All Stories

  1. Testing a Six-Factor Model on Perceived State Power and Influence: The Case of Romania
  2. Ambitions yet unrealized: Romania’s status and perceptions from the immediate eastern neighbourhood
  3. The relevance and impact of the EaP in Moldova: why local perceptions matter?
  4. Constructing Romania’s foreign policy and security role in its eastern neighbourhood: the cases of Moldova and Ukraine
  5. The Ukrainian-Romanian Borderland of Bukovina
  6. Change and continuity in Bulgaria and Romania’s foreign policies post-EU accession
  7. The Ukrainian–Russian Linguistic Dyad and its Impact on National Identity in Ukraine
  8. The EU's actorness in the Eastern neighbourhood
  9. ‘Bounded Europeanisation’: the case of Ukraine
  10. 'Bounded Europeanisation': the case of Ukraine
  11. Post-Soviet States Between Russia and the EU: Reviving Geopolitical Competition? A Dual Perspective
  12. Постсоветские государства между Россией и ЕС: возрождение геополитического соперничества? Двойственная перспектива