All Stories

  1. We’d rather pay than change the politics of German non-adjustment in the Eurozone crisis
  2. Keeping the euro at any cost? Explaining attitudes toward the euro-austerity trade-off in Greece
  3. Using external shocks to expand you party's vote share: How the Polish PiS came to power in 2015
  4. How British voters expected the EU to react after Brexit and how this has changed since 2016
  5. Introduction to the debate section: understanding contemporary challenges to the global order
  6. Challenges to the contemporary global order. Cause for pessimism or optimism?
  7. Analyzing inter-state negotiations in the Eurozone crisis and beyond
  8. National Sovereignty vs. International Cooperation: Policy Choices in Trade‐Off Situations
  9. The Political Consequences of Economic Shocks. Evidence from Poland
  10. How expectations about the foreign response shape referendum voting in foreign policy referendums
  11. Offshoring and elections. Which parties do globalization winners and losers vote for?
  12. Understanding the Political Economy of the Eurozone Crisis
  13. Open economy politics and Brexit: insights, puzzles, and ways forward
  14. German Voters in Times of Crisis: The Impact of Perceptions and Economic Context on Electoral Behaviour
  15. National Votes with International Consequences. A Democratic Threat to Cooperation?
  16. The Eurozone Crisis: Why it happened, how it happened, and why it has been difficult to resolve.
  17. How do specific crisis-policies influence voting behavior?
  18. Crisis Politics in Europe
  19. Globalization and the Demand-Side of Politics: How Globalization Shapes Labor Market Risk Perceptions and Policy Preferences
  20. Austerität oder Abwertung? Warum Staaten unterschiedlich auf Zahlungsbilanzkrisen reagieren
  21. Financial Crises and the Politics of Macroeconomic Adjustments
  22. Internationale Politische Ökonomie
  23. Verteilungskonflikte in der Eurokrise und die politische Handlungsfähigkeit von Demokratien
  24. Internationale Politische Ökonomie
  25. Fixed Exchange Rate Regimes and Financial Markets as Sources of Macroeconomic Discipline
  26. The Political Economy of Exchange-Rate Policy
  27. Measurement and Data Aggregation in Small-n Social Scientific Research
  28. The Discipline Effects of Fixed Exchange Rates: Constraint versus Incentive Effects and the Distinction between Hard and Soft Pegs
  29. Delaying the inevitable: A political economy approach to currency defenses and depreciation
  31. Do globalization losers feel more insecure, want more social protection and vote for left parties?
  32. Does the IMF Help or Hurt? The Effect of IMF Programs on the Likelihood and Outcome of Currency Crises
  33. Elections and exchange rate devaluations: Understanding the politics of currency crises
  34. Globalization and Government Short-Term Room to Maneuver in Economic Policy: An Empirical Analysis of Reactions to Currency Crises
  35. Wirtschaftspolitischer Handlungsspielraum im Zeitalter der Globalisierung. Eine empirische Untersuchung am Beispiel von Währungskrisen
  36. A New Approach for Determining Exchange-Rate Level Preferences
  37. Policy Responses to Speculative Attacks Before and After Elections: Theory and Evidence
  38. Globalization, Labor Market Risks, and Class Cleavages Rafaela Dancygier and Stefanie Walter
  39. Private actor exchange rate policy preferences
  40. Preface
  41. Introduction
  42. Direct Vulnerabilities to Adjustment
  43. Indirect Vulnerabilities to Adjustment
  44. Conclusions
  45. References
  46. Individual Vulnerability to Macroeconomic Adjustment
  47. Interests, Elections, and Policymakers’ Incentives to Adjust
  48. Adjustment in the Asian Financial Crisis
  49. Adjustment in Eastern Europe during the Global Financial Crisis
  50. Fixed exchange rate regimes and financial markets as sources of macroeconomic discipline