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  1. The Influence of pH on the Interfacial Behaviour of Quillaja Bark Saponin at the Air-Solution Interface
  2. Dilational visco-elasticity of BLG adsorption layers at the solution/tetradecane interface – Effect of pH and ionic strength
  3. β-Lactoglobulin adsorption layers at the water/air surface: 2. Dilational rheology: Effect of pH and ionic strength
  4. Effect of solution pH on the adsorption of BLG at the solution/tetradecane interface
  5. Mixed adsorption mechanism for the kinetics of BLG interfacial layer formation at the solution/tetradecane interface
  6. β-Lactoglobulin adsorption layers at the water/air surface: 1. Adsorption kinetics and surface pressure isotherm: Effect of pH and ionic strength
  7. Foams
  8. Effect of pH and electrolyte concentration on rising air bubbles in β-lactoglobulin solutions
  9. Adsorption of equimolar aqueous sodium dodecyl sulphate/dodecyl trimethylammonium bromide mixtures at solution/air and solution/oil interfaces
  10. Influence of β-lactoglobulin and its surfactant mixtures on velocity of the rising bubbles
  11. Bubble in flow field: A new experimental protocol for investigating dynamic adsorption layers by using capillary pressure tensiometry
  12. Bubble–bubble interaction in aqueous β-Lactoglobulin solutions
  13. Transient increase in surface tension during protein adsorption
  14. Characterization methods for liquid interfacial layers
  15. Adsorption and shear rheology of β-lactoglobulin/SDS mixtures at water/hexane and water/MCT interfaces