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  1. Blood from a stone: Do the trace metals of sperm whale coproliths reveal a contribution from squid haemolymph?
  2. If speed is of the essence: rapid analysis of ambergris by APCI compact mass spectrometry
  3. If Speed is of the Essence: Rapid Analysis of Jetsam Ambergris by APCI Compact Mass Spectrometry
  4. CO2-Degassing Carbonate Conduits in Early Pleistocene Marine Clayey Deposits in Southwestern Umbria (Central Italy)
  5. DNA preserved in jetsam whale ambergris
  6. How is the major constituent of ambergris made?
  7. What odours are emitted from ambergris found on beaches and how do they vary with age?
  8. How old is ambergris found on beaches?
  9. Further spectral and chromatographic studies of ambergris
  10. Chromatographic and spectral studies of jetsam and archived ambergris
  11. Use of the distributions of adamantane acids to profile short-term temporal and pond-scale spatial variations in the composition of oil sands process-affected waters
  12. Differentiation of two industrial oil sands process‐affected waters by two‐dimensional gas chromatography/mass spectrometry of diamondoid acid profiles