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  1. Ciliates, ubiquitous unicellular organisms (protists), are sensitive to lake warming
  2. Numerical and Thermal Response of the Bacterivorous Ciliate Colpidium kleini, a Species Potentially at Risk of Extinction by Rising Water Temperatures
  3. Mortality rates of aquatic ciliates, unicellular organisms living in the ocean and lakes
  4. After 15 years, it is time for a change
  5. Temperature-dependent resistance to starvation of three contrasting freshwater ciliates
  6. Functional ecology of planktonic ciliates: Measuring mortality rates in response to starvation
  7. Thermal performance of planktonic ciliates differs between marine and freshwaters: A case study providing guidance for climate change studies
  8. Top-down control of planktonic ciliates by microcrustacean predators is stronger in lakes than in the ocean
  9. Ecology of planktonic ciliates in a changing world: Concepts, methods, and challenges
  10. Container volume may affect growth rates of ciliates and clearance rates of their microcrustacean predators in microcosm experiments
  11. Picoplankton feeding by the ciliate Vorticella similis in comparison to other peritrichs emphasizes their significance in the water purification process
  12. Functional Ecology of Two Contrasting Freshwater Ciliated Protists in Relation to Temperature
  13. Chemically labeled toxins or bioactive peptides show a heterogeneous intracellular distribution and low spatial overlap with autofluorescence in bloom-forming cyanobacteria
  14. Light affects picocyanobacterial grazing and growth response of the mixotrophic flagellate Poterioochromonas malhamensis
  15. First study on the male inducing signal in Keratella cochlearis: Crowding is the key
  16. Living on the edge: reproduction, dispersal potential, maternal effects and local adaptation in aquatic, extremophilic invertebrates
  17. Temperature × light interaction and tolerance of high water temperature in the planktonic freshwater flagellates Cryptomonas (Cryptophyceae) and Dinobryon (Chrysophyceae)
  18. Editorial
  19. Rapid detection and quantification of the potentially toxic cyanobacterium Planktothrix rubescens by in-vivo fluorometry and flow cytometry
  20. Moderate weather extremes alter phytoplankton diversity—A microcosm study
  21. Life history traits and demographic parameters in the Keratella cochlearis (Rotifera, Monogononta) species complex
  22. Do current European lake monitoring programmes reliably estimate phytoplankton community changes?
  23. Functional diversity of aquatic ciliates
  24. Beyond the “Code”: A Guide to the Description and Documentation of Biodiversity in Ciliated Protists (Alveolata, Ciliophora)
  25. Phytoplankton response to the summer 2015 heat wave – a case study from prealpine Lake Mondsee, Austria
  26. Photography-based taxonomy is inadequate, unnecessary, and potentially harmful for biological sciences
  27. Functional ecology of aquatic phagotrophic protists – Concepts, limitations, and perspectives
  28. Editorial
  29. Phytoplankton response to short-term temperature and nutrient changes
  30. High diversity in Keratella cochlearis (Rotifera, Monogononta): morphological and genetic evidence
  31. Impacts of Climate Warming on Alpine Lake Biota Over the Past Decade
  32. Ciliates in Planktonic Food Webs: Communication and Adaptive Response
  33. Ciliates — Protists with complex morphologies and ambiguous early fossil record
  34. Editorial
  35. A paleolimnological perspective on aquatic biodiversity in Austrian mountain lakes
  36. Ciliates and the Rare Biosphere—Community Ecology and Population Dynamics
  37. Editorial
  38. Editorial
  39. The most acidified Austrian lake in comparison to a neutralized mining lake
  40. The outcome of competition between the two chrysomonads Ochromonas sp. and Poterioochromonas malhamensis depends on pH
  41. Combined stress effect of pH and temperature narrows the niche width of flagellates in acid mining lakes
  42. Lake morphometry and wind exposure may shape the plankton community structure in acidic mining lakes
  43. The European Journal of Protistology – Changes, chances and challenges
  44. Photosynthetic and growth response of freshwater picocyanobacteria are strain-specific and sensitive to photoacclimation
  45. Short‐term temperature change may impact freshwater carbon flux: a microbial perspective
  46. Distribution and diversity of aquatic protists: an evolutionary and ecological perspective
  47. Freshwater ciliates as ecophysiological model organisms – lessons from Daphnia, major achievements, and future perspectives
  48. Effect of pH on growth, cell volume, and production of freshwater ciliates, and implications for their distribution
  49. Pronounced ecophysiological clonal differences of two common freshwater ciliates, Coleps spetai (Prostomatida) and Rimostrombidium lacustris (Oligotrichida), challenge the morphospecies concept
  50. Rapid establishment of clonal isolates of freshwater autotrophic picoplankton by single-cell and single-colony sorting
  51. Dispersal and Phylogenetic Diversity of Nonmarine Picocyanobacteria, Inferred from 16S rRNA Gene and cpcBA-Intergenic Spacer Sequence Analyses
  52. Live sorting and survival of unstained and DAPI-stained ciliates by flow cytometry
  53. Interactive effect of temperature and food concentration on growth rate: A test case using the small freshwater ciliate Urotricha farcta
  54. Enumeration of small ciliates in culture by flow cytometry and nucleic acid staining
  55. Biomass and Size Composition of the Comb Jelly Mnemiopsis sp. in the North-western Black Sea During Spring 1997 and Summer 1995
  56. Direct and indirect impact of two common rotifer species (Keratella spp.) on two abundant ciliate species (Urotricha furcata, Balanion planctonicum)
  57. Significance and fate of bacterial production in oligotrophic lakes in British Columbia
  58. Growth and production of heterotrophic nanoflagellates in a meso-eutrophic lake
  59. The trophic significance of Phaeocystis blooms
  60. Laboratory and field observations on the scuticociliate Histiobalantium from the pelagic zone of Lake Constance, FRG
  61. The significance and future potential of using microbes for assessing ecosystem health: The Great Lakes example
  62. Dynamics of Autotrophic Picoplankton in Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems
  63. Significance of Picocyanobacteria in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden
  64. Seasonal succession of ciliates in lake constance
  65. Ecological Characteristics of Autotrophic Picoplankton in a Prealpine Lake
  66. The Microbial Food Web and its Sensitivity to Eutrophication and Contaminant Enrichment: A Cross‐system Overview
  67. The annual cycle of heterotrophic freshwater nanoflagellates: role of bottom-up versus top-down control
  68. Growth and grazing loss rates in single-celledPhaeocystis sp. (Prymnesiophyceae)
  69. Response of the microbial loop to the phytoplankton spring bloom in a large prealpine lake
  70. Trophic interactions among heterotrophic microplankton, nanoplankton, and bacteria in Lake Constance
  71. Morphometric Characteristics and Carbon Content of Phaeocystis cf. pouchetii (Prymnesiophyceae)
  72. Is the ‘microbial loop’ an early warning indicator of anthropogenic stress?
  73. Excretion and respiration rates of Neomysis integer (Mysidaceae): effects of temperature, sex and starvation
  74. Dynamics of autotrophic picoplankton in Lake Constance
  75. Dynamics of Phaeocystis pouchetii blooms in the Wadden Sea of Sylt (German Bight, North Sea)
  76. Temperature dependence of growth in Phaeocystis pouchetii (Haptophyceae) in batch cultures
  77. Metabolism measurements ofAurelia aurita planulae larvae, and calculation of maximal survival period of the free swimming stage
  78. Feeding of calanoid copepods in relation to Phaeocystis pouchetii blooms in the German Wadden Sea area off Sylt