All Stories

  1. Hox gene collinearity as applied to the sea urchin
  2. The unusual gene order in the Echinoderm Hox cluster is related to the embryo and larva symmetries
  3. Towards Resolving the Enigma of HOX Gene Collinearity
  4. Evolutionary Constraints Favor a Biophysical Model Explaining Hox Gene Collinearity
  5. Hox gene collinearity: comparison of models
  6. Physical forces may cause Hox gene collinearity in the primary and secondary axes of the developing vertebrates
  7. Pulling forces acting on Hox gene clusters cause expression collinearity
  8. A cluster translocation model may explain the collinearity ofHox gene expressions
  9. Modes of Morphogen Cooperation for Limb Formation in Vertebrates and Insects
  10. Distalization in insects and amphibians
  11. Retinoic Acid cannot be the Morphogen in Reaction-Diffusion Models for the Formation of the Chick Wing Bud
  12. A reaction-diffusion theory of morphogenesis with inherent pattern invariance under scale variations
  13. A model of gradient interpretation based on morphogen binding