principle
  47. Gain dynamics in liquid crystal photorefractive hybrids
  48. Beam coupling in hybrid photorefractive inorganic-cholesteric liquid crystal cells: Impact of optical rotation
  49. Dynamic director grating and two beam energy exchange in photorefractive hybrid cholesteric cell
  50. Hybrid organic–inorganic materials for novel photonic applications
  51. Hybrid organic–inorganic materials for photonic applications
  52. Magnetic field control of the ordering of two-component suspension of hard rods
  53. Strong orientational coupling in two-component suspensions of rod-like nanoparticles
  54. Two-Beam Energy Exchange in a Hybrid Photorefractive Inorganic-Cholesteric Cell
  55. Light-induced changes of the refractive indices in a colloid of gold nanoparticles in a nematic liquid crystal
  56. Electric field interactions and aggregation dynamics of ferroelectric nanoparticles in isotropic fluid suspensions
  57. Magnetic-field effects on the structure modulation of nematic-based colloids of superparamagnetic impurities
  58. Dipole moment and spontaneous polarization of ferroelectric nanoparticles in a nonpolar fluid suspension
  59. Strong Cubic Optical Nonlinearity of Gold Nanoparticles Suspension in Nematic Liquid Crystal
  60. Frederiks transition in ferroelectric liquid-crystal nanosuspensions
  61. Spatially modulated structures in nematic colloids: Statistical thermodynamics and kinetics
  62. Magnetic sensitivity of a dispersion of aggregated ferromagnetic carbon nanotubes in liquid crystals
  63. Harvesting single ferroelectric domain stressed nanoparticles for optical and ferroic applications
  64. Magneto-Optical Response of Twisted Ferronematic Cells
  65. Tunable-Focus Liquid Crystal Lens with Non-Planar Electrodes
  66. Asymmetric Freedericksz transitions from symmetric liquid crystal cells doped with harvested ferroelectric nanoparticles
  67. Study of a composition of officinal herb mixtures using gas-liquid chromatography with mass-spectrometric detection
  68. Two-beam energy exchange in a hybrid photorefractive-flexoelectric liquid-crystal cell
  69. Fast Nolinear Optical Mechanisms in Bi-Layered Cells Composed by Lyotropic Ionic Liquid Crystals with Dye and Viologen Films
  70. Modelling the Dynamical Behaviour of Holographic Gratings with Nematic Film-Polymer Slice Sequence Structure
  71. Preparation of ferroelectric nanoparticles for their use in liquid crystalline colloids
  72. Theory of surface-potential-mediated photorefractivelike effects in liquid crystals
  73. Surface-induced nonlinearities of liquid crystals driven by an electric field
  74. Numerical Modeling of Tunable Liquid-Crystal-Polymer-Network Lens
  75. Simulation of Photorefractive Effect in Thin Liquid Crystal Film
  76. Light-induced gliding of the easy orientation axis of a dye-doped nematic liquid crystal
  77. Nanoparticle doped organic-inorganic hybrid photorefractives
  78. Liquid crystal inorganic hybrid photorefractives
  79. The Frederiks Effect and Related Phenomena in Ferronematic Materials
  80. Inverse Frederiks Effect and Bistability in Ferronematic Cells
  81. Erratum: Orientational Coupling Amplification in Ferroelectric Nematic Colloids [Phys. Rev. Lett.97, 147801 (2006)]
  82. Enhanced two-beam coupling in colloids of ferroelectric nanoparticles in liquid crystals
  83. Theoretical modeling of heterogeneous LC systems: nano-suspensions and polymer stabilized LC lens
  84. Orientational Coupling Amplification in Ferroelectric Nematic Colloids
  85. Electrically Controllable Diffraction Efficiency of H-PDLC Film Composed of Ellipsoidal Liquid Crystal Droplets
  86. Fredericksz Transition Threshold in Nematic Liquid Crystals Filled with Ferroelectric Nano-Particles
  87. Surface Director Sliding in LC Cell with Light-Controlled Chirality
  88. Theoretical Analyses of the Electric Field Control of Focal Length in a Gradient Polymer Stabilized Liquid Crystal Lens
  89. Evolution of light-induced anchoring in dye-doped nematics: Experiment and model
  90. Nematic director response in ferronematic cells
  91. Formation and dynamics of easy orientation axis in magnetic field on PVCN-F surface
  92. Magnetic Field Induced Director Reorientation in the Nematic Cell with Time-Dependent Anchoring Due to Adsorption/Desorption of LC Molecules
  93. Electric Field Control of Diffraction Efficiency in Holographic Polymer Dispersed Liquid Crystal
  94. Light-Induced Alignment of Liquid Crystals on Dye-Deposited Film
  95. Monte Carlo Simulation of Ferronematic Suspensions with Three Elastic Constants
  96. Ferroelectric particles-liquid crystal dispersions
  97. Director profile in the in-plane switching of nematic liquid crystal cell with strong director anchoring
  98. Corrigendum to “Light scattering by small hard particles in liquid crystals in anomalous-diffraction approach”
  99. Director Reorientation in a Cell with Time-Dependent Anchoring Due To Adsorption/Desorption of LC Molecules
  100. Director Profile in the In-Plane Switching of Nematic Liquid Crystals Cell
  101. Effective dielectric function of ferroelectric LC suspensions
  102. Adsorption Phenomena and Macroscopic Properties of Ferronematics Caused by Orientational Interactions
  103. Alignment of Nematic Liquid Crystal on the Surface with Spatial Distribution of Easy Axis and Anchoring Energy
  104. Corrigendum to: “Computer modeling of light scattering in filled liquid crystals”
  105. Dynamic of Surface-Mediated Director Reorientation in a Cell with Dye Doped Liquid Crystal
  106. Enhanced Dielectric Response of Liquid Crystal Ferroelectric Suspension
  107. Surface-Mediated Beam Coupling in Nominally Pure Nematic Liquid Crystal
  108. Dielectric relaxation spectroscopy of a nematic liquid crystal doped with ferroelectric Sn 2 P 2 S 6 nanoparticles
  109. Light scattering by small hard particles in liquid crystals in anomalous-diffraction approach
  110. Ferroelectric nematic suspension
  111. Light scattering by anisotropic spherical particles: Rayleigh-Gans approximation versus T-matrix theory
  112. Rayleigh light scattering by large-scale inhomogeneities in filled liquid crystals
  113. Reorientation of nematic liquid crystal under the action of light with stygmatic and astygmatic Gaussian profile
  114. Magnetically induced alignment of FNS
  115. Weak anchoring effects in ferronematic systems
  116. Computer modeling of light scattering in filled liquid crystals
  117. Threshold voltage and director reorientation for in-plane switching of nematic liquid crystals
  118. Light scattering by optically anisotropic scatterers:T-matrix theory for radial and uniform anisotropies
  119. Non-monotonic exposure dependence of the pretilt angle and surface polarity of the photo-orientant F-PVCN
  120. Magnetic Field Induced Orientational Bistability in a Ferronematic Cell
  121. Magnetically Induced Alignment of Ferro-Nematic Suspension on PVCN-F Layer
  122. Light Scattering by Large-scale Director Inhomogeneities in Filled Liquid Crystals
  123. Orientation of Nematic Liquid Crystals on Random Anchoring Surface
  124. Phase Singularity Birth Owing to Gaussian Beam Self-action in Nematic Liquid Crystal
  125. T-matrix Theory of Light Scattering by Uniformly Anisotropic Spherical Scatterers
  126. The In-Plane Switching in the Nematic Cell
  127. Thermal Optical Nonlinearity of Suspension of Absorbing Particles in Liquid Crystal
  128. Surface-mediated light-controlled Friedericksz transition in a nematic liquid crystal cell
  129. Anchoring of a liquid crystal on a photoaligning layer with varying surface morphology
  130. Operating voltage in the inplane-switching of nematic liquid crystals
  131. Rayleigh-Gans theory of light scattering by liquid crystals filled with cylindrical particles
  132. Bleachable dichroic dye-doped nematics as materials for intra- and extracavity laser elements
  133. Light scattering in filled nematics
  134. Magneto-optical effect in ferronematic cell with combined boundary conditions
  135. Orientation of a nematic liquid crystal on a soft photoaligning surface
  136. Phase singularity born by a Gaussian beam in a nematic liquid crystal cell
  137. Properties of Bulk-Mediated Photoalignment of Doped Liquid Crystal
  138. Optical data recording by laser pulses in liquid-crystal cells with an azo-modified surface
  139. Laser-induced surface and bulk reorientation of the director in azo-dye-doped liquid crystal cells
  140. Nematic director slippage:  Role of the angular momentum of light
  141. Rayleigh-Gans Theory of Light Scattering in Filled Nematics
  142. Light-Induced Surface Sliding of the Nematic Director in Liquid Crystals
  143. Influence of Small Spherical Particles on the Spatial Director Distribution and Light Scattering in a Nematic Cell
  144. Influence of Surface Elasticity on Periodic Splay-Twist Freedericksz Transition in a Nematic Cell
  145. Kinetic Characteristics of Light Induced Anisotropy and Mechanisms of the Molecular Alignment in Azo Dye Containing Polymer Films
  146. Light-Induced Anchoring Transitions and Bistable Nematic Alignment on Polysiloxane-Based Aligning Surface
  147. Memory Effect and Structure of Filled Nematic Liquid Crystals
  148. Theory of Dielectric and Optical Properties of Pdlc Films
  149. Mechanism of orientation of polymer fragments in a system of azo-polymer microporous glass
  150. Photoinduced liquid crystal anchoring transition on polysiloxane-based aligning surface
  151. Light-induced Freedericksz transition in a nematic liquid crystal with chiral dopant
  152. Light-induced surface-mediated director reorientation in a nematic cell
  153. Peculiarity of an Oblique Liquid Crystal Alignment Induced by a Photosensitive Orientant
  154. Surface Elastic Constant Problems for NLC Confined to Cylindrical Cavity: Stability of Axial Configuration
  155. An Oblique Orientation of Nematic Liquid Crystals on a Photosensitive Aligning Polymer
  156. Influence of the Aerosil Surface Modification on Electro-Optical Characteristics of Filled Liquid Crystals
  157. NLC Orientational Instability in the Absorbed Light Wave Field with Spatially Modulated Intensity
  158. Electrically Controlled Light Scattering of the Aerosil-Liquid Crystal System
  159. Surface Driven Orientation Effect in NLC Cell
  160. The Ifluence of Nematic Droplet Optical Axes Ordering on Light Scattering in Polymer Matrix
  161. Influence of light-induced molecular conformational transformation and anchoring energy on the cholesteric liquid-crystal pitch and dielectric properties
  162. Anchoring energy effects: configuration and phase transitions in a nematic liquid crystal confined to a small cylindrical cavity
  164. Photoinduced Change of Cholesteric LC-Pitch