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  1. Multi-centennial evolution of the climate response and deep-ocean heat uptake in a set of abrupt stabilization scenarios with EC-Earth3
  2. Review article: Interdisciplinary perspectives on climate sciences – highlighting past and current scientific achievements
  3. Mediterranean Climate Regions in CMIP6 experiments: assessment of future changes and associated uncertainties
  4. Multi-centennial evolution of the climate response and deep ocean heat uptake in a set of abrupt stabilization scenarios
  5. A tool for objective detection of abrupt transitions in CMIP6 models
  6. Review article: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Climate Sciences – Highlighting Past and Current Scientific Achievements
  7. The signature of extreme meridional eddy energy transports on modes of circulation, heatwaves and droughts in Northern Hemisphere mid-latitudes
  8. Multi-centennial evolution of the climate response and deep ocean heat uptake in a set of abrupt stabilization scenarios with EC-Earth3
  9. Supplementary material to "Multi-centennial evolution of the climate response and deep ocean heat uptake in a set of abrupt stabilization scenarios with EC-Earth3"
  10. Analysis of proxy response and sensitivities in a coupled general circulation model
  11. Development and application of a climate emulator
  12. Extremes of meridional energy transports in Northern Hemisphere mid-latitudes across zonal wavenumbers and dominant weather regimes
  13. Meridional-energy-transport extremes and the general circulation of Northern Hemisphere mid-latitudes: dominant weather regimes and preferred zonal wavenumbers
  14. Stochastic Methods and Complexity Science in Climate Research and Modeling
  15. Robustness of Competing Climatic States
  16. Meridional energy transport extremes and the general circulation of NH mid-latitudes: dominant weather regimes and preferred zonal wavenumbers
  17. Meridional energy transport extremes and the general circulation of NH mid-latitudes: dominant weather regimes and preferred zonal wavenumbers
  18. Halt in vaccinations may result in more deaths due to COVID-19
  19. Testing robustness of co-existing climate states
  20. Predicting Climate Change through Response Operators in a Coupled General Circulation Model
  21. The Lorenz Energy Cycle: Trends and the Impact of Modes of Climate Variability
  22. The Lorenz energy cycle: trends and the impact of modes of climate variability
  23. Ranking IPCC Model Performance Using the Wasserstein Distance
  24. Earth System Model Evaluation Tool (ESMValTool) v2.0 – an extended set of large-scale diagnostics for quasi-operational and comprehensive evaluation of Earth system models in CMIP
  25. Ranking IPCC Models Using the Wasserstein Distance
  26. Beyond Forcing Scenarios: Predicting Climate Change through Response Operators in a Coupled General Circulation Model
  27. Comparing water, energy and entropy budgets of aquaplanet climate attractors
  28. Predicting Climate Change through Response Operators in a Coupled General Circulation Model
  29. Wavenumber Decomposition and Extremes of Atmospheric Meridional Energy Transport in the Northern Hemisphere Midlatitudes
  30. The diagnostic tool for thermodynamics of the climate system in climate models
  31. TheDiaTo (v1.0) – A new diagnostic tool for water, energy and entropy budgets in climate models
  32. TheDiaTo (v1.0) – A new diagnostic tool for water, energy and entropy budgets in climate models
  33. The heat transport in mid-latitutes through cyclones and planetary waves
  34. TheDiaTo (v1.0); A new diagnostic tool for water, energy and entropy budgets in climate models
  35. Inter-hemispheric differences in energy budgets and cross-equatorial transport anomalies
  36. Computation and Characterization of Local Subfilter-Scale Energy Transfers in Atmospheric Flows
  37. Cycles of midlatitude temperature and tropospheric baroclinicity: reanalysis data and simulations
  38. The amplitude and phase of baroclinic activity and near-surface temperature seasonal cycle.
  39. Energy budgets and transports: global evolution and spatial patterns in two AMIP experiments