All Stories

  1. An extended study of syntactic breaking changes in the wild
  2. MR-Adopt: Automatic Deduction of Input Transformation Function for Metamorphic Testing
  3. Understanding the Impact of APIs Behavioral Breaking Changes on Client Applications
  4. GenMorph: Automatically Generating Metamorphic Relations via Genetic Programming
  5. MR-Scout: Automated Synthesis of Metamorphic Relations from Existing Test Cases
  6. Semantic matching in GUI test reuse
  7. Detecting Learning Behaviour in Programming Assignments by Analysing Versioned Repositories
  8. Fostering Professionalism in Software Engineering: An Early-Exposure Approach
  9. StubCoder : Automated Generation and Repair of Stub Code for Mock Objects
  10. GRADESTYLE: GitHub-Integrated and Automated Assessment of Java Code Style
  11. Evolving a Programming CS2 Course: A Decade-Long Experience Report
  12. Automated Assessment: Experiences From the Trenches
  13. Evolutionary generation of metamorphic relations for cyber-physical systems
  14. The ineffectiveness of domain-specific word embedding models for GUI test reuse
  15. GitHub in the Classroom: Lessons Learnt
  16. TORACLE 2021 Workshop Summary
  17. APIzation: Generating Reusable APIs from StackOverflow Code Snippets
  18. Generating metamorphic relations for cyber-physical systems with genetic programming: an industrial case study
  19. Semantic matching of GUI events for test reuse: are we there yet?
  20. Improving assertion oracles with evolutionary computation
  21. Towards effective GP multi-class classification based on dynamic targets
  22. Statically driven generation of concurrent tests for thread‐safe classes
  23. An Evolutionary Approach to Adapt Tests Across Mobile Apps
  24. GAssert: A Fully Automated Tool to Improve Assertion Oracles
  25. Evolutionary improvement of assertion oracles
  26. Measuring Software Testability Modulo Test Quality
  27. Image feature learning with a genetic programming autoencoder
  28. SGP-DT
  29. A container-based infrastructure for fuzzy-driven root causing of flaky tests
  30. Image Feature Learning with Genetic Programming
  31. SGP-DT: Semantic Genetic Programming Based on Dynamic Targets
  32. Coverage-Driven Test Generation for Thread-Safe Classes via Parallel and Conflict Dependencies
  33. Effectiveness and challenges in generating concurrent tests for thread-safe classes
  34. Reproducing concurrency failures from crash stacks
  35. Understanding and detecting wake lock misuses for Android applications
  36. CSNIPPEX: automated synthesis of compilable code snippets from Q&A sites
  37. Coverage-driven test code generation for concurrent classes
  38. End Users' Perception of Hybrid Mobile Apps in the Google Play Store
  39. Hybrid Mobile Apps in the Google Play Store: An Exploratory Investigation
  40. RECONTEST: Effective Regression Testing of Concurrent Programs