All Stories

  1. Rebranding after international acquisitions: challenges of legitimation in emerging and developed countries
  2. The influence of network transitions within the life cycle stages of born global companies
  3. Speed and longevity: Elements of the internationalization of technology-based firms
  4. Velocidade e Longevidade: Elementos da Internacionalização de Empresas de Base Tecnológica
  5. Entrepreneurs’ Social Ties and International Digital Entrepreneurial Marketing in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise Internationalization
  6. The Interplay of Formal Institutional and Cultural Distances and the Financial Performance of Foreign Subsidiaries in Latin America
  7. Overcoming hospital resistance in an international innovation co-creation
  8. Sustainable development considerations in supply chains: Firms' relationships with stakeholders in their business sustainability practices—A triangular comparison
  9. Building a warm and competent B2B brand personality
  10. Toward a more in-depth measurement of cultural distance: A re-evaluation of the underlying assumptions
  11. Sustainable development—Direct and indirect effects between economic, social, and environmental dimensions in business practices
  12. Business Model Creation and International New Ventures
  13. Mega-sport football events’ influence on destination images: A study of the of 2016 UEFA European Football Championship in France, the 2018 FIFA World Cup in Russia, and the 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar
  14. Predictive and effectual decision-making in high-tech international new ventures – A matter of sequential ambidexterity
  15. How do mature born globals create customer value to achieve international growth?
  16. Re-testing and validating a triple bottom line dominant logic for business sustainability
  17. Firms' use of organizational, personal, and intermediary networks to gain access to resources for internationalization
  18. Local horizontal network membership for accelerated global market reach
  19. Operationalizing business ethics in organizations
  20. A cross-country comparison and validation of firms’ stakeholder considerations in sustainable business practices
  21. Corporate Entrepreneurship and International Performance: a Cross-Country Study
  22. Entrepreneurial marketing and born global internationalisation in China
  23. Why and how are social media used in a B2B context, and which stakeholders are involved?
  24. Born global or local? Factors influencing the internationalization of university spin-offs—the case of Halmstad University
  25. The changing role of network ties and critical capabilities in an international new venture’s early development
  26. The Precursor Role of Cooperation, Coordination, and Relationship Assets in a Relationship Model
  27. Modeling Antecedents in Trust–Commitment Vendor Relationships
  28. Codes of Ethics Artifacts in Australia, Canada and Sweden: A Longitudinal Study
  29. International opportunity recognition in international new ventures—a dynamic managerial capabilities perspective
  30. Success Factors in Western and Chinese Born Global Companies
  31. Industry Factors Influencing International New Ventures’ Internationalisation Processes
  32. Relationship Quality in Interorganizational Contexts
  33. The Routledge Companion to International Entrepreneurship
  34. International new ventures: rapid internationalization across different industry contexts
  35. Local and international networks in small firm internationalization: cases from the Rhône-Alpes medical technology regional cluster
  36. The importance of industry context for new venture internationalisation: A case study from the life sciences
  37. Differences and similarities of the internationalization processes of multinational companies from developed and emerging countries
  38. Stakeholders and Marketing Capabilities in International New Ventures: Evidence from Ireland, Sweden, and Denmark
  39. The Importance of Leadership and Vision in Born Globals
  40. The influence of the entrepreneur's background on the behaviour and development of born globals' internationalisation processes
  41. International entrepreneurship, born globals and the theory of effectuation
  42. Differences in managerial behavior between small international and non-international firms
  43. Frühe Internationalisierung eines Unternehmens im Hochtechnologiebereich – Treiber und Hindernisse
  44. International Growth of Small and Medium Enterprises
  45. A “cross‐cultural RELQUAL‐scale” in supplier‐distributor relationships of Sweden and the USA
  46. Combining industrial buyer and seller strategies for international supply and marketing management
  47. The relationship between the manager and growth
  48. International Activities in Small Firms: Examining Factors Influencing the Internationalization and Export Growth of Small Firms
  49. A comparison of perceived quality in business relationships in Norway and Sweden
  50. The overestimated role of strategic orientations for international performance in smaller firms
  51. Exploring managerial behavior in small international firms
  52. International Growth Strategies in Consumer and Business-to-Business Markets in Manufacturing and Service Sectors
  53. The entrepreneur in the Born Global firm in Australia and Sweden
  54. Born Globals' foreign market channel strategies
  55. Internationalisation in Malaysian furniture firms: gradual or rapid internationalisation?
  56. Internationalization in different industrial contexts
  57. Violent advertising in fashion marketing
  58. High‐growth firms in the Swedish ERP industry
  59. Innovative Internationalisation in New firms: Born Globals–the Swedish Case
  61. Suppliers’ international strategies
  62. The Internationalization of the Firm from an Entrepreneurial Perspective
  63. Leadership and organization in born globals