All Stories

  1. Political realignment in Western Europe in the twenty-first century: eroding satisfaction and trust in democracy and its institutions?
  2. Providing income certainty for carers? Care, labour market participation and support for a universal basic income in Europe
  3. Employment stability and decent work: Trends, characteristics and determinants in a liberal market economy
  4. Shaping political orientations: testing the effect of unemployment on ideological beliefs and voting behaviour
  5. Integration or exclusion? Assimilation of non-Irish nationals into the Irish labour market
  6. Gender differences in solo self‐employment: Gendered flexibility and the effects of parenthood
  7. Does work socialisation matter? Worker engagement in political activities, attachment to democracy and openness to immigration
  8. Corporate social responsibility and independent employee representation: an ethical contradiction?
  9. Trade Union Responses to zero hours work in Ireland
  10. Tipping the Scales for Labour in Ireland? Collective Bargaining and the Industrial Relations (Amendment) Act 2015
  11. Remaining active in the labour market: Trends and characteristics of the over 50s
  12. Defining and Regulating Zero Hours Work: Lessons from a Liberal Market Economy
  13. Does union membership matter? Political participation, attachment to democracy and generational change
  14. Assessing the wage gap between public and private sector employees in Ireland: issues, evidence and challenges
  15. Political change, ideology and generational influences on attitudes to state ownership of business in European democracies
  16. Do high-involvement work practices affect employee earnings in union and non-union settings in the Irish private sector?
  17. The role of the state in shaping zero hours work in an atypical liberal market economy
  18. Occupations, age and gender: Men and women’s earnings in the Irish labour market
  19. Formal and informal long term care work: policy conflict in a liberal welfare state
  20. Did partnership in Ireland deliver for all workers? Unions and earnings
  21. Is Individual Employment Law Displacing the Role of Trade Unions?
  22. Do Attitudes to Immigrants Change in Hard Times? Ireland in a European Context
  23. Organising non-standard workers: union recruitment in the Irish care sector
  24. Does union membership benefit immigrant workers in ‘hard times’?
  25. Facilitators and Inhibitors of Collective Action: A Case Study of a US‐Owned Manufacturing Plant
  26. Speaking up: employee voice and attitudes to unions in a non‐union US multinational firm
  27. Immigrant experiences of fairness at work in Ireland
  28. The determinants of financial participation schemes within multinational companies in Ireland
  29. Public Perceptions of Trade Unions in Countries of the European Union
  30. Changing the Rules of the Game
  31. Organising methods and member recruitment in Irish trade unions
  32. Irish trade unions under social partnership: a Faustian bargain?
  33. Can employee share‐ownership improve employee attitudes and behaviour?
  34. The jobs immigrants do: issues of displacement and marginalisation in the Irish labour market
  35. The impact of privatization and employee share ownership on employee commitment and citizen behaviour
  36. Women's Occupational Trends in the Irish Economy: Moving towards High-skilled Occupations or Evidence of Deskilling?
  38. Is there a new knowledge economy in Ireland? An analysis of recent occupational trends
  39. Union availability, union membership and immigrant workers
  40. Polish Workers in Ireland
  41. Workers and the Demand for Trade Unions in Europe: Still a Relevant Social Force?
  42. Trade Unions and Political Participation in the European Union: Still Providing a Democratic Dividend?
  43. Welfare Provision in Boom Times: Strengthening Social Equity in Ireland?
  44. Profit Sharing and Employee Share Ownership in Ireland: A New Departure?
  45. Industrial Relations Systems, Economic Efficiency and Social Equity in the 1990s
  46. New working arrangements: changing the nature of the employment relationship?
  47. Perceptions of the Economic and Cultural Impact of Immigrants by People at Work in Europe: A Causal Analysis
  48. Academic Workers and Union Membership: An Inevitable Dilution of Solidarity?
  49. Union recognition and partnership at work: a new legitimacy for Irish trade unions?
  50. Profit sharing, firm performance and union influence in selected European countries
  51. Independent Collective Representation: Providing Effectiveness, Fairness, and Democracy in the Employment Relationship
  52. The feminization of Irish trade unions: involvement, solidarity and the relevance of gender
  53. Union recognition in Ireland: one step forward or two steps back?
  54. The Decline of Worker Solidarity and the End of Collectivism?
  55. A Segmented Model of Union Participation
  56. An Attitudinal Revolution in Irish Industrial Relations: The End of ‘Them and Us’?