All Stories

  1. A new insight into the mechanism of solid-state cyclization of dipeptides: The effect of the sequence of amino acid residues in phenylalanyl-leucine and leucyl-phenylalanine
  2. New Polymorph of β-Cyclodextrin with a Higher Bioavailability
  3. New Polymorph of β-Cyclodextrin with a Higher Bioavailability
  4. Cyclization of L-Leucyl-L-valine Dipeptide in the Crystal Phase under Non-Isоthermal Conditions
  5. Reproducible Preparation of Polymorphs of the Thiacalix[4]Arene Derivative by Saturating a Solid Host with Solvent Vapors
  6. Peculiarities of some Fmoc-dipeptides gelation in DMSO/water medium
  7. New Polymorph of Indomethacin: Screening by Solid-State Guest Exchange and Characterization Using Fast Scanning Calorimetry
  9. Fast heating inhibits endothermic solid-solid polymorphic transition giving a melting of low temperature polymorph with the next cold crystallization
  10. Воспроизводимое приготовление полиморфов производного тиакаликс[4]арена насыщением твердого хозяина парами растворителей
  11. Determination of Melting Parameters of Cyclodextrins Using Fast Scanning Calorimetry
  12. Kinetics of the Solid-State Cyclization of Glycylglycine Dipeptide
  13. Preparation of γ-Cyclodextrin Inclusion Compounds Using Solid-Phase Guest Exchange Method
  14. Solid-State Decarboxylation of Cyclophane Tetra(malonatemethylene) Derivative
  15. Competing Role of Water in Inclusion of Indomethacin and Volatile Organic Compounds by Native Cyclodextrins
  16. Functional self-organized molecular systems: design and applications
  17. Smart thermal behavior of tripeptide leucyl-leucyl-leucine towards vapors of binary mixture of benzene and tetrachloromethane
  18. Guest exchange in anhydrous inclusion compounds of α-cyclodextrin and its amorphization
  19. Using fast scanning calorimetry to study solid-state cyclization of dipeptide L-leucyl-L-leucine
  20. Smart molecular recognition
  21. Smart control of calixarene polymorphic states
  22. Additive and antagonistic effects of substrate and vapors on self-assembly of glycyl-glycine in thin films
  23. Thermally induced cyclization of L ‐isoleucyl‐ L ‐alanine in solid state: Effect of dipeptide structure on reaction temperature and self‐assembly
  24. Characterization of separate polymorph microcrystals using chip calorimetry with a high heating rate
  25. Partial hydration makes α-cyclodextrin a smart material
  26. Role of water in the formation of unusual organogels with cyclo(leucyl–leucyl)
  27. Size exclusion effect in binary inclusion compounds of α-cyclodextrin
  28. N-(2-Acetoxyethyl)carbamoylmethoxy tert-butylthiacalix[4]arene – conformational studies
  29. Thermally Induced Self-Assembly and Cyclization of l-Leucyl-l-Leucine in Solid State
  30. Smart switching of polymorphic state and hydrophilicity of calixarene
  31. Non-zeolitic properties of the dipeptide l-leucyl–l-leucine as a result of the specific nanostructure formation
  32. Gas/Solid Complexation and Inclusion
  33. Liquid Silyl Derivative of beta-Cyclodextrin
  34. A study of the formation of magnetically active solid dispersions of phenacetin using atomic and magnetic force microscopy
  35. Nonlinear effect of two remembered guests in their mixtures on the host memory for guest inclusion and release
  36. Thermally induced diphenylalanine cyclization in solid phase
  37. Using water-mimic organic compounds to activate guest inclusion by initially dry beta-cyclodextrin
  38. Thermodynamics of dissolution and infrared-spectroscopy of solid dispersions of phenacetin
  39. AFM study of thin films of oligopeptide L-valyl-L-valine before and after interaction with vapors
  40. Thermal Stability, Sorption Properties and Morphology of Films of Dipeptide and Tripeptide Based on L-Glycine
  41. Twice as smart behavior of tert-butylthiacalix[4]arene derivative in glassy and crystalline form
  42. Interaction of l-alanyl-l-valine and l-valyl-l-alanine with organic vapors: thermal stability of clathrates, sorption capacity and the change in the morphology of dipeptide films
  43. Tb(III)-Doped Silica Nanoparticles for Sensing: Effect of Interfacial Interactions on Substrate-Induced Luminescent Response
  44. Thermal analysis of clathrates of tripeptide LLL with organic compounds and water
  45. Selective preparation of beta-cyclodextrin clathrates by solid-phase exchange of included tetrahydrofurane for volatile guests in absence of water
  46. The energy transfer based fluorescent approach to detect the formation of silica supported phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylserine containing bilayers
  47. Anti-sieve Effect in Guest Inclusion
  48. The effect of substrate and air humidity on morphology of films of L-leucyl-L-leucine dipeptide
  49. Molecular recognition of organic compounds by the data on polymorphic and pseudo-polymorphic transformations of tert-butylthiacalix[4]arene derivative
  50. Unusually High Efficiency of β-Cyclodextrin Clathrate Preparation by Water-Free Solid-Phase Guest Exchange
  51. The effect of a substrate on the morphology of dipeptide (L-valyl-L-alanine) films before and after their interaction with pyridine vapor
  52. Complexation of thiacalix[4]arene methylphosphonic and sulphonic acids with amino acids
  53. Analysis by smart property: host memory of a mixture component after its inclusion and release
  54. Unusually High Selectivity of Guest Exchange in tert-Butylthiacalix[4]arene Clathrate Producing More Thermostable Inclusion and Memory of Guest
  55. Interaction of l -leucyl-l -leucyl-l -leucine thin film with water and organic vapors: receptor properties and related morphology
  56. Thermal analysis of charge-transfer complex formed by nitrogen dioxide and substituted calix[4]arene
  57. Molecular recognition of chloroform by divergent polymorphic transitions in tert-butylthiacalix[4]arene tetrasubstituted with N-(2-hydroxyethyl)carbamoylmethoxy groups in a lower rim
  58. Specific vapor sorption properties of phosphorus-containing dendrimers
  59. Using clathrate pseudopolymorphism for a single sensor detection of target component in the headspace of liquid mixture
  60. Formation of nanoislands on the surface of thin dipeptide films under the effect of vaporous organic compounds
  61. Configuration effect of the tert-butylthiacalix[4]arene tetracarboxy derivative on its receptor properties toward vaporous organic compounds
  62. Molecular Recognition of Organic Vapors by Adamantylcalix[4]arene in QCM Sensor Using Partial Binding Reversibility
  63. Smart calixarene with selective memory of its preparation history
  64. Nonregular structure–property relationships for inclusion parameters of tert-butylcalix[5]arene
  65. Guest exchange in dimeric capsules of a tetraurea calix[4]arene in the solid state
  66. Structure-property relationship for clathrates formed in systems with guest vapor and 1,3-disubstituted tert-butylcalix[4]arene
  67. Molecular Recognition of Organic Guest Vapor by Solid Adamantylcalix[4]arene.
  68. Biomimetic Cooperative Interactions of Dried Cross-Linked Poly(N-6-aminohexylacrylamide) with Binary Mixtures of Solvent Vapors
  69. Effect of the size of calixarene macrocycle on the thermodynamic parameters of formation of inclusion compounds in guest vapor—solid host systems
  70. Cooperative hydration effect on the binding of organic vapors by a cross-linked polymer and beta-cyclodextrin
  71. Molecular recognition of organic guest vapor by solid adamantylcalix[4]arene
  72. Effects of Hydration, Lipids, and Temperature on the Binding of the Volatile Aroma Terpenes by β-Lactoglobulin Powders
  73. Nonlinear Structure−Affinity Relationships for Vapor Guest Inclusion by Solid Calixarenes
  74. Estimation of the adsorption capacity of oil-bearing rocks: a method and its prospects
  75. Homotropic cooperative binding of organic solvent vapors by solid trypsin
  76. Thermodynamic comparison of molecular recognition of vaporous guests by solid calixarene and diol hosts
  77. Supramolecular interactions of solid human serum albumin with binary mixtures of solvent vapors
  78. Influence of the guest molecular size on the thermodynamic parameters of host–guest complexes between solid tert-butylcalix[4]arene and vapours of organic compounds
  79. Solvent effects on infrared spectroscopic and calorimetric characteristics of aliphatic ketones in binary solvent mixtures
  80. Vapor sorption of organic compounds on human serum albumin
  81. Vapor sorption of organic compounds on human serum albumin
  82. The cooperative effect of the third component on the isotherms of guest vapour inclusion in solid tert-butylcalix[4]arene
  83. Thermodynamic Principles of Artificial Nose Based on Supramolecular Receptors