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  1. Novel Somatic Mutations of the CDH1 Gene Associated with Gastric Cancer: Prediction of Pathogenicity Using Comprehensive In silico Methods
  2. In vitro DNA binding activity and molecular docking reveals pierisin-5 as an anti-proliferative agent against gastric cancer
  3. Low dose radiation exposures are risky for health.
  4. Induction of Apoptosis by pierisin-6 in HPV positive HeLa and HepG2 Cancer Cells is mediated by the caspase-3 dependent mitochondrial pathway.
  5. Novel AKT1 mutations associated with cell-cycle abnormalities in gastric carcinoma
  6. Tuibur: tobacco in a bottle-commercial production of tobacco smoke-saturated aqueous concentrate
  7. Green synthesis of magnetic Fe3O4 nanoparticles using Couroupita guianensis Aubl. fruit extract for their antibacterial and cytotoxicity activities
  8. Xenobiotic Pathway Gene Polymorphisms Associated with Gastric Cancer in High Risk Mizo-Mongoloid Population, Northeast India
  9. Metagenome Sequencing Reveals Rhodococcus Dominance in Farpuk Cave, Mizoram, India, an Eastern Himalayan Biodiversity Hot Spot Region
  10. Coextraction and PCR Based Analysis of Nucleic Acids From Formalin-Fixed Paraffin-Embedded Specimens