All Stories

  1. Novel materials and methods for dibenzothiophene removal from diesel fuel: A comprehensive review of efficiency, cost, scalability, and environmental impact
  2. Design of Artificial Neural Network for Prediction of Hydrogen Sulfide and Carbon Dioxide Concentrations in a Natural Gas Sweetening Plant
  3. Thermal performance characterization of a thermal energy storage tank with various phase change materials
  4. Contaminants Removal from Real Refinery Wastewater Associated with Energy Generation in Microbial Fuel Cell
  5. Rheological properties Improvement of treated Palygorskite drilling mud
  6. Computational investigations on Furan-Schiff base as corrosion inhibitor for iron
  7. Investigating the capability of MCM-41 nanoparticle for COD removal from Iraqi petroleum refinery wastewater
  8. Mechanisms for effective mechanical properties design of steel welds
  9. Prevalence and risk factors for hepatitis C and B viruses infection among hemodialysis patients in Iraq
  10. Fabrication and Characterization of Polyphenylsulfone/Titanium Oxide Nanocomposite Membranes for Oily Wastewater Treatment
  11. lead ion adsorption on MWCNTs using artificial neural network and Monte Carlo Optimization
  12. Modification of FAU zeolite as an active heterogeneous catalyst for biodiesel production and theoretical considerations for kinetic modeling
  13. Artificial neural network model for predicting the desulfurization efficiency of Al-Ahdab crude oil
  14. Assessment of sustainable renewable energy technologies using analytic hierarchy process
  15. Effect of ejector design parameters on flow structure inside the mixing chamber
  16. Sulphide pollutants elimination and degradation in petroleum wastewater by ozonation process
  17. Ni, Cu, and Zn metal ions removal from synthetic wastewater using a watermelon rind (Catullus landaus)
  18. Modeling and simulation of adsorption of methane, ethane, hydrogen sulfide and water from natural gas in (FP)YEu Metal–Organic Framework
  19. The influence of the pore size in Metal−Organic Frameworks in adsorption and separation of hydrogen sulphide: A molecular simulation study
  20. Monte Carlo Simulation of Adsorption of Polar and Nonpolar Gases in (FP)YEu Metal–Organic Framework
  21. Monte Carlo Simulation of Adsorption of Polar and Nonpolar Gases in (FP)YEu MetalOrganic Framework