All Stories

  1. Spatial and Temporal Variability of Ocean Thermal Energy Resource of the Pacific Islands
  2. Tropical Cyclone Modeling With the Inclusion of Wave‐Coupled Processes: Sea Spray and Wave Turbulence
  3. An affordable and customizable wave buoy for the study of wave-ice interactions: design concept and results from field deployments
  4. Observation of anomalous spectral downshifting of waves in the Okhotsk Sea Marginal Ice Zone
  5. Phase Convergence and Crest Enhancement of Modulated Wave Trains
  6. Extreme Waves
  7. Wave Energy in the Pacific Island Countries: A New Integrative Conceptual Framework for Potential Challenges in Harnessing Wave Energy
  8. OpenMetBuoy-v2021: An Easy-to-Build, Affordable, Customizable, Open-Source Instrument for Oceanographic Measurements of Drift and Waves in Sea Ice and the Open Ocean
  9. Ocean Surface Wave Effects on Development of Explosive Cyclone
  10. Statistical model representing storm avoidance by merchant ships in the North Atlantic Ocean
  11. Modeled and satellite-derived extreme wave height statistics in the North Atlantic Ocean reaching 20 m
  12. Climatic trends of extreme wave events caused by Arctic Cyclones in the western Arctic Ocean
  13. Assessment of wave energy resources and their associated uncertainties for two coastal areas in Japan
  14. Phase-suppressed hydrodynamics of solitons on constant-background plane wave
  15. On the coagulated pancake ice formation: Observation in the refreezing Chukchi Sea and comparison to the Antarctic consolidated pancake ice
  16. Observation of on-ice wind waves under grease ice in the western Arctic Ocean
  17. Fourier amplitude distribution and intermittency in mechanically generated surface gravity waves
  18. Observation of sea surface height using airborne radar altimetry: a new approach for large offshore tsunami detection
  19. Drifting breathers and Fermi–Pasta–Ulam paradox for water waves
  20. Waves and Swells in High Wind and Extreme Fetches, Measurements in the Southern Ocean
  21. On the Asymmetric Spectral Broadening of a Hydrodynamic Modulated Wave Train in the Optical Regime
  22. Temporal variation of modulated-wave-train geometries and their influence on vertical bending moments of a container ship
  23. Directional soliton and breather beams
  24. A simple spatial model for extreme tropical cyclone seas
  25. Generation of a spatially periodic directional wave field in a rectangular wave basin based on higher-order spectral simulation
  26. Wave turbulence and intermittency in directional wave fields
  27. Impact of the four-wave quasi-resonance on freak wave shapes in the ocean
  28. Measuring offshore tsunami currents using ship navigation records
  29. Development of waves under explosive cyclones in the Northwestern Pacific
  30. Predictability of storm wave heights in the ice-free Beaufort Sea
  31. A parameter quantifying radiation damping of bay oscillations excited by incident tsunamis
  32. Correlated Increase of High Ocean Waves and Winds in the Ice-Free Waters of the Arctic Ocean
  33. Experimental and numerical investigations of temporally and spatially periodic modulated wave trains
  34. Preparing for the Future Nankai Trough Tsunami: A Data Assimilation and Inversion Analysis From Various Observational Systems
  35. Experiments on higher-order and degenerate Akhmediev breather-type rogue water waves
  36. Large Tank Evaluation of a GPS Wave Buoy for Wind Stress Measurements
  37. Measurement of spatial wave profiles and particle velocities on a wave surface by stereo imaging –validation with unidirectional regular waves–
  38. The long-term fluctuation of tides and the effect on resource assessment of tidal current energy around Japan
  39. Internal solitary waves in a two-fluid system with a free surface
  40. Laboratory Experiments on the Effects of a Variable Current Field on the Spectral Geometry of Water Waves
  41. Extreme value estimation using the likelihood-weighted method
  42. Assessment of GNSS-based height data of multiple ships for measuring and forecasting great tsunamis
  43. Marine Energy Resource Assessment at Reconnaissance to Feasibility Study Stages
  44. wave interactions under the influence of background current fields
  45. The Impact of the Winter Monsoon on Marine Surface-Layer Turbulence
  46. M2baroclinic tide variability modulated by the ocean circulation south of Japan
  47. Rogue waves in opposing currents: an experimental study on deterministic and stochastic wave trains
  48. Indo-China Monsoon Indices
  49. Utilization of current information for Ocean Current Turbine design
  50. Recent developments of ocean environmental description with focus on uncertainties
  51. Deep water observations of extreme waves with moored and free GPS buoys
  52. Nonlinear internal waves generated and trapped upstream of islands in the Kuroshio
  53. On recording sea surface elevation with accelerometer buoys: lessons from ITOP (2010)
  54. Predicting freakish sea state with an operational third-generation wave model
  55. ADCP measurements of ocean currents near Miyake Island
  56. Experimental evidence of the modulation of a plane wave to oblique perturbations and generation of rogue waves in finite water depth
  57. Data Assimilation of the High-Resolution Sea Surface Temperature Obtained from the Aqua-Terra Satellites (MODIS-SST) Using an Ensemble Kalman Filter
  58. Excitation of rogue waves in a variable medium: An experimental study on the interaction of water waves and currents
  59. Confidence Interval of 3 Parameter Weibull Distribution in Extreme Value Estimation
  60. Validation of the downscaling method for the high-accuracy wind map
  61. Freakish sea index and sea states during ship accidents
  62. Nonlinear interaction of the Tsugaru Warm Current and tide in the Tsugaru Strait
  63. Open and coastal seas interactions south of Japan represented by an ensemble Kalman filter
  64. Enhanced freak wave occurrence with narrow directional spectrum in the North Sea
  65. Wave Breaking in Directional Fields
  66. Impact of nonlinear energy transfer on the wave field in Pacific hindcast experiments
  67. Maximum steepness of oceanic waves: Field and laboratory experiments
  68. Electromagnetic scattering from wind blown waves and ripples modulated by longer waves under laboratory conditions
  69. Interplay of Resonant and Quasi-Resonant Interaction of the Directional Ocean Waves
  70. Statistical Properties of Directional Ocean Waves: The Role of the Modulational Instability in the Formation of Extreme Events
  71. Evolution of a Random Directional Wave and Freak Wave Occurrence
  72. Freakish sea state and swell-windsea coupling: Numerical study of theSuwa-Maruincident
  73. Current-Induced Modulation of the Ocean Wave Spectrum and the Role of Nonlinear Energy Transfer
  74. Wind Wave Growth at Short Fetch
  75. Measurements of the Doppler spectra of breaking waves
  76. Blocking of the Kuroshio Large Meander by Baroclinic Interaction with the Izu Ridge
  77. Significance of High-Frequency Wind Forcing in Modelling the Kuroshio
  78. Numerical Study on the Oyashio Water Pathways in the Kuroshio–Oyashio Confluence*
  79. On the eddy-Kuroshio interaction: Meander formation process
  80. Scale Utilization and Optimization from Wavelet Analysis for Data Assimilation: SUgOiWADAi
  81. Anticyclonic eddies and Kuroshio Meander Formation
  82. Error Estimation Using Wavelet Analysis for Data Assimilation: EEWADAi*
  83. Experimental study of the stability of deep-water wave trains including wind effects
  84. Laboratory observations of wave group evolution, including breaking effects
  85. Correlation of hydrodynamic features with LGA radar backscatter from breaking waves