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  1. How Sensitive Are the Free AI-detector Tools in Detecting AI-generated Texts? A Comparison of Popular AI-detector Tools
  2. Psychiatric Co-Morbidities and Profile of Patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome in Northern India
  3. The NCRB Suicide in India 2022 Report: Key Time Trends and Implications
  4. Redirecting the Playing Cards for Cost-effective Cognitive Remediation: An Innovation Using Indigenous Resources
  5. Student Suicide Prevention in India: Moving Towards a Feasible Solution
  6. Gender and Geographical Distribution of Editorial Board Members of Three Leading Suicide Journals
  7. The spectrum of psychiatric manifestations in subacute sclerosing panencephalitis: A systematic review of published case reports and case series
  8. Randomized Controlled Trial of Bifrontal Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation on Craving in Alcohol Use Disorder
  9. Research Elective Under CBME: A Teacher’s Perspective Reflections on Research Elective Under CBME
  10. Dhat Syndrome as a Diagnostic Category: The Nosological Struggle
  11. Mental Healthcare Access in India: Models, Trends, and Challenges
  12. The Efficacy of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in the Treatment of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: An Umbrella Review of Meta-Analyses
  13. Breaking the Binary: Unveiling Gender-specific Norms in Internet Addiction
  14. Electroconvulsive therapy: a last resort for lorazepam-resistant catatonia in patient with large arachnoid cyst
  15. Unveiling shadows: analyzing suicide reporting in Muslim-majority countries vis-à-vis WHO’s media guidelines
  16. Sociodemographic and Clinical Correlates of Subjects Presenting with Complaint of Premature Ejaculation
  17. A Bibliometric Analysis of Global Research on Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal Infections
  18. Drug-drug Interaction between Psychotropic Medications and Medications Used in COVID-19: Comparison of Online Databases
  19. Investigating the impact of adjunctive priming repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation in late-life depression: a pilot single-blind randomized control study
  20. Anomic suicides on rise during recently emerging crises: revisiting Durkheim’s model
  21. Switching from parenteral to oral formulation of ketamine in the management of severe depressive episode
  22. Borderline personality disorder and cognition: unraveling the enigma one piece at a time!
  23. A case report of efficacy of transcranial direct current stimulation in depression with comorbid OCD
  24. Undergraduate Research Elective under Competency- Based Medical Education (CBME) in India: Challenges and Directions
  25. Comments on “Long term neuropsychiatric consequences in COVID-19 survivors: Cognitive impairment and inflammatory underpinnings fifteen months after discharge”
  26. Internet gaming in schizophrenia: A double edged sword
  27. Service Bond and Rural Mental Healthcare in India in the 21st Century: Why We Stand Here?
  28. Solutions for health care enigma in Indian villages – author's reply
  29. Allergic Cutaneous Drug Eruptions with Quetiapine: A Case Study
  30. Conceptual model of Remotely Accessed Mobile Application for Psychiatric disorder Screening (RoAdMAPS): a self-screening and referral aid for mental health in India
  31. Teen Pornography: An Emerging Mental Health Challenge
  32. Phenomenology, quality of life, and predictors of reversibility in patients with drug-induced movement disorders: a prospective study
  33. Spermatophagia Associated with Dhat Syndrome in a Patient with Schizophrenia: A Case Report
  34. Compulsive buying behavior and its association with emotional distress, depression, and impulsivity in general population: an online survey
  35. Service bonds in rural health care in India - Challenges and the way forward
  36. Gender distribution of editors in psychiatry journals of South Asia
  37. Suicide in the geriatric population of South East Asia - contexts and attributes
  38. Response to the letter entitled “The conceptual field of medically unexplained symptoms and persistent somatic symptoms”
  39. Effect of priming on adjunctive repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation in treatment of late-life depression: protocol of a prospective randomized sham-controlled study
  40. Phenomenology, disability and sexual functioning in female Dhat syndrome: a study of tertiary care gynaecology outpatients
  41. Panic buying research: A bibliometric review
  42. Higher education students’ achievement emotions and their antecedents in e-learning amid COVID-19 pandemic: A multi-country survey
  43. Psychosexual Advantages of Physical Adaptation
  44. Comments on "High frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation of dorsomedial prefrontal cortex for negative symptoms in patients with schizophrenia: A double-blind, randomized controlled trial"
  45. Training of psychiatry teachers on teaching skills: Needs, innovations and initiatives
  46. Voice assists (Alexa) and suicidal behavior: A potential area of suicide prevention
  47. Multimodal Augmentation Approach with Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation in Management of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder with Depression and Comorbid Seizure Disorder: A Case Report
  48. Quality of Life and Disability in Patients with Dhat Syndrome: A Cross-Sectional Study
  49. The Feasibility and Effectiveness of Home-based Cognitive Remediation in Clinically Stable Schizophrenia Patients Attending a North Indian Tertiary Care Institution
  50. Racism, cricket, and impact on mass psychology
  51. Awareness, attitude, and perceived anxiety about COVID‐19 in the Iranian population: A cross‐sectional questionnaire survey
  52. COVID 19 in pregnancy and neurodevelopmental disorder: The four-fold levels of prevention
  53. Assessing the Quality of Suicide Reporting in Online Newspapers in Uttar Pradesh, India, According to World Health Organization Guidelines
  54. Early augmentation in the management of obsessive-compulsive disorder
  55. Scope of add on repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation in treating depression in Parkinson’s disease
  56. Safety and efficacy of early augmentation with repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation in the treatment of drug-free patients with obsessive–compulsive disorder
  57. Influence of haloperidol and clozapine on the cognitive performance in patients with psychotic disorders: possible attributes
  58. Mental health promotion for elderly populations in World Health Organization South-East Asia Region: Needs and resource gaps
  59. Alternative medicine under the Mental Health Care Act, 2017: Future implications and concerns
  60. Comparing COVID-19 Control Model Between Iraq and Iran
  61. Covid-19 and Tele-Health: Time to Move from Practice to Policy
  62. Is Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Applicable During the COVID-19 Pandemic?
  63. Studies on Sexual Behavior During COVID-19 Pandemic: A Bibliometric Analysis
  64. Augmentation with transcranial direct current stimulation in difficult to treat obsessive-compulsive disorder: A case report
  65. Depression and suicidal behavior in South Asia: a systematic review and meta-analysis
  66. Management of psychiatric disorders in patients with chronic kidney diseases
  67. Mental capacity including testamentary capacity
  68. Noninvasive brain stimulation for cognitive impairment in schizophrenia: Shreds of evidence
  69. Psychosocial functioning among current noninjecting opioid users: Is there any difference between methadone maintenance treatment and treatment as usual?
  70. Quality of newspaper reporting of suicide in Odisha, India, against the World Health Organization guidelines
  71. Use of bupropion and topiramate in management of tianeptine abuse in a young male with dysthymia
  72. Violence in movies and tele-shows: Moderation of mental health by media
  73. Potential role of vitamin D3 in preventing neurocognitive complications in COVID-19 survivors
  74. Suicide reporting of LGBTQI+ population in India: An analysis of online media reports of the past decade
  75. Patterns of Practice and Attitudes to Referral for Mental Health Needs among Practitioners in Northern India
  76. Dhat syndrome: Systematic review of epidemiology, nosology, clinical features, and management strategies
  77. Role of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation in management of obsessive-compulsive disorder in patients of schizophrenia
  78. Academic student satisfaction and perceived performance in the e-learning environment during the COVID-19 pandemic: Evidence across ten countries
  79. A Bibliometric Analysis of Dhat Syndrome
  80. A case study on attenuated forms of catatonic symptoms in schizophrenia: relevance of early intervention with electroconvulsive therapy
  81. COVID-19 and Psychotic Symptoms: the View from Psychiatric Immunology
  82. Distress Due to Nonpathological Vaginal Discharge: A New Face of Dhat Syndrome in Females
  83. Influence of cosmetic advertisements on self and social identity of adolescents: What needs to be done?
  84. Psychological Autopsy Studies of Suicide in South East Asia
  85. Asian journal of psychiatry and psychiatry in Asia: Time to reconsider human resources to represent cultural diversity in Asia
  86. Early augmentation in early intervention for mental illness: A potential turbo-boost?
  87. Comments on “Naturalistic outcome of medication-naïve obsessive-compulsive disorder treated with serotonin reuptake inhibitors”
  88. Gut–brain interaction: scope of neuromodulation techniques
  89. Mental Health Research in India: New Challenges and the Way Forward
  90. Sociodemographic and Clinical Profile of Patients Presenting With Erectile Dysfunction: Experience From a Tertiary Care Centre of North India
  91. Emotional Bonding and Sexual Activity During COVID-19 Lockdown: A Cross-National Pilot Study
  92. Pornography and Sexual Violence Against Women in India: A Scoping Review
  93. Impact of COVID-19 pandemic related lockdown on Suicide: Analysis of newspaper reports during pre-lockdown and lockdown period in Bangladesh and India
  94. Newspaper reporting of suicide news in a high suicide burden state in India: Is it compliant with international reporting guidelines?
  95. Second wave of COVID-19 pandemic in India: Barriers to effective governmental response
  96. Relevance of Early Augmentation with Electroconvulsive Therapy in Misidentification Syndrome: a Case Report
  97. Suicide methods in South Asia over two decades (2001–2020)
  98. Editorial: Panic Buying: Human Psychology and Environmental Influence
  99. Prevention of Panic Buying During Public Health Emergency
  100. Suicide Reporting Guideline by Press Council of India: Utility and Lacunae
  101. Quality of newspaper reporting of suicidal behavior in Maharashtra, India
  102. Changing trends in quality of media reporting of suicide in the community following a celebrity suicide in India
  104. Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation in management of medically unexplained symptoms: challenges and scopes
  105. Smartphone Addiction and Quality of Sleep among Indian Medical Students
  106. Sex During Pandemic: Panic Buying of Sex Toys During COVID-19 Lockdown
  107. Quality of media reporting of suicide in Iraq
  108. Impending Second Wave of COVID-19 Infections: What India Needs to Do?
  109. Early augmentation by using neuromodulation in psychiatric disorder: a kaleidoscopic view
  110. Pattern of practice on mental health issues and attitude towards referral among general medical practitioners of North India
  111. Measures to Improve the Quality of National Suicide Data of India: The Way Forward
  112. Comments on “Benefits of Sexual Activity on Psychological, Relational, and Sexual Health During the COVID-19 Breakout”
  113. Suicide in Nigeria: observations from the content analysis of newspapers
  114. Artificial Intelligence in Mental Healthcare During COVID-19 Pandemic
  115. National Media Monitoring Agency for reporting of suicide: An idea whose time has come?
  116. A comparative analysis of psychiatry curriculum at undergraduate level of Bangladesh, India, Nepal, and Sri Lanka
  117. Cerebral autosomal dominant arteriopathy with subcortical infarcts and leukoencephalopathy presenting with treatment-resistant chronic mania
  118. Externalizing psychopathology and cognitive functions in patients with early- and late-onset alcohol dependence
  119. Frequency of Sexual Intercourse Among the Residents of Bangladesh, India, and Nepal: A Cross-Sectional Web-Based Pilot Study
  120. Perceived stress and emotional overeating during COVID-19 pandemic
  121. Raised C-reactive protein in medication overdose: A report of two cases
  122. The relevance of digital mental healthcare during COVID-19: Need for innovations
  123. Religious coping in the time of COVID-19 Pandemic in India and Nigeria: Finding of a cross-national community survey
  124. Student Suicide Linked to NEET Examination in India: A Media Report Analysis Study
  125. Mental health research in the lower-middle-income countries of Africa and Asia during the COVID-19 pandemic: A scoping review
  126. National helpline for mental health during COVID-19 pandemic in India: New opportunity and challenges ahead
  127. Cross-country comparison of media reporting of celebrity suicide in the immediate week: A pilot study
  128. Responsible Factors of Panic Buying: An Observation From Online Media Reports
  129. Psychiatry in Lebanon
  130. Ethical Reporting in Media on Suicide
  131. Psychological Underpinning of Slanging
  132. Understanding the Psychological Underpinning of Spitting: Relevance in the Context of COVID-19
  133. Is there any link between celebrity suicide and further suicidal behaviour in India?
  134. Mental illnesses among COVID-19 patients: Possible immunological underpinnings
  135. Mental health of mental health professionals during COVID-19 pandemic: Who cares for it?
  136. Repeated celebrity suicide in India during COVID-19 crisis: An urgent call for attention
  137. Cyberchondria: conceptual relation with health anxiety, assessment, management and prevention
  138. Panic buying: Is it really a problem?
  139. The Health Crisis of Marginalized Populations during COVID-19 Pandemic: Challenges and Recommendations
  140. Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in Persistent Auditory Hallucination in Schizophrenia: Predictors of Response
  141. Quality of media reporting following a celebrity suicide in India
  142. Quality of media reporting of suicidal behaviors in South-East Asia
  143. Panic buying: An insight from the content analysis of media reports during COVID-19 pandemic
  144. Auditory hallucination leading to compulsive washing behavior in schizophrenia: Unveiling the missing link
  145. COVID-19 online surveys need to follow standards and guidelines: Comment on “does COVID-19 pandemic affect sexual behavior? A cross-sectional, cross-national online survey” and “binge watching behavior during COVID 19 pandemic: A cross-sectional, cross...
  146. Enhancing Preparedness Among Frontline Doctors During COVID-19 Pandemic: Learning from Experience
  147. Variations in newspaper reporting of suicidal behavior in the WHO–South-East Asian region
  148. Person-Centered Approach to the Diverse Mental Healthcare Needs During COVID 19 Pandemic
  149. Dark Classics in Chemical Neuroscience: An Evidence-Based Systematic Review of Belladonna
  150. Amnesia in nonfatal suicidal hanging: Report of three cases with review of literature
  151. Help-seeking from traditional healers for psychiatric illness: A cross-sectional study
  152. Social cognition in adolescents with dissociative disorder
  153. COVID-19 across Countries: Situation and Lessons for Pandemic control
  154. Psychological underpinning of panic buying during pandemic (COVID-19)
  155. Does COVID-19 pandemic affect sexual behaviour? A cross-sectional, cross-national online survey
  156. Media and suicide prevention in Southeast Asia: challenges and directions
  157. A Cross-sectional Study of Psychiatric Comorbidity and Severity of Addiction in Patients with Early- and Late-Onset Alcohol Dependence
  158. Binge watching behavior during COVID 19 pandemic: A cross-sectional, cross-national online survey
  159. Autism spectrum disorder in India: a scoping review
  160. Climate and clean air responses to COVID-19: a comment
  161. Neuromodulation in Schizophrenia: Relevance of Neuroimaging
  162. COVID-19 pandemic and addiction: Current problems and future concerns
  163. Homeless mentally ill people and COVID-19 pandemic: The two-way sword for LMICs
  164. Study of knowledge, attitude, anxiety & perceived mental healthcare need in Indian population during COVID-19 pandemic
  165. Urophilia associated with obsessive-compulsive disorder in a Bangladeshi male: A rare case report
  166. Possible Controlling Measures of Panic Buying During COVID-19
  167. Body shaming among school-going adolescents: prevalence and predictors
  168. Framework and approach for measuring performance and progress of mental health systems and services in India: National Mental Health Survey 2015–2016
  169. The National Mental Health Survey of India (2016): Prevalence, socio-demographic correlates and treatment gap of mental morbidity
  170. Cross-sectional study of internalised stigma and medication adherence in patients with obsessive compulsive disorder
  171. Relevance of mortality related to mental disorders in policy development for low- and middle-income countries
  172. Successful treatment of trichotillomania with repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation: A report of two cases with review of literature
  173. Fusion of extended and accelerated protocol of rTMS in management of OCD: A case study
  174. Coping with Mental Health Challenges During COVID-19
  175. Coronavirus Infection Among Children and Adolescents
  176. Negative COVID-19 Test: What Next?
  177. Cherished Serendipitous Effects of Disastrous COVID-19 Pandemic: The Desired Side Effects of an Undesired Event
  178. Clinical correlates of tobacco use among hospitalized psychiatric patients
  179. Emerging mental health issues during the COVID-19 pandemic: An Indian perspective
  180. Health-related quality of life of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients: A hospital-based study
  181. Hypersexuality in a Bangladeshi Female: A Case Report
  182. Impact of brief psychosocial intervention on key relatives of patients with schizophrenia: A randomized controlled trial
  183. Online group cognitive behavioral therapy for panic buying: Understanding the usefulness in COVID-19 context
  184. Panic buying during COVID-19 pandemic: A letter to the editor
  185. Role of add on rTMS in management of insomnia
  186. Vitamin D and Depression: A Critical Appraisal of the Evidence and Future Directions
  187. Unmet mental health needs in cancer patients in India: What needs to be done?
  188. Alcohol-Related Violence
  189. Zoophilia and hypersexuality in an adult male with schizophrenia: A case report
  190. Maladaptations
  191. Incest
  192. Morbid Jealousy
  193. Biopsychosocial Model in Contemporary Psychiatry: Current Validity and Future Prospects
  194. Alcohol
  195. Epinephrine
  196. Clinical profile and correlates of hospital stay in patients with severe mental illness
  197. Zolpidem dependence in an adult with bipolar affective disorder and epilepsy: A case report
  198. Efficacy of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation in treatment-resistant depression: the evidence thus far
  199. Attitude of medical graduates towards psychiatry: How will it change?
  200. Dhat Syndrome: A Review and Update
  201. Depression among Women Diagnosed with Breast Cancer: A Study from North India
  202. Prevalence and socioeconomic impact of depressive disorders in India: multisite population-based cross-sectional study
  203. Use of multi-site neuromodulation transcranial magnetic stimulation in management of tinnitus: A case study with review of literature
  204. Neuroplasticity and Cognitive Training in Schizophrenia
  205. Neuro-Cognition in Adolescents with Dissociative Disorder: A Study from a Tertiary Care Center of North India
  206. Relevance of extended protocol and maintenance TMS in obsessive-compulsive disorder: A case report
  207. Predictors of Response to Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in Depression: A Review of Recent Updates
  208. Relevance of early intervention in Fahr’s disease: understanding through a case study
  209. Mutation
  210. Aripiprazole worsening visual hallucination in a patient with lewy body dementia
  211. Beneficial Side Effects
  212. Causal Attributions
  213. Cortical Neurons and Conducting Velocity
  214. Oxidative Stress and Free Radicals
  215. Physiological Mechanisms
  216. Prognostic implications of late-onset primary tic disorder in an elderly male: A case report
  217. Relationship Status
  218. Sexual functioning in females with depression in remission receiving escitalopram
  219. Source of information about mental illness among medical students in a tertiary care centre of North India
  220. Stress, coping, and immunologic relevance: An empirical literature review
  221. The mental health attributes of recurrent metallic foreign body insertion to scalp in a young woman
  222. Treatment-emergent dhat syndrome in a young male with Obsessive–Compulsive disorder: An alarm for medication nonadherence
  223. Consciousness
  224. Prevalence and pattern of mental illnesses in Uttar Pradesh, India: Findings from the National Mental Health Survey 2015–16
  225. Acute and transient psychotic disorder as a rare early manifestation of late-onset sub-acute sclerosing panencephalitis
  226. The Lie Effect: A Factor Responsible for Perceived Therapeutic Response
  227. Delusional disorder in brain abscess: Searching the missing link
  228. Personality Changes in Bilateral Superior Frontal and Parafalcine Frontoparietal Polymicrogyria: A Rare Case Report
  229. Cognitive Deficits in Schizophrenia: Understanding the Biological Correlates and Remediation Strategies
  230. Braid cut anxiety in females: A newly emerged epidemic of mass hysteria in North India
  231. Kluver–Bucy syndrome in an adolescent girl: A sequel of encephalitis
  232. Understanding the correlates of manic episode in a woman with insular glioma
  233. Polydipsia and anxiety as early warning signs of relapse in schizophrenia
  234. Sertraline induced cervical dystonia in a patient of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
  235. Attributions to new onset catatonic symptoms, late in the course of chronic schizophrenia
  236. A study of oxidative stress biomarkers in obsessive compulsive disorder
  237. Alcohol binge drinking in OCD: A compulsive ritualistic behaviour to counter magical thinking
  238. The impact of awareness of psychotic disorder on pathways to psychiatric care for first episode psychosis in India
  239. Cerebral venous involvement in Takayasu arteritis—A rare encounter
  240. How Electroconvulsive Therapy Works?: Understanding the Neurobiological Mechanisms
  241. Improvement of weight and attitude towards eating behaviour with high frequency rTMS augmentation in anorexia nervosa
  242. Understanding the anxiety phenomenology in psychotic prodrome: A case report
  243. Mood Disorder as an Early Presentation of Epidermoid of Quadrigeminal Cistern
  244. Pathological Laughter in a Female with Multiple Episodes of Stroke and Subdural Hematoma
  245. Where Lies the Fault in Diagnosing Dhat Syndrome among Females? Understanding through a Case Study
  246. Predicting Prognosis of Psychosis in Huntington’s Disease: Case Report and Review of Literature
  247. Causative factors and phenomenology of depression in EPILEPSY—A review
  248. Panic attacks, a sequel of left temporal lobectomy in a patient with low-grade glioma
  249. Early Augmentation Response with Low-frequency Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in Treatment Resistant Depression
  250. Management Dilemma in Olanzapine Induced Restlessness and Cramps in Legs
  251. Systematic Conceptualization of Person Centered Medicine and Development and Validation of a Person-centered Care Index
  252. Person Centered Management Approach for the Dhat Syndrome
  253. Dhat syndrome as the prodrome of schizophrenia: Understanding the cultural distress
  254. Outcome of acute and transient psychotic disorder in an index episode: A study from a tertiary care centre in North India
  255. Chronic mania—A sequel of cannabis use disorder!
  256. Neuro-stimulation Techniques for the Management of Anxiety Disorders: An Update
  257. Complex neuropsychiatric manifestations in systemic lupus erythematosus: A case study
  258. Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation for persistent auditory hallucination: Initial worsening of hallucination may not be a predictor of poor outcome
  259. Impact of High Dose Lorazepam on Seizure Threshold in Catatonia: Experience from a Case Study
  260. Current understandings about cognition and the neurobiological correlates in schizophrenia
  261. An Unusual, Paradoxical Arousal with Alprazolam in a Dependant User
  262. The girl shedding glass pieces from her body parts: Unfolding the mystery behind dermatitis artefacta
  263. Feasibility and utility of short-course fellowship training in brain stimulation techniques: Perspective of the trainee and trainer
  264. Melasma: A rare adverse effect of clomipramine
  265. Successful use of transcranial magnetic stimulation in difficult to treat hypersexual disorder
  266. Dermatosis neglecta and plica polonica in schizophrenia: Rarely encountered or rarely discussed!
  267. Indian psychiatric society initiated travel fellowship training in psychiatry: A unique opportunity for young psychiatrists
  268. An empirical review on oxidative stress markers and their relevance in obsessive-compulsive disorder
  269. Recurrent brief depressive disorder in Dhat syndrome: A biological or psychological phenomenon!
  270. Quetiapine treatment of occulogyric crisis following abrupt clozapine discontinuation
  271. Cholinesterase Inhibitor Induced Urinary Incontinence in Dementia:A Management Dilemma
  272. Olfactory and gustatory dysfunction in depression: Could it be a marker of folate deficiency?
  273. Surreptitious metformin abuse in anorexia nervosa presenting as periodic hypoglycaemia
  274. Successful use of olfactory hallucinations as early warning sign in a patient with bipolar disorder
  275. Chlorpromazine-induced severe exfoliative photoallergic reaction
  276. Nicotine dependence in resistant schizophrenia: A compensation for trihexyphenidyl dependence or just comorbidity
  277. Dermatosis neglecta in schizophrenia: A rare case report
  278. Pica and psychosis - clinical attributes and correlations: A case report
  279. An extremely rare association of Dyggve-Melchior-Clausen syndrome with mania: Coincidence or comorbidity
  280. Psychiatric manifestation of chronic subdural hematoma: The unfolding of mystery in a homeless patient
  281. Sources of occupational stress in the police personnel of North India: An exploratory study
  282. Can the combination of lithium and olanzapine be an effective treatment strategy in the management of bipolar disorder with Wilson′s disease?
  283. Understanding normal development of adolescent sexuality: A bumpy ride
  284. Undergraduate psychiatry education in India: Where do we stand on the crossroads?
  285. Dhat syndrome: Evolution of concept, current understanding, and need of an integrated approach
  286. Unfolding the mystery: Rare presentation of Japanese encephalitis as catatonia
  287. Recent advances in pharmacological management of substance use disorders
  288. Carbamazepine induced optic neuropathy in an adolescent boy with conduct disorder: A rare case report
  289. Treatment-resistant mania in Dandy–Walker malformation with seizure disorder: A case report
  290. Dhat syndrome: Will it reach a height or die soon?
  291. Per-anal discharge: A new face of Dhat syndrome
  292. Impact of Mental Health Care Bill on caregivers of mentally ill: Boon or bane
  293. Indian story on semen loss and related Dhat syndrome
  294. Scientific Letter: Sodium valproate for the treatment of mania in a patient with Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease
  295. Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis presenting as acute disseminated encephalomyelitis and pseudotumour cerebri
  296. Pictorial Clinical Quiz
  297. Electroconvulsive Treatment in Catatonia of Cerebrovasculo-Coagulopathy
  298. Angelman syndrome in three biological siblings: Focusing on the neuropsychiatric domain
  299. Olanzapine-induced neuroleptic malignant syndrome in a patient with bipolar affective disorder: Does quetiapine holds the solution?
  300. Hyper-religiosity as a part of delirium in a patient with autoimmune encephalitis
  301. Focus issues in dysthymia