All Stories

  1. ‘You’re probably going to catch me out here’: principals’ understandings of inclusion policy in complex times
  2. Inclusion and students with specific learning difficulties: the double-edged sword of stigma and teacher attributions
  3. Attributional patterns towards students with and without learning disabilities: a comparison of pre- and in-service teachers in China
  4. A tale from three countries: the classroom management practices of pre-service teachers from Australia, Canada and the United Kingdom
  6. Probing and problematizing teacher professional development for inclusion
  7. What are standardized literacy and numeracy tests testing? Evidence of the domain-general contributions to students’ standardized educational test performance
  8. Beyond the binary: rethinking teachers’ understandings of and engagement with inclusion
  9. Resilience to bullying: towards an alternative to the anti-bullying approach
  10. Comparing causes to outcomes for students with and without learning disabilities
  11. Inclusion, Classroom Management and Teacher Self-Efficacy in an Australian Context
  12. An examination of pre-service teachers' attributions for students with specific learning difficulties
  13. An Investigation of Teachers’ Awareness and Willingness to Engage with a Self-Directed Professional Development Package on Gifted and Talented Education
  14. Investigation of Chinese University Students’ Attributions of English Language Learning
  15. Inclusive education policies: discourses of difference, diversity and deficit
  16. Contesting the recognition of Specific Learning Disabilities in educational policy: Intra- and inter-national insights
  17. Trainee Teachers’ Attitudes Towards Students With Specific Learning Disabilities
  18. Teachers' causal attributional responses of students with learning disabilities in China
  19. Does Study of an Inclusive Education Subject Influence Pre-Service teachers' Concerns and Self-Efficacy about Inclusion?
  20. A cross-sectional study of student teachers’ behaviour management strategies throughout their training years
  21. Preservice Teachers' Views of Inclusive Education: A Content Analysis
  22. A Cross Sectional Study of Pre-service Teacher Efficacy Throughout the Training Years
  23. Are we exacerbating students’ learning disabilities? An investigation of preservice teachers’ attributions of the educational outcomes of students with learning disabilities
  24. Canadian and Australian pre-service teachers’ use, confidence and success in various behaviour management strategies
  25. The Potential To Learn: Pre-Service Teachers Proposed Use Of Instructional Strategies For Students With A Learning Disability
  26. Success and near misses: Pre-service teachers’ use, confidence and success in various classroom management strategies
  27. Survey of Behaviour Management Practices