All Stories

  1. Nature-Inspired Cloud–Crowd Computing for Intelligent Transportation System
  2. Medical image registration utilizing tissue P systems
  3. Solving grid scheduling problem using an amalgam of swarm and traditional approach
  4. Multiprocessor Scheduling Based on Evolutionary Technique for Solving Permutation Flow Shop Problem
  5. Evolutionary based hybrid GA for solving multi-objective grid scheduling problem
  6. Hybrid optimizer for the travelling salesman problem
  7. Application of Bat Algorithm for Transport Network Design Problem
  8. An Evolutionary Computing Based Model (GA) implementation for Budget Optimization and Allocation
  9. Introduction
  10. Literature Review
  11. Research Methodology
  12. Result and Discussion
  13. Appendix A: Allocation Ocba
  14. Appendix B: Simulation Of Mean And Standard Deviation
  15. Appendix C: Budget Allocation Using Genetic Algorithm Approach Fitness Calculation
  16. Summary
  17. Dedication
  18. Preface
  19. Subject Index
  20. List Of Abbreviations
  21. Nested hybrid evolutionary model for traffic signal optimization