All Stories

  1. Enhancing the Performance of Metal-Supported Solid Oxide Fuel Cells via Infiltration with an Aqueous Solution of Metal Nitrate Salts
  2. Solid-State Lithium Metal Batteries for Electric Vehicles: Critical Single Cell Level Assessment of Capacity and Lithium Necessity
  3. Sodium ion conductivities in Na2O–Sm2O3–SiO2 ceramics
  4. Wet Chemical Method ZnF2 Interlayer for High Critical Current Density Lithium Metal Batteries Utilizing Ba and Ta–Doped Li7La3Zr2O12 Garnet Solid Electrolyte
  5. Organic Battery Materials
  6. Organic Battery Materials
  7. Organic Battery Materials
  8. (Invited) Redox Flow Batteries – Exploring Electrolyte Additives and Hybrid Organic/Inorganic Redox Pairs
  9. Effective Lithium Polysulfides Anchoring on Vanadium Disulfide Facets for Lithium-Sulfur Batteries – A Computational Study
  10. Exploring Sodium Gadolinium Silicate as a Solid Electrolyte for Next-Generation Sodium Batteries
  11. Advances in Redox Flow Batteries – A Comprehensive Review on Inorganic and Organic Electrolytes and Engineering Perspectives
  12. Substitutional Cu Doping at Ca and Nb Sites in Ba3CaNb2O9 Toward Improved Photoactivity–A First-Principles HSE06 Study
  13. Probing Alkaline-Earth-Doped Garnet-Type Li7La2.75A0.25Zr1.75M0.25O12 (A = Ca, Sr, Ba; M = Nb, Ta) Electrolytes for All-Solid-State Li Metal Batteries
  14. MXenes as Effective Sulfur Hosts and Electrocatalysts to Suppress Lithium Polysulfide Shuttling: A Computational Study
  15. Experimental and Computational Study of Mg and Ta‐Doped Li7La3Zr2O12 Garnet‐Type Solid Electrolytes for All‐Solid‐State Lithium Batteries
  16. Enhancing Specific Energy in Sodium-Ion Hybrid Capacitors via Quasi-Anodeless Configuration
  17. Diamino-Substituted Quinones as Cathodes for Lithium-Ion Batteries
  18. Perovskenes: two-dimensional perovskite-type monolayer materials predicted by first-principles calculations
  19. Improvement of the Li-ion conductivity and air stability of the Ta-doped Li7La3Zr2O12 electrolyte via Ga co-doping and its application in Li–S batteries
  20. (Invited) Electrolytes for Next-Generation Sodium Metal Batteries
  21. (Invited) Mixed Conductors for Advanced Solid Oxide Fuel Cells
  22. High-Performance Lithium Metal Batteries
  23. All‐gel Proton‐conducting Batteries with BiOCl and VOSO4 as Active Materials
  24. Elucidating the Origins of Rapid Capacity Fade in Hybrid Garnet-Based Solid-State Lithium Metal Batteries
  25. Electrochemical ocean alkalinity enhancement using a calcium ion battery
  26. Pseudocapacitive Materials for 3D Printed Supercapacitors
  27. Investigating the Electro-Kinetics and Long-Term Solubility of Vanadium Electrolyte in the Presence of Inorganic Additives
  28. Oxygen Reduction Reaction Mechanism on PrSrCo2–xFexO5+d (x = 0, 1, 2) and Sm0.2Ce0.8O1.9 Composite Cathodes for Intermediate-Temperature Solid Oxide Fuel Cells
  29. Bioinspired multimetal electrocatalyst for selective methane oxidation
  30. A medium/low concentration localized electrolyte for safe and fast-charging lithium-ion batteries
  31. (Invited) High-Performance Lithium Metal Batteries
  32. Perovskite-Type Nd1-XBaxCo0.8Fe0.2O3-δ (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.7) Cathodes for Intermediate Temperature Solid Oxide Fuel Cells
  33. A Critical Review of Electrolytes for Advanced Low- and High-Temperature Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells
  34. Investigating the electrochemical performance of Nd1-xSrxCo0.8Fe0.2O3− (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.85) as cathodes for intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cells
  35. Perovskite-Type Nd1-XBaxCo0.8Fe0.2O3-δ (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.7) Cathodes for Intermediate Temperature Solid Oxide Fuel Cells
  36. Surface Basicity Controlled Degradation and Recoverability of Proton Conducting Perovskites, BaZr0.8Ce0.1Y0.1O3−δ and Ba0.5Sr0.5Ce0.6Zr0.2Gd0.1Y0.1<...
  37. High Cathode Loading and Low‐Temperature Operating Garnet‐Based All‐Solid‐State Lithium Batteries – Material/Process/Architecture Optimization and Understanding of Cell Failure
  38. Active learning for optimum experimental design—insight into perovskite oxides
  39. Theoretical Study on the Role of Solvents in Lithium Polysulfide Anchoring on Vanadium Disulfide Facets for Lithium–Sulfur Batteries
  40. Perovskite-type Nd0.75Ba0.25Co0.8Fe0.2O3-δ cathode for intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cells
  41. Progress in Sodium Silicates for All‐Solid‐State Sodium Batteries—a Review
  42. Synergistic Approach toward Developing Highly Compatible Garnet‐Liquid Electrolyte Interphase in Hybrid Solid‐State Lithium‐Metal Batteries
  43. High ionic conducting rare-earth silicate electrolytes for sodium metal batteries
  44. Solid-state electrolytes for lithium-ion batteries
  45. (Digital Presentation) Investigation on Reusability of Garnet-Type Ta-Doped Li7La3Zr2O12 Solid Electrolyte Degraded By Li Dendrite Growth
  46. (Invited) Garnet Solid Electrolytes for Advanced All-Solid-State Li Metal Batteries
  47. (Invited) Garnet-Type Electrolytes for All-Solid-State Lithium Metal Batteries
  48. (Invited) Lithium – Sulfur Batteries
  49. A Novel, Membrane Free Redox Battery Design Using Organic/Inorganic Redox Pair in Aqueous System
  50. Recent Advances in the Unconventional Design of Electrochemical Energy Storage and Conversion Devices
  51. Exploring the Anionic Redox Chemistry in Cathode Materials for High-Energy-Density Sodium-Ion Batteries
  52. MoS2-Graphene Composite Electrode for High Energy Hybrid Li-Ion Capacitors
  53. Revealing the Role of Liquid Electrolytes in Cycling of Garnet-Based Solid-State Lithium-Metal Batteries
  54. Ultrahigh Sulfur Loading Tolerant Cathode Architecture with Extended Cycle Life for High Energy Density Lithium–Sulfur Batteries
  55. Solid Li- and Na-Ion Electrolytes for Next Generation Rechargeable Batteries
  56. (Invited) Advanced Electrolytes for High-Performance Lithium Metal Batteries
  57. Na Plating and Stripping Using Highly Na-Ion Conductive Solid Polymer Electrolytes Based on Polyvinylidene Fluoride and Polyvinylpyrrolidone
  58. Electrolyte Design for Anode-Free Lithium Metal Batteries
  59. Ionic Conductivity, Na Plating–Stripping, and Battery Performance of Solid Polymer Na Ion Electrolyte Based on Poly(vinylidene fluoride) and Poly(vinyl pyrrolidone)
  60. A global design principle for polysulfide electrocatalysis in lithium–sulfur batteries—A computational perspective
  61. Synthesis, Structure, Transport Properties, Electrochemical Stability Window, and Lithium Plating/Stripping of Mg and Nb Codoped Li7La3Zr2O12 Garnet-Type Solid Electrolytes
  62. Li-stuffed garnet electrolytes: structure, ionic conductivity, chemical stability, interface, and applications
  63. Abundant Canadian pine with polysulfide redox mediating ZnS/CuS nanocomposite to attain high-capacity lithium sulfur battery
  64. Critical Current Densities for High-Performance All-Solid-State Li-Metal Batteries: Fundamentals, Mechanisms, Interfaces, Materials, and Applications
  65. Deciphering the Interaction of Single-Phase La0.3Sr0.7Fe0.7Cr0.3O3-δ with CO2/CO Environments for Application in Reversible Solid Oxide Cells
  66. Cu‐doped Ba0.5Sr0.5FeO3‐δ for electrochemical synthesis of hydrogen peroxide via a 2‐electron oxygen reduction reaction1
  67. LaNi0.6Co0.4−xFexO3−δ as Air-Side Contact Material for La0.3Ca0.7Fe0.7Cr0.3O3−δ Reversible Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Electrodes
  68. Recent advances, practical challenges, and perspectives of intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cell cathodes
  69. Fabrication of ultra-thin, flexible, dendrite-free, robust and nanostructured solid electrolyte membranes for solid-state Li-batteries
  70. Evaluation of polymorphism and charge transport in a BaO–CaO–Ta2O5 perovskite phase diagram using TOF-neutron and synchrotron X-ray diffraction, the bond-valence method and impedance spectroscopy
  71. Rational design of a carbonate-glyme hybrid electrolyte for practical anode-free lithium metal batteries
  72. Synthesis and characterization of calcium double perovskites for the potential application of semiconducting CO2 sensors
  73. Perovskite-type semiconductors for detecting ppm level of carbon dioxide
  74. Garnet-Based Electrolytes for Advanced All-Solid-State Lithium Battery
  75. Prevalence, persistence, and genetics of antibody responses to protein toxins and virulence factors
  76. Understanding transport properties of conducting solids: Meyer-Neldel rule revisited
  77. Water-splitting photoelectrodes consisting of heterojunctions of carbon nitride with a p-type low bandgap double perovskite oxide
  78. Facet-Engineered Tungsten Disulfide for Promoting Polysulfide Electrocatalysis in Lithium–Sulfur Batteries
  79. A Review on Perovskite-Type LaFeO3 Based Electrodes for CO2 Reduction in Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cells: Current Understanding of Structure–Functional Property Relationships
  80. Ligand-Engineered Metal–Organic Frameworks for Electrochemical Reduction of Carbon Dioxide to Carbon Monoxide
  81. Communication—Anode-Free Lithium Metal Batteries: A Case Study of Compression Effects on Coin Cell Performance
  82. Ligand Engineered Metal−Organic Frameworks for Electrochemical Reduction of Carbon Dioxide to Carbon Monoxide
  83. Microstructural Tuning of Solid Electrolyte Na3Zr2Si2PO12 by Polymer-Assisted Solution Synthesis Method and Its Effect on Ionic Conductivity and Dielectric Properties
  84. Garnet-Based Solid-State Li Batteries: From Materials Design to Battery Architecture
  85. Corrections to “Toward Understanding the Reactivity of Garnet-Type Solid Electrolytes with H2O/CO2 in a Glovebox Using X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy and Electrochemical Methods”
  86. Seawater Electrolysis for Hydrogen Production: A Solution Looking for a Problem?
  87. Seawater electrolysis for hydrogen production: a solution looking for a problem?
  88. Correction: An auxiliary electrode mediated membrane-free redox electrochemical cell for energy storage
  89. Effect of Postannealing on the Properties of a Ta-Doped Li7La3Zr2O12 Solid Electrolyte Degraded by Li Dendrite Penetration
  90. Correction to “Efficient Synthesis and Characterization of Robust MoS2 and S Cathode for Advanced Li–S Battery: Combined Experimental and Theoretical Studies”
  91. Studies on effect of Ca-doping on structure and electrochemical properties of garnet-type Y3-xCaxFe5O12-δ
  92. Investigation of crude oil degradation using metal oxide anode-based microbial fuel cell
  93. Understanding the Na-Ion Storage Mechanism in Na3+xV2–xMx(PO4)3 (M = Ni2+, Co2+, Mg2+; x = 0.1–0.5) Cathodes
  94. Morphological, dielectric and transport properties of garnet-type Li6.25+yAl0.25La3Zr2-yMnyO12 (y = 0, 0.05, 0.1, and 0.2)
  95. Toward Understanding the Reactivity of Garnet-Type Solid Electrolytes with H2O/CO2 in a Glovebox Using X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy and Electrochemical Methods
  96. A 20 °C operating high capacity solid-state Li-S battery with an engineered carbon support cathode structure
  97. (Invited) Garnet-Based Hybrid Composite Electrolytes for the All-Solid-State Li-S Battery
  98. Membrane-Free Redox Electrochemical Cell Towards Large Scale Energy Storage
  99. Bioelectrochemical remediation of phenanthrene in a microbial fuel cell using an anaerobic consortium enriched from a hydrocarbon-contaminated site
  100. Garnet-Type Solid-State Electrolytes: Materials, Interfaces, and Batteries
  101. Understanding the Role of Solvents on the Morphological Structure and Li-Ion Conductivity of Poly(vinylidene fluoride)-Based Polymer Electrolytes
  102. Electrochemical studies on symmetric solid-state Na-ion full cell using Na3V2(PO4)3 electrodes and polymer composite electrolyte
  103. Microstructure evolution and transport properties of garnet-type Li6.5La2.5Ba0.5TaZrO12 electrolyte for all-solid-state Li-ion batteries
  104. Investigating the effect of Cu-doping on the electrochemical properties of perovskite-type Ba0.5Sr0.5Fe1-xCuxO3-δ (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.20) cathodes
  105. Effect of Mn and Ni-doping on structure, photoluminescence and magnetic properties of perovskite-type BaSn0.99Gd0.01O3
  106. Can fossil fuel energy be recovered and used without any CO2 emissions to the atmosphere?
  107. Editors’ Choice—Review—Solid-State Electrochemical Carbon Dioxide Sensors: Fundamentals, Materials and Applications
  108. An auxiliary electrode mediated membrane-free redox electrochemical cell for energy storage
  109. The activation entropy for ionic conduction and critical current density for Li charge transfer in novel garnet-type Li6.5La2.9A0.1Zr1.4Ta0.6O12 (A = Ca, Sr, Ba) solid electrolytes
  110. Particle size dependence of proton conduction in a cationic lanthanum phosphonate MOF
  111. Li2CO3: A Critical Issue for Developing Solid Garnet Batteries
  112. Electrolyte Development for Solid-state Lithium Batteries
  113. Perspective of perovskite-type oxides for proton conducting solid oxide fuel cells
  114. Efficient Synthesis and Characterization of Robust MoS2 and S Cathode for Advanced Li–S Battery: Combined Experimental and Theoretical Studies
  115. Garnet-Based Electrolytes for All-Solid-State Li-S Batteries
  116. Cobalt-Free Perovskite-Type Oxygen Reduction Reaction Catalysts for Energy Conversion
  117. The Effect of Oxygen Partial Pressure and Composition on the Oxygen Reduction Reaction Properties of Ba0.5Sr0.5Fe1-XCuxO3-δ as a Cathode for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells
  118. (Invited) Progress in Solid State Ion Conductors- Have You Made Any Significant Impact?
  119. Experimental and Theoretical Analysis of Li-Stuffed Garnet-Type Electrolytes
  120. (Invited) Mixed Conducting Metal Oxides for Intermediate Temperature Solid Oxide Cells
  121. Investigating Phase and Electrical Properties of Calcium-Doped Yttrium Iron Garnet
  122. LiF modified stable flexible PVDF-garnet hybrid electrolyte for high performance all-solid-state Li-S batteries
  123. Interface in Solid-State Lithium Battery: Challenges, Progress, and Outlook
  124. Amphiphilic Cyclodextrin-Based Liquid Crystals for Proton Conduction
  125. Fabrication of a Dendrite‐Free all Solid‐State Li Metal Battery via Polymer Composite/Garnet/Polymer Composite Layered Electrolyte
  126. Electrical Properties of Hollandite-Type Ba1.33Ga2.67Ti5.33O16, K1.33Ga1.33Ti6.67O16, and K1.54Mg0.77Ti7.23O16
  127. Comparative Evaluation of Coated and Non-Coated Carbon Electrodes in a Microbial Fuel Cell for Treatment of Municipal Sludge
  128. Sintering temperature, excess sodium, and phosphorous dependencies on morphology and ionic conductivity of NASICON Na3Zr2Si2PO12
  129. Microstructural and Electrochemical Properties of Alkaline Earth Metal-Doped Li Garnet-Type Solid Electrolytes Prepared by Solid-State Sintering and Spark Plasma Sintering Methods
  130. Electrochemical studies of Ruddlesden-Popper layered perovskite-type La0.6Sr1.4Co0.2Fe0.8O4+δ cathode for solid oxide fuel cells and associated electrical loss phenomena
  131. A perovskite-type Nd0.75Sr0.25Co0.8Fe0.2O3−δ cathode for advanced solid oxide fuel cells
  132. Electrochemical Stability of Garnet-Type Li7La2.75Ca0.25Zr1.75Nb0.25O12 with and without Atomic Layer Deposited-Al2O3 under CO2 and Humidity
  133. A bird's-eye view of Li-stuffed garnet-type Li7La3Zr2O12 ceramic electrolytes for advanced all-solid-state Li batteries
  134. Electrolyte selection for supercapacitive devices: a critical review
  135. Liquid crystalline lithium-ion electrolytes derived from biodegradable cyclodextrin
  136. Solid-State Electrolytes: Structural Approach
  137. Engineering Materials for Progressive All-Solid-State Na Batteries
  138. Hierarchical carbon-free NiCo2O4 cathode for Li–O2 batteries
  139. Understanding of Oxygen Reduction Reaction on Perovskite-Type Ba0.5Sr0.5Fe0.91Al0.09O3-δ and Ba0.5Sr0.5Fe0.8Cu0.2O3-δ Using AC Impedance Spectroscopy Genetic Programming
  140. Li-Ion-Permeable and Electronically Conductive Membrane Comprising Garnet-Type Li6La3Ta1.5Y0.5O12 and Graphene Toward Ultrastable and High-Rate Lithium Sulfur Batteries
  141. Present understanding of the stability of Li-stuffed garnets with moisture, carbon dioxide, and metallic lithium
  142. Characterization of lithium-rich garnet-type Li 6.5 La 2.5 Ba 0.5 ZrTaO 12 for beyond intercalation chemistry-based lithium-ion batteries
  143. Structure Evolution and Reactivity of the Sc(2–x)VxO3+δ (0 ≤ x ≤ 2.0) System
  144. Insights into B-Site Ordering in Double Perovskite-Type Ba3Ca1+xNb2–xO9-δ (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.45): Combined Synchrotron and Neutron Diffraction and Electrical Transport Analyses
  145. Amine-Functionalized Al-MOF#@yxSm2O3–ZnO: A Visible Light-Driven Nanocomposite with Excellent Photocatalytic Activity for the Photo-Degradation of Amoxicillin
  146. Role of Presulfidation and H2S Cofeeding on Carbon Formation on SS304 Alloy during the Ethane–Steam Cracking Process at 700 °C
  147. High Performance Tubular Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Based on Ba 0.5 Sr 0.5 Ce 0.6 Zr 0.2 Gd 0.1 Y 0.1 ...
  148. Towards Mixed Ionic and Electronic Conducting Li-Stuffed Garnets
  149. A surfactant-assisted strategy to tailor Li-ion charge transfer interfacial resistance for scalable all-solid-state Li batteries
  150. Cruising in ceramics—discovering new structures for all-solid-state batteries—fundamentals, materials, and performances
  151. Correction to “Formulation of a Statistical Mechanical Theory to Understand the Li Ion Conduction in Crystalline Electrolytes: A Case Study on Li-Stuffed Garnets”
  152. Establishment and practical application of the electron transfer model in lithium-air batteries
  153. Formulation of a Statistical Mechanical Theory To Understand the Li Ion Conduction in Crystalline Electrolytes: A Case Study on Li-Stuffed Garnets
  154. Structure, Ionic Conductivity, and Dielectric Properties of Li-Rich Garnet-type Li5+2xLa3Ta2–xSmxO12 (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.55) and Their Chemical Stability
  155. Evolutionary Programming Based Approach for SOFC Cathode Characterization: A Case Study on Co-Free Mixed Conducting Perovskites
  156. Oxygen Reduction Reaction Properties of Cobalt-Free Perovskites for SOFCs
  157. Synthesis and characterization of novel Li-stuffed garnet-like Li5+2xLa3Ta2−xGdxO12 (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.55): structure–property relationships
  158. Thermochemical CO2 splitting using double perovskite-type Ba2Ca0.66Nb1.34−xFexO6−δ
  159. Correction: Synthesis and characterization of novel Li-stuffed garnet-like Li5+2xLa3Ta2−xGdxO12 (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.55): structure–property relationships
  160. X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy and AC Impedance Spectroscopy Studies of Li-La-Zr-O Solid Electrolyte Thin Film/LiCoO2Cathode Interface for All-Solid-State Li Batteries
  161. Negating interfacial impedance in garnet-based solid-state Li metal batteries
  162. Ni-Ba0.5Sr0.5Ce0.6Zr0.2Gd0.1Y0.1O3-Delta Anode Composites for Proton Conducting Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (H-SOFCs)
  163. Synthesis and characterisation of ceramic proton conducting perovskite-type multi-element-doped Ba0.5Sr0.5Ce1−−−Zr Gd Y O3−δ (0 < x < 0.5; y = 0, 0.1, 0.15; z = 0.1, 0.2)
  164. Probing surface valence, magnetic property, and oxide ion diffusion pathway in B-site ordered perovskite-type Ba2Ca0.67M0.33NbO6−δ (M Mn, Fe, Co)
  165. Electrochemical studies of Gd0.5Pr0.5BaCo2O5+δ (GPBC) cathode for oxide ion and proton conducting solid oxide fuel cells
  166. Semiconducting SnO2-TiO2 (S-T) composites for detection of SO2 gas
  167. Evaluation on the effect of gadolinium-doping for niobium on the morphology and ionic conductivity of garnet-like Li 5 La 3 Nb 2 O 12
  168. Dielectric characteristics of fast Li ion conducting garnet-type Li5+2xLa3Nb2−xYxO12 (x = 0.25, 0.5 and 0.75)
  169. Evaluation of MIEC Ce0.8Y0.1Mn0.1O2-δAnode in Electrolyte-Supported SOFC
  170. PtxIryalloy nanoparticles with fully tunable bulk and surface compositions
  171. The synthesis and electrical properties of hybrid gel electrolytes derived from Keggin-type heteropoly acids and 3-(pyridin-1-ium-1-yl)propane-1-sulfonate (PyPs)
  172. Trends in electrode development for next generation solid oxide fuel cells
  173. Profound Understanding of Effect of Transition Metal Dopant, Sintering Temperature, and pO2 on the Electrical and Optical Properties of Proton Conducting BaCe0.9Sm0.1O3−δ
  174. Grain Boundary Space Charge Effect and Proton Dynamics in Chemically Stable Perovskite‐Type Ba0.5Sr0.5Ce0.6Zr0.2Gd0.1Y0.1O3−δ (BSCZGY): A Case Study on Effect of Si...
  175. Magnetically Aligned Iron Oxide/Gold Nanoparticle-Decorated Carbon Nanotube Hybrid Structure as a Humidity Sensor
  176. Dopant Concentration–Porosity–Li-Ion Conductivity Relationship in Garnet-Type Li5+2xLa3Ta2–xYxO12 (0.05 ≤ x ≤ 0.75) and Their Stability in Water and 1 M LiCl
  177. Hybrid Gel Electrolytes Derived from Keggin-Type Polyoxometalates and Imidazolium-Based Ionic Liquid with Enhanced Electrochemical Stability and Fast Ionic Conductivity
  178. Highly Conductive Li Garnets by a Multielement Doping Strategy
  179. Correction to “Fast Solid-State Li Ion Conducting Garnet-Type Structure Metal Oxides for Energy Storage”
  180. Fast Solid-State Li Ion Conducting Garnet-Type Structure Metal Oxides for Energy Storage
  181. Surface and bulk study of strontium-rich chromium ferrite oxide as a robust solid oxide fuel cell cathode
  182. Effect of Excess Li on the Structural and Electrical Properties of Garnet-Type Li6La3Ta1.5Y0.5O12
  183. Challenges and prospects of anodes for solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs)
  184. Research status in preparation of FePO4: a review
  185. Frontiers of Energy Storage and Conversion
  186. Studies on Polymorphic Sequence during the Formation of the 1:1 Ordered Perovskite-Type BaCa0.335M0.165Nb0.5O3-δ (M = Mn, Fe, Co) Using in Situ and ex Situ Powder X-ray Diffraction
  187. Chemical reactivity between Ce0.7RE0.2Mo0.1O2 (RE = Y, Sm) and 8YSZ, and conductivity studies of their solid solutions
  188. Electrochemical characterization of multi-element-doped ceria as potential anodes for SOFCs
  189. CO2 and SO2 tolerant Fe-doped metal oxides for solid state gas sensors
  190. Carbon formation on stainless steel 304H in convection section of ethane cracking plant
  191. Effect of V-doping on the structure and conductivity of garnet-type Li5La3Nb2O12
  192. Effect of Sintering Temperature on Microstructure, Chemical Stability, and Electrical Properties of Transition Metal or Yb-Doped BaZr0.1Ce0.7Y0.1M0.1O3−δ (M = Fe, Ni, Co, and Yb)
  193. Mixed Ion and Electron Conducting Ceramics for Gas Sensors
  194. Garnet-type solid-state fast Li ion conductors for Li batteries: critical review
  195. Effect of composition and microstructure on electrical properties and CO2 stability of donor-doped, proton conducting BaCe1−(x+y)ZrxNbyO3
  196. Evaluation of fundamental transport properties of Li-excess garnet-type Li5+2xLa3Ta2−xYxO12 (x = 0.25, 0.5 and 0.75) electrolytes using AC impedance and dielectric spectroscopy
  197. Determination of Fe oxidation states in the B-site ordered perovskite-type Ba2Ca0.67Fe0.33NbO6−δ at the surface (nano-scale) and bulk by variable temperature XPS and TGA and their impact on electrochemical catalysis
  198. Synthesis, Structure and Li Ion Conductivity of Garnet-like Li5+2xLa3Nb2-xSmxO12(0 ≤ x ≤ 0.7)
  199. Enhanced hydrogen oxidation activity and H 2 S tolerance of Ni-infiltrated ceria solid oxide fuel cell anodes
  200. Evaluation of chemical stability, thermal expansion coefficient, and electrical properties of solid state and wet-chemical synthesized Y and Mn-codoped CeO 2 for solid oxide fuel cells
  201. Mixed Ion and Electron Conducting Ceramics for Gas Sensors
  202. Chemical stability of Li-stuffed garnet-type Li5+xBaxLa3−xTa2O12 (x=0, 0.5, 1) in water: a comparative analysis with the Nb analogue
  203. Effect of Composition and Atmosphere on Electrical Properties of Donor-doped BaCe1-(x+y)ZrxNbyO3
  204. Sr-rich chromium ferrites as symmetrical solid oxide fuel cell electrodes
  205. Chemically Stable Proton Conducting Doped BaCeO3 -No More Fear to SOFC Wastes
  206. Highly Li-Stuffed Garnet-Type Li7+xLa3Zr2-xYxO12
  207. ChemInform Abstract: Amphoteric Oxide Semiconductors for Energy Conversion Device: A Tutorial Review
  208. Recent Progress in Garnet-Type Structure Solid Li Ion Electrolytes: Composition – Structure – Ionic Conductivity Relationship and Chemical Stability Focused
  209. Detecting CO2 at ppm level in synthetic air using mixed conducting double perovskite-type metal oxides
  210. Growth of Crystalline Tungsten Carbides Using 1,1,3,3-Tetramethyl-1,3-disilacyclobutane on a Heated Tungsten Filament
  211. Electrical properties of ionic liquid and double perovskite-type metal oxide composites — A new method to tailor grain-boundary impedance of ceramic electrolytes
  212. Amphoteric oxide semiconductors for energy conversion devices: a tutorial review
  213. Facile proton conduction in H+/Li+ ion-exchanged garnet-type fast Li-ion conducting Li5La3Nb2O12
  214. Effect of substitution of B-sites by Mn, Fe and Co in double perovskite-type Ba3CaNb2O9 on structure and electrical properties
  215. Kinetics and thermodynamics of carbonation of a promising SOFC cathode material La0.5Ba0.5CoO3−δ (LBC)
  216. Effect of Zr substitution for Ce in BaCe0.8Gd0.15Pr0.05O3−δ on the chemical stability in CO2 and water, and electrical conductivity
  217. Materials for All-Solid-State Lithium Ion Batteries
  218. Interstitial oxygens and cation deficiency in Mo-doped ceria, an anode material for SOFCs
  219. Synthesis and characterization of perovskite-type BaMg0.33Nb0.67−xFexO3−δ for potential high temperature CO2 sensors application
  220. Garnet-like solid state electrolyte Li6BaLa2Ta2O12 based potentiometric CO2 gas sensor
  221. Preparation, Structure and CO2Sensor Studies of BaCa0.33Nb0.67−xFexO3−δ
  222. Erratum: Preparation, Structure and CO2Sensor Studies of BaCa0.33Nb0.67-xFexO3-δ[J. Electrochem. Soc.,160, B95 (2013)]
  223. BaCe0.85-xZrxSm0.15O3-δ(0.01 < x < 0.3) (BCZS): Effect of Zr Content in BCZS on Chemical Stability in CO2and H2O Vapor, and Proton Conductivity
  224. Enhancing Li Ion Conductivity of Garnet-Type Li5La3Nb2O12 by Y- and Li-Codoping: Synthesis, Structure, Chemical Stability, and Transport Properties
  225. Thermochemistry of Sr2Ce1–xPrxO4 (x = 0, 0.2, 0.5, 0.8, and 1): Variable-Temperature and -Atmosphere in-situ and ex-situ Powder X-ray Diffraction Studies and Their Physical Properties
  226. Cr-Substituted La0.3Sr0.7FeO3-δ Mixed Conducting Materials as Potential Electrodes for Symmetrical SOFCs
  227. Evaluation of the Structure and Electrical Transport Properties of Doped CeO2
  228. NMR relaxometry as a versatile tool to study Li ion dynamics in potential battery materials
  229. Bioinspirierte Phosphol‐Lipide: von stark fluoreszierenden Organogelen zu mechanisch induziertem FRET
  230. Bio‐Inspired Phosphole‐Lipids: From Highly Fluorescent Organogels to Mechanically Responsive FRET
  231. Capture of sulfur dioxide from Claus tail gas using fiber-like alumina-based adsorbents
  232. First Total H+/Li+ Ion Exchange in Garnet-Type Li5La3Nb2O12 Using Organic Acids and Studies on the Effect of Li Stuffing
  233. Anthraquinone derivatives as electron-acceptors with liquid crystalline properties
  234. Macroscopic and microscopic Li+ transport parameters in cubic garnet-type “Li6.5La2.5Ba0.5ZrTaO12” as probed by impedance spectroscopy and NMR
  235. Spin-alignment echo NMR: probing Li+hopping motion in the solid electrolyte Li7La3Zr2O12with garnet-type tetragonal structure
  236. External-Stimuli Responsive Photophysics and Liquid Crystal Properties of Self-Assembled “Phosphole-Lipids”
  237. Effect of Y substitution for Nb in Li5La3Nb2O12 on Li ion conductivity of garnet-type solid electrolytes
  238. Structural analysis of lanthanum-containing battery materials using 139La solid-state NMR
  239. Soft-Chemistry of Garnet-Type Li5+xBaxLa3–xNb2O12 (x = 0, 0.5, 1): Reversible H+ ↔ Li+ Ion-Exchange Reaction and Their X-ray, 7Li MAS NM...
  240. Synthesis, Structure, Chemical Stability, and Electrical Properties of Nb-, Zr-, and Nb-Codoped BaCeO3 Perovskites
  241. Structural Complexity and Electrical Properties of the Garnet-Type Structure LaLi0.5Fe0.2O2.09 Studied by 7Li and 139La Solid State NMR Spectroscopy and Impedance Spectroscopy
  242. Electrical Properties of Fe-doped Perovskite-like BaNb0.75-xFexNa0.25O3-δ (0.05<x<0.5)
  243. Investigations on the thermo-chemical stability and electrical conductivity of K-doped Ba3−xKxCaNb2O9−δ (x=0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.25)
  244. Synthesis, Rietveld refinement of crystal structure, electron diffraction, and electrical transport properties of Ba2(Ca1–x–yFexNby)(Nb1–zFez)O<...
  245. Dielectric properties of Ba3−xKxCaNb2O9−δ (0.5<x<1.25) (KBCN) double perovskites
  246. Li self-diffusion in garnet-type Li7La
  247. Electrical conductivity and chemical stability of perovskite-type BaCe0.8-x Ti x Y0.2O3-δ
  248. Electrochemical Performance and H
  249. Development of Novel Fe-Doped Barium Calcium Niobates as Promising Mixed Conductors for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFCs)
  250. Fast Lithium-Ion Conducting Garnet-Like Electrolytes for Potential Application in Lithium Ion Batteries
  251. Materials for Proton Conducting Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (H-SOFCs)
  252. Novel Nd2WO6-type Sm2−xAxM1−yByO6−δ (A=Ca, Sr; M=Mo, W; B=Ce, Ni) mixed conductors
  253. Perovskite-Type Metal Oxides Exhibiting Negligible Grain Boundary Resistance to Total Electrical Conductivity
  254. Ba3MIIITiMVO9 (MIII = Fe, Ga, Y, Lu; MV = Nb, Ta, Sb) perovskite oxides: Synthesis, structure and dielectric properties
  255. Effect of Ti substitution for Nb in double perovskite-type Ba3CaNb2O9 on chemical stability and electrical conductivity
  256. Studies on chemical stability in CO2 and H2O and electrical conductivity of perovskite-type Ba3In2Zr1−x Ce x O8 (x = 0, 0.5, 1)
  257. TEM and ED confirmation of conversion of 3D and 2D perovskite-type into fluorite-type structure
  258. Tailor-Made Development of Fast Li Ion Conducting Garnet-Like Solid Electrolytes
  259. In-Situ Powder X-ray Diffraction Investigation of Reaction Pathways for the BaCO3−CeO2−In2O3 and CeO2−In2O3 Systems
  260. Recent Progress in Anode Materials for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells
  261. Studies on Chemical Stability and Electrical Properties of Proton Conducting Perovskite-Like Doped BaCeO[sub 3]
  262. A comparative 2 and 4-probe DC and 2-probe AC electrical conductivity of novel co-doped Ce0.9−xRExMo0.1O2.1–0.5x (RE = Y, Sm, Gd; x = 0.2, 0.3)
  263. Anhydrous proton conduction at 150 °C in a crystalline metal–organic framework
  264. Synthesis, Structure and Electrical Properties of Mo‐doped CeO2–Materials for SOFCs
  265. ChemInform Abstract: Revisiting Tungsten Trioxide Hydrates (TTHs) Synthesis — Is There Anything New?
  266. Revisiting Tungsten Trioxide Hydrates (TTHs) Synthesis - Is There Anything New?
  267. Study of the dielectric properties in the NaNbO3 –KNbO3–In2O3 system using AC impedance spectroscopy
  268. Dielectric Properties of Ga-Doped Na0.5K0.5NbO3
  269. Electrical transport properties of In-doped Ce1−xInxO2−δ (x = 0.1; 0.2)
  270. Synthesis and characterization of carbon dioxide and boiling water stable proton conducting double perovskite-type metal oxides
  271. Sintering Effects on Proton Conductivity of Ta-Doped Ba[sub 2](CaNb)[sub 2]O[sub 6] and its Reactivity with SOFC Cathodes
  272. Facile Conversion of Layered Ruddlesden−Popper-Related Structure Y2O3-Doped Sr2CeO4 into Fast Oxide Ion-Conducting Fluorite-Type Y2O3-Doped CeO2
  273. Simple Protocol for Generating TiO2 Nanofibers in Organic Media
  274. Structure and lithium ion conductivity of garnet-like Li5La3Sb2O12 and Li6SrLa2Sb2O12
  275. Electrical transport properties of aliovalent cation‐doped CeO2
  276. Transformation of Proton-Conducting Perovskite-Type into Fluorite-Type Fast Oxide Ion Electrolytes Using a CO2 Capture Technique and Their Electrical Properties
  277. Structural and electrochemical characterization of Ce0.85Ca0.05Sm0.1O1.9 oxide ion electrolyte with Sr-doped LaMnO3 and SmCoO3 cathodes
  278. Effect of lithium ion content on the lithium ion conductivity of the garnet-like structure Li5+xBaLa2Ta2O11.5+0.5x (x = 0–2)
  279. Lattice Parameter and Sintering Temperature Dependence of Bulk and Grain-Boundary Conduction of Garnet-like Solid Li-Electrolytes
  280. Fast Lithium Ion Conduction in Garnet‐Type Li7La3Zr2O12.
  281. Schnelle Lithiumionenleitung in granatartigem Li7La3Zr2O12
  282. Fast Lithium Ion Conduction in Garnet‐Type Li7La3Zr2O12
  283. Structure and lithium ion conductivity of bismuth containing lithium garnets Li5La3Bi2O12 and Li6SrLa2Bi2O12
  284. Synthesis of nano-sized crystalline oxide ion conducting fluorite-type Y2O3-doped CeO2 using perovskite-like BaCe0.9Y0.1O2.95 (BCY) and study of CO2 capture properties of BCY
  285. Professor Werner Weppner
  286. Career acknowledgement
  287. Lithium ion conductivity of Li5+x Ba x La3−x Ta2O12 (x = 0–2) with garnet-related structure in dependence of the barium content
  288. Chemical synthesis of Ca-doped CeO2—Intermediate temperature oxide ion electrolytes
  289. Recent progress in solid oxide and lithium ion conducting electrolytes research
  290. Ionics—a key technology for our energy and environmental needs on the rise
  291. Effect of sintering on the ionic conductivity of garnet-related structure Li5La3Nb2O12 and In- and K-doped Li5La3Nb2O12
  292. Developments of high-voltage all-solid-state thin-film lithium ion batteries
  293. Superlattice ordering in SrFeO3–δ: Electron microscopy and diffraction study
  294. Investigations on electrical conductivity and chemical compatibility between fast lithium ion conducting garnet-like Li6BaLa2Ta2O12 and lithium battery cathodes
  295. Studies on electrical properties of La0.8Sr0.2Ga0.8Mg0.2O2.80 (LSGM) and LSGM–SrSn1−xFexO3 (x = 0.8; 0.9) composites and their chemical reactivity
  296. Li6ALa2Nb2O12 (A=Ca, Sr, Ba): A New Class of Fast Lithium Ion Conductors with Garnet‐Like Structure
  297. Li6ALa2Ta2O12 (A = Sr, Ba): Novel Garnet‐Like Oxides for Fast Lithium Ion Conduction
  298. Tailoring ceramics for specific applications: A case study of the development of all-solid-state lithium batteries
  299. Mixed potential protonic?electronic conductivity in the Dion?Jacobson-type layered perovskites in hydrogen-containing atmosphere and their application in ammonia sensors
  300. Crystal Structure Revision and Identification of Li+-Ion Migration Pathways in the Garnet-like Li5La3M2O12 (M = Nb, Ta) Oxides
  301. Ce0.8Sm0.2O1.9: characterization of electronic charge carriers and application in limiting current oxygen sensors
  302. Li0.3Sr0.6B0.5Ti0.5O3 (B: Nb, Ta) and Li0.3Sr0.6Ta0.5Ti0.5‐x FexO3 (0 < x < 0.3): Novel Perovskite‐Type Materials for Monolit...
  303. Metathetic room temperature preparation and characterization of scheelite-type ABO4 (A = Ca, Sr, Ba, Pb; B = Mo, W) powders
  304. Phase transitions in the SrSnO3–SrFeO3 solid solutions: X-ray diffraction and Mössbauer studies
  305. Novel Fast Lithium Ion Conduction in Garnet‐Type Li5La3M2O12 (M: Nb, Ta).
  306. Mixed oxide ion and electronic conductivity in perovskite-type SrSnO3 by Fe substitution
  307. Monolithic electrochromic devices using lithium ion conducting perovskite-type oxides
  308. Novel Fast Lithium Ion Conduction in Garnet‐Type Li5La3M2O12 (M = Nb, Ta)
  309. Electrical Conductivity Studies of Ti-Substituted Pr0.45La0.45Sr0.1Ga0.8Mg0.2O2.85 and Fe-Substituted Srsno3
  310. Complete, reversible H+/Li+ ion exchange reaction between rhombohedral LiMO3 and perovskite-type HMO3 (M=Nb, Ta)
  311. Development and investigation of perovskite (ABO3)-type oxides for power generation
  312. Use of simple ac technique to determine the ionic and electronic conductivities in pure and Fe-substituted SrSnO3 perovskites
  313. Solid state lithium ion conductors: Design considerations by thermodynamic approach
  314. SrSn1−Fe O3− (0≤x≤1) perovskites: a novel mixed oxide ion and electronic conductor
  315. Determination of the Sodium Ion Transference Number of the Dion−Jacobson-Type Layered Perovskite NaCa2Nb3O10 Using ac Impedance and dc Methods
  316. Mixed ionic-electronic conductivity in phases in the praseodymium oxide system
  317. Synthesis, Structure, and Electrical Conductivity of A′[A2B3O10](A′=Rb, Cs; A=Sr, Ba; B=Nb, Ta): New Members of Dion–Jacobson-Type Layered Perovskites
  318. AA′2M3O10 (A = K, Rb, Cs; A′ = Ca; M = Nb) layered perovskites: low-temperature proton conductors in hydrogen atmospheres
  319. Electrical properties of A′Ca2Nb3O10 (A′=K, Rb, Cs) layered perovskite ceramics
  320. Synthesis and Electrical Properties of K- and Pr-Substituted LaGaO[sub 3] and LaInO[sub 3] Perovskites
  321. Transformations of Ruddlesden−Popper Oxides to New Layered Perovskite Oxides by Metathesis Reactions
  322. ALaMnBO6 (A = Ca, Sr, Ba; B = Fe, Ru) double perovskites
  323. X-Ray Powder Diffraction Study of LiLnTiO<sub>4</sub> (Ln=La, Nd): A Lithium-Ion Conductor
  324. Effect of B-site substitution of (Li,La)TiO3 perovskites by di-, tri-, tetra- and hexavalent metal ions on the lithium ion conductivity
  325. New lithium-ion conductors based on the NASICON structure
  326. Cadmium-molybdenum complexes of dithiocarbamates and 8-quinolinol