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  1. Relationships between job characteristics, work engagement, conscientiousness and managers’ turnover intentions
  2. Workplace bullying and employee silence
  3. Exploring the process of workplace bullying in Indian organizations
  4. Factors effecting career advancement of Indian women managers
  5. Exploring nature of workplace bullying and psychometric properties of negative acts questionnaire-revised (NAQ-R) in Indian organizations
  6. Examining perceived organizational politics among Indian managers
  8. Linking justice, trust and innovative work behaviour to work engagement
  9. The role of social exchange on work outcomes: a study of Indian managers
  10. Linking LMX, innovative work behaviour and turnover intentions
  11. Examining psychological contract contents in India: the employee perspective
  12. Predictors and Outcomes of Relational and Transactional Psychological Contract
  13. Exploring psychological contract contents in India: the employee and employer perspective
  14. Reviewing the relationship between human resource practices and psychological contract and their impact on employee attitude and behaviours