All Stories

  1. Heroines of the Ballot: the Gender Gap and the Costs of Voting
  2. How costly is voting? Explaining individual differences in the costs of voting
  3. Bringing Party Ideology Back In: Do Left-Wing Parties Enhance the Share of Women MPs?
  4. El alcance de los cambios: Una propuesta analítica sobre las consecuencias de los movimientos sociales
  5. Closing the political gender gap in Spain [Who leads and who lags behind?]
  6. Las parlamentarias regionales en España: masa crítica, experiencia parlamentaria e influencia
  7. La jerarquía católica española en perspectiva comparada. La confrontación política entre la Iglesia y el Gobierno socialista a comienzos del siglo XXI
  8. An assessment of the effects of forest-related policies upon wildland fires in the European Union
  9. Fighting against the Moral Agenda of Zapatero's Socialist Government (2004–2011): The Spanish Catholic Church as a Political Contender
  10. The challenge of applying governance and sustainable development to wildland fire management in Southern Europe
  11. El movimiento por la vivienda digna en España o el porqué del fracaso de una protesta con amplia base social
  12. El Activismo político de la Iglesia católica durante el gobierno de Zapatero (2004-2010)
  13. El modelo de proceso político a debate. Una explicación alternativa al origen y consecuencias del movimiento social "Nunca Máis"
  14. Debating the Concept of Political Opportunities in Relation to the Galician Social Movement'Nunca Máis'
  15. El principio de integración medioambiental dentro de la Unión Europea: la imbricación entre integración y desarrollo sostenible
  16. Spanish Coordination In The European Union
  17. Is Spanish Environmental Policy Becoming More Participatory?
  18. Política ambiental en España. Subsidiariedad y desarrollo sostenible
  19. New Environmental Policy Instruments in Spain
  20. The Conflicts Engendered by Waste Facilities Siting: Lessons to be Learned from a Spanish Case
  21. El reto medioambiental en la Europa Oriental: lecciones de la experiencia occidental
  22. Differences and dynamics in European Union environmental policy
  23. Spanish pollution control policy and the challenge of the European Union
  24. The greens in the 1993 Spanish general election: A chronicle of a defeat foretold
  25. Convergence in Environmental Policy? The Resilience of National Institutional Designs in Spain and Germany
  26. Corporatist and statist designs in environmental policy: The contrasting roles of Germany and Spain in the European community scenario
  27. Legitimacy Problems in Spanish Nature Policy
  28. Spain
  29. ‘Sustainability is Cool’: Rhetorical Participatory Discourse in the Spanish Strategy for Sustainable Development