All Stories

  1. Developing Interventions for Scaling Up UK Upcycling
  2. Assessing barriers to reuse of electrical and electronic equipment, a UK perspective
  3. Factors Influencing Upcycling for UK Makers
  4. What makes a sustainable business model successful? An empirical comparison of two peer-to-peer goods-sharing platforms
  5. A conceptual framework for negotiating public involvement in municipal waste management decision-making in the UK
  6. Circular Product Design. A Multiple Loops Life Cycle Design Approach for the Circular Economy
  7. Routledge Handbook of Sustainable Product Design
  8. Towards a Circular Economy: Exploring Routes to Reuse for Discarded Electrical and Electronic Equipment
  9. Towards a Sustainable Business Model for Plastic Shopping Bag Management in Sweden
  10. Consumers' expectations for product lifetimes of consumer durables
  11. Extending product lifetimes through WEEE reuse and repair: Opportunities and challenges in the UK
  12. The role of values in collaborative consumption: insights from a product-service system for lending and borrowing in the UK
  13. Sarah Turner – Eco-artist and designer through craft-based upcycling
  14. Effective dialogue: Enhanced public engagement as a legitimising tool for municipal waste management decision-making
  15. The sustainable clothing market
  16. Beyond Abundance: Self-Interest Motives for Sustainable Consumption in Relation to Product Perception and Preferences
  17. Slower Consumption Reflections on Product Life Spans and the “Throwaway Society”
  18. Inadequate Life?Evidence of Consumer Attitudes to Product Obsolescence
  19. Product Development Implications of Sustainable Consumption
  20. WEEE, WEEE, WEEE, WEEE, all the way home? An evaluation of proposed electrical and electronic waste legislation
  21. The durability of consumer durables