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  1. The developmental Wnt signaling pathway effector β-catenin/TCF mediates hepatic functions of the sex hormone estradiol in regulating lipid metabolism
  2. Dietary Curcumin Intervention Targets Mouse White Adipose Tissue Inflammation and Brown Adipose Tissue UCP1 Expression
  3. Curcumin stimulates Fgf21 production
  4. The incretin hormone GLP-1 and mechanisms underlying its secretion
  5. Current Understanding on Role of the Wnt Signaling Pathway Effector TCF7L2 in Glucose Homeostasis
  6. Current Knowledge on the Role of Wnt Signaling Pathway in Glucose Homeostasis
  7. Short-Term Curcumin Gavage Sensitizes Insulin Signaling in Dexamethasone-Treated C57BL/6 Mice1–3
  8. Why diabetes patients are more prone to the development of colon cancer?
  9. Both Wnt and mTOR signaling pathways are involved in insulin-stimulated proto-oncogene expression in intestinal cells