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  1. Capabilities to create new value for business sustainability: a retailer case study from Malaysia
  2. Prioritizing the critical sustainable factors for the industrial revolution 4.0 in Malaysian seaports sector by using analytic hierarchy process
  3. Coordination of efforts in disaster relief supply chains: the moderating role of resource scarcity and redundancy
  4. Medical tourism, satisfaction and trust
  5. Barriers to product returns and recovery management in a developing country: investigation using multiple methods
  6. Third party logistics orchestrator role in reverse logistics and closed-loop supply chains
  7. Supply chain drivers that foster the development of green initiatives in an emerging economy
  8. A Study of Relationship Marketing in Malaysian Banks: DoesGuanxiInfluence Small Medium Enterprise Owners’ Satisfaction?
  9. University website quality comparison by using non-parametric statistical test: a case study from Malaysia
  10. Perspectives in closed-loop supply chains
  11. Intranet Portal Utilization: Monitoring Tool for Productivity - Quality and Acceptance Point of View
  12. Sustainable supply chain management (SSCM) in Malaysia: A survey
  13. Carbon Trading in Malaysia: Review of Policies and Practices
  14. The impact of external institutional drivers and internal strategy on environmental performance
  15. Determinants of the green quality practices towards sustainable quality management
  16. Determinants influencing intention to enrol on an online MBA programme
  17. An empirical study on the contribution of lean practices to environmental performance of the manufacturing firms in northern region of Malaysia
  18. A new scheme for extracting association rules: market basket analysis case study
  19. Simulation Approach on the Performance Analysis of Rental Vessels Transportation and Shipment Management
  20. Sustainable services in Closed Loop Supply Chains (CLSCs)
  21. Service supply chain practices from the perspective of Malaysian tourism industry
  22. Service supply chain practices from the perspective of Malaysian tourism industry
  23. Lean Supply Chain Practices and Performance in the Context of Malaysia
  24. Service Supply Chain: How Does It Effects to the Logistics Service Effectiveness?
  25. The influence of purchasing strategies on manufacturing performance
  26. Green supply chain initiatives among certified companies in Malaysia and environmental sustainability: Investigating the outcomes
  27. Green Innovation Adoption among Logistics Service Providers in Malaysia: An Exploratory Study on the Managers’ Perceptions
  28. The Development of Synergy Model on Internal and External Suppliers for Asian Airlines Industry
  29. An Exploratory Study on the Factors Influencing the Non-Compliance to Halal among Hoteliers in Malaysia
  30. Drivers on the reverse logistics: evidence from Malaysian certified companies
  31. Urgency in Managing the Risk in Supply Chain Amongst Indonesian Manufacturing Companies
  32. Integrating Green Innovations in Logistics Services Towards Logistics Services Sustainability: A Conceptual Paper
  33. Best practices for the effectiveness of benchmarking in the Indonesian manufacturing companies
  34. Validating the Measures for Intention to Enroll an Online MBA Program
  35. A Review on the Competitiveness of Global Supply Chain in a Coffee Industry in Indonesia
  36. Supply Chain Vulnerability and Mitigation Strategy of the Manufacturing Firms in Indonesia: Manager’s Perspectives
  37. Halal Traceability and Halal Tracking Systems in Strengthening Halal Food Supply Chain for Food Industry in Malaysia (A Review)
  38. The examination on the drivers for green purchasing adoption among EMS 14001 certified companies in Malaysia
  39. Factors Influencing the Implementation of Green Productivity Practices and its Effect on the Organisational Performance: A Comparision Study Between EMS 14001 and ISO 9000 Certified Companies in Malaysia
  40. Six Sigma and organisational performance: a knowledge creation perspective
  41. An investigation into the dimensions of training effectiveness on post training outcomes of quality management system
  42. Green Supply Chain Initiatives: Investigation on the Barriers in the Context of SMEs in Malaysia
  43. Antecedent and outcomes study on green value chain initiatives: a perspective from sustainable development and sustainable competitive advantage
  44. Determinants of RFID adoption among Logistics Service Providers in Malaysia: a discriminant analysis
  45. The impact of organisational variables and quality performance on customer satisfaction
  46. Investigation on the drivers of green purchasing towards environmental sustainability in the Malaysian manufacturing sector
  47. Green business among certified companies in Malaysia towards environmental sustainability: benchmarking on the drivers, initiatives and outcomes
  48. Factors influencing intention to use e-government services among citizens in Malaysia
  49. Assessing the effectiveness of supply chain partnering with scalable partnering as a moderator
  50. Benchmarking on supply chain partnering effectiveness in two semiconductor companies
  51. Supply chain quality orientation: Does company profile matter?
  52. Supply Chain Risk Management
  53. Determinants of EMS ISO 14001 adoptions in Malaysia
  54. Determinants of RFID Adoption in Supply Chain among Manufacturing Companies in China: A Discriminant Analysis
  55. Determinants of Information System Adoptions in Private Hospitals in Malaysia
  56. The relationship between quality improvement and firms' productivity in Malaysia
  57. New product development benchmarking to enhance operation competitiveness
  58. Understanding factors for benchmarking adoption
  59. Supplier involvement, customer focus, supply chain technology and manufacturing performance: Findings from a pilot study
  60. A study on the impact of environmental management system (EMS) certification towards firms' performance in Malaysia
  61. Supply chain integration and performance: US versus East Asian companies
  62. Factors influencing GIS project implementation failure in the UK retailing industry
  63. Quality Control Circles
  64. Supply Chain Risk Management
  65. Supply Chain Risk Management
  66. The Effects of Information Quality on Supply Chain Performance
  67. The Development of Synergy Model on Internal and External Suppliers for Asian Airlines Industry
  68. Factors Influencing Intention to Use e-Government Services Among Citizens in Malaysia
  69. The Adoption of Technology System in the Malaysian Public Sector
  70. The Relationships Between the Extent of Information Systems Adoption and Service Performance in the Public Hospital in Malaysia