All Stories

  1. Engineering design and analysis of an ITER-like first mirror test assembly on JET
  2. Energy balance in JET
  3. Fastener investigation in JET
  4. Asymmetric toroidal eddy currents (ATEC) to explain sideways forces at JET
  5. Melt damage to the JET ITER-like Wall and divertor
  6. Progress on DEMO blanket attachment concept with keys and pins
  7. Initial DEMO tokamak design configuration studies
  8. Runaway electron beam generation and mitigation during disruptions at JET-ILW
  9. Runaway beam studies during disruptions at JET-ILW
  10. The ITPA disruption database
  11. Operational impact on the JET ITER-like wall in-vessel components
  12. First results from the 10Be marker experiment in JET with ITER-like wall
  13. Inter-machine comparison of the termination phase and energy conversion in tokamak disruptions with runaway current plateau formation and implications for ITER
  14. A CAD-Based Tool for Calculating Power Deposition on Tokamak Plasma-Facing Components
  15. Time-resonant tokamak plasma edge instabilities?
  16. Plasma current asymmetries during disruptions in JET
  17. Power handling of the JET ITER-like wall
  18. Movement of liquid beryllium during melt events in JET with ITER-like wall
  19. The effect of ITER-like wall on runaway electron generation in JET
  20. Design, manufacture and initial operation of the beryllium components of the JET ITER-like wall
  21. JET modeling and control analysis for POET (PFX Operating Early Task)
  22. Use of the disruption mitigation valve in closed loop for routine protection at JET
  23. Power handling of the bulk tungsten divertor row at JET: First measurements and comparison to the GTM thermal model
  24. A new radiation-hard endoscope for divertor spectroscopy on JET
  25. Impact and mitigation of disruptions with the ITER-like wall in JET
  26. Modeling of the impact of runaway electrons on the ILW in JET
  27. Modelling of power deposition on the JET ITER like wall using the code PFCFLux
  28. Calorimetry of the JET ITER-Like Wall components
  29. Disruption heat loads and their mitigation in JET with the ITER-like wall
  30. Bulk tungsten in the JET divertor: Potential influence of the exhaustion of ductility and grain growth on the lifetime
  31. Impact of the ITER-like wall on divertor detachment and on the density limit in the JET tokamak
  32. Development of a mirror-based endoscope for divertor spectroscopy on JET with the new ITER-like wall (invited)
  33. Integration of a radiative divertor for heat load control into JET high triangularity ELMy H-mode plasmas
  34. Plasma Facing Materials for the JET ITER-Like Wall
  35. JET ITER-like wall—overview and experimental programme
  36. Material performance of tungsten coatings under transient heat loads
  37. Disruption mitigation by massive gas injection in JET
  38. Specification of asymmetric VDE loads of the ITER tokamak
  39. A bulk tungsten tile for JET: Heat flux tests in the MARION facility on the power-handling performance and validation of the thermal model
  40. Heat loads on JET plasma facing components from ICRF and LH wave absorption in the SOL
  41. Heat load measurements on the JET first wall during disruptions
  42. Power handling of a segmented bulk W tile for JET under realistic plasma scenarios
  43. Radiation loads onto plasma-facing components of JET during transient events – Experimental results and implications for ITER
  44. Magnetic energy flows during the current quench and termination of disruptions with runaway current plateau formation in JET and implications for ITER
  45. Survey of disruption causes at JET
  46. Moderation of divertor heat loads by fuelling and impurity seeding in well-confined ELMy H-mode plasmas on JET
  47. ICRF heating at JET: From operations with a metallic wall to the long term perspective of a DT campaign
  48. Heat loads from ICRF and LH wave absorption in the SOL: characterization on JET and implications for the ITER-Like Wall
  49. JET disruption studies in support of ITER
  50. Geometry and expected performance of the solid tungsten outer divertor row in JET
  51. Clamping of solid tungsten components for the bulk W divertor row in JET—precautionary design for a brittle material
  52. Operational limits for the ITER-like wall in JET
  53. First demonstration of non-destructive tests on tungsten-coated JET divertor CFC tiles in the electron beam facility JUDITH-2
  54. Current status of the JET ITER-like Wall Project
  55. Heat loads on plasma facing components during disruptions on JET
  56. Measurement of disruption forces in JET using fiber-optic sensors
  57. Dynamic response of the ITER vacuum vessel to electromagnetic loads during VDEs
  58. Runaway generation during disruptions in JET and TEXTOR
  59. Power deposition modelling of the ITER-like wall beryllium tiles at JET
  60. Development and qualification of a bulk tungsten divertor row for JET
  61. Testing of tungsten coatings in JET for the ITER-like wall
  62. Development of divertor tungsten coatings for the JET ITER-like wall
  63. A bulk tungsten divertor row for the outer strike point in JET
  64. Engineering challenges of the JET ITER-like Wall
  65. Progress in understanding halo current at JET
  66. Beryllium plasma-facing components for the ITER-like wall project at JET
  67. Analysis and design of the beryllium tiles for the JET ITER-like wall project
  68. Assembly, installation and commissioning of the new halo current sensors system for JET
  69. R&D on tungsten plasma facing components for the JET ITER-like wall project
  70. First measurements of main chamber power load during JET disruptions
  71. Overview of the ITER-like wall project
  72. Transient heat loads in current fusion experiments, extrapolation to ITER and consequences for its operation
  73. Design challenges and analysis of the ITER core LIDAR Thomson scattering system
  74. Study of runaway electron generation during major disruptions in JET
  75. Optical design of the oblique ECE antenna system for JET
  76. Configuration and perturbation dependence of the Neutral Point in JET
  77. Tiles chamfering and power handling of the MK II HD divertor
  78. Status of design and manufacture of the Upper Coils and Outer Poloidal Limiter Coils subsystems for the JET-EP magnetic diagnostic
  79. Design of a limiter for the JET EP ICRH antenna
  80. Status of the halo current sensor project for JET-EP
  81. Overview of recent JET results in preparation for ITER operation: Interplay between technical and scientific progress
  82. Timescale and magnitude of plasma thermal energy loss before and during disruptions in JET
  83. Position dependence of the unstable vertical movement of JET plasmas triggered by ELMs
  84. ELM-averaged power exhaust on JET
  85. Effect of B×∇B direction on SOL energy transport in JET
  86. Power deposition onto plasma facing components in poloidal divertor tokamaks during type-I ELMs and disruptions
  87. Characterization of plasma current quench at JET
  88. Design of the new magnetic sensors for Joint European Torus
  89. Analysis of JET halo currents
  90. Disruptions and disruption mitigation
  91. Neutral point detection in JET
  92. JET first wall and divertor protection system
  93. Electromechanical analysis of the JET ICRH ITER-like antenna
  94. Steady-state and transient power handling in JET
  95. Refurbishment of the JET halo current diagnostics
  96. The internal vacuum transmission lines of the ITER-like ICRH antenna project for JET
  97. The design of a new JET divertor for high triangularity and high current scenarios
  98. Proposal for halo current diagnostic system for JET
  99. Thermal effects of surface layers on divertor target plates
  100. Narrow power profiles seen at JET and their relation to ion orbit losses
  101. Comparing scrape-off layer and divertor physics in JET pure He and D discharges
  102. Finite element electromagnetic analysis of the jet error field correction coils
  103. Behaviour of disruption generated runaways in JET
  104. Monte Carlo simulations of the heat load asymmetries on JET divertor plates
  105. Interpretation of recent power width measurements in JET MkIIGB ELMy H-modes
  106. Disruption heat loads on the JET MkIIGB divertor
  107. Tests on JET TF coil insulation
  108. Classical and fracture mechanics analysis of the tails of the JET TF coils
  109. The error field correction coils on the JET machine
  110. Reconstruction of power deposition profiles using JET MkIIGB thermocouple data for ELMy H-mode plasmas
  111. Analysis of SOL behaviour in JET MkIIGB using an advanced onion-skin solver (OSM2)
  112. Divertor energy distribution in JET H-modes
  113. JET-EP ITER-like ICRF antenna
  114. ICRF heating scenarios in JET with emphasis on [sup 4]He plasmas for the non-activated phase of ITER
  115. A conceptual design of a spherical tokamak power plant
  116. Forces between plasma, vessel and TF coils during AVDEs at JET
  117. Analysis and tests of TF magnet insulation samples for the JET upgrade to 4 tesla
  118. Modelling magnetic forces during asymmetric vertical displacement events in JET
  119. Parametric analysis of asymmetric vertical displacement events at JET
  120. High fusion power steady state operation in JET DT plasmas
  121. Correlation among geodesic curvature of the magnetic field lines, plasma rotation and improved confinement regimes in present tokamak experiments
  122. Axisymmetric and non-axisymmetric structural effects of disruption-induced electromechanical forces on the JET Tokamak
  124. Kinetic theory of charged particles of variable shape
  125. The relation between halo currents and plasma displacement/deformation in JET
  126. Asymmetric vertical displacement events at JET
  127. Electromechanical analysis of the JET MkII-HD divertor
  128. Disruption design criteria for JET in-vessel components
  129. The reliability assessment of JET operation at a toroidal field of 4.0 T
  130. Improvement, commissioning and operation of the JET Pellet Centrifuge
  131. Mechanical design of the ICRH antenna for JET-EP