All Stories

  1. Blockchain adoption in the supply chain – a game theoretic perspective: the case of the diamond industry
  2. A deep analysis of the economics and finance research on cryptocurrencies
  3. The price and cost of bitcoin
  4. The Intersection of Cybercrime and the Blockchain
  5. Centralization and decentralization in ICT: Duality and complementarity
  6. A theory of optimum cryptocurrency scope
  7. Seven mistakes to avoid in launching and scaling digital platforms
  8. LBRY, Inc.: Scaling and Monetizing a Blockchain Startup
  9. ICT-enabled Refugee Integration: A Research Agenda
  10. Figayou pursues a platform strategy: A case study of digital platform entrepreneurship
  11. Online Communities as Agents of Change and Social Movements
  12. Prospects for case-based research on social media
  13. The Editor Is Often a Coach
  14. An Agenda for Case-Based Research
  15. Understanding the influence of information systems competencies on process innovation: A resource-based view
  16. How do a company's information technology competences influence its ability to innovate?
  17. How Corporate Portals Support Innovation
  18. Strategic Models for the Delivery of Personal Financial Services
  19. Fostering Social Movements with Social Media
  20. Does Organizational Support of Social Media Affect Worker Satisfaction, Involvement, and Organizational Knowledge?
  21. The Role of Case-Based Research in Information Technology and Systems