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  1. Environmental management practices and financial performance: evidence from large listed Indian enterprises
  2. Does Stringency of Lockdown Affect Air Quality? Evidence from Indian Cities
  3. Cost of CO2 emission mitigation and its decomposition: evidence from coal-fired thermal power sector in India
  4. Guest editorial
  5. CO2 mitigation policy for Indian thermal power sector: Potential gains from emission trading
  6. Temperature and production efficiency growth: empirical evidence
  7. Carbon-sensitive meta-productivity growth and technological gap: An empirical analysis of Indian thermal power sector
  8. Industrial energy prices and export competitiveness: evidence from India
  9. Shadow price of CO2 emissions in Indian thermal power sector
  10. Corporate Participation in Voluntary Environmental Programs in India: Determinants and Deterrence
  11. Does environmental performance improve market valuation of the firm: evidence from Indian market
  12. India’s Trade Potential and Free Trade Agreements: A Stochastic Frontier Gravity Approach
  13. Are voluntary environment programs effective in improving the environmental performance: evidence from polluting Indian Industries
  14. Economic Impact of Air Pollution from Agricultural Residue Burning on Human Health
  15. Carbon-sensitive productivity, climate and institutions
  16. Substitute or complement? Assessing renewable and nonrenewable energy in OECD countries
  17. Does modernization improve performance: evidence from Indian police
  18. Productivity and convergence in India: A state-level analysis
  19. Measuring the performance of water service providers in urban India: implications for managing water utilities
  20. Stock prices of clean energy firms, oil and carbon markets: A vector autoregressive analysis
  21. Non-separability and substitutability among water pollutants: evidence from India
  22. Corporate Environmental Management and Environmental Efficiency
  23. The Economics of Sustainable Development: The Case of India - By Surender Kumar and Shunsuke Managi
  24. Environment and productivities in developed and developing countries: The case of carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide
  25. Service Quality and Performance Measurement: Evidence from the Indian Water Sector
  26. Unaccounted for water and the performance of water utilities: an empirical analysis from India
  27. Sulfur dioxide allowances: Trading and technological progress
  28. Energy price-induced and exogenous technological change: Assessing the economic and environmental outcomes
  29. Compensation for environmental services and intergovernmental fiscal transfers: The case of India
  30. Measurement of environmental efficiency and productivity: a cross-country analysis
  31. Trade-induced technological change: Analyzing economic and environmental outcomes
  32. Measuring environmental efficiency of industry: a case study of thermal power generation in India
  33. A decomposition of total productivity growth
  34. Environmental regulation, productive efficiency and cost of pollution abatement: a case study of the sugar industry in India
  35. Environmentally sensitive productivity growth: A global analysis using Malmquist–Luenberger index
  36. Measuring the cost of environmentally sustainable industrial development in India: a distance function approach