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  1. Accurate and efficient method for computing polygenic risk scores for common diseases and traits
  2. Genetic Variant Set-Based Tests Using the Generalized Berk–Jones Statistic With Application to a Genome-Wide Association Study of Breast Cancer
  3. Epigenome-wide association study reveals methylation pathways associated with childhood allergic sensitization
  4. DNA methylation in blood as a mediator of the association of mid-childhood body mass index with cardio-metabolic risk score in early adolescence
  5. Metastable DNA methylation sites associated with longitudinal lung function decline and aging in humans: an epigenome-wide study in the NAS and KORA cohorts
  6. A Geometric Perspective on the Power of Principal Component Association Tests in Multiple Phenotype Studies
  7. Cumulative lifetime maternal stress and epigenome-wide placental DNA methylation in the PRISM cohort
  8. Robust analysis of secondary phenotypes in case-control genetic association studies
  9. Test for rare variants by environment interactions in sequencing association studies