All Stories

  1. Commentary on Biomarkers for Early Detection and Prognosis of AKI
  2. Introducing the Evidence-Based Nephrology Series
  3. Commentary on Pharmacotherapy of Hypertension in Patients on Chronic Dialysis
  4. Incidence, Severity, and Outcomes of AKI Associated with Dual Renin-Angiotensin System Blockade
  5. Frailty and Cognitive Impairment in ESRD: Brain-Body Connections
  6. Prognostic Significance of High-Sensitivity Cardiac Troponin T Concentrations between the Limit of Blank and Limit of Detection in Community-Dwelling Adults: A Metaanalysis
  7. NT-ProBNP and Troponin T and Risk of Rapid Kidney Function Decline and Incident CKD in Elderly Adults
  8. Serum Potassium in Dual Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System Blockade
  9. Physical Activity in ESRD: Time to Get Moving