All Stories

  1. Exploration of clinicians’ decision-making regarding transfer of patient care from the emergency department to a medical assessment unit: A qualitative study
  2. Introducing a MAP for adherence care in the paediatric cystic fibrosis clinic: a multiple methods implementation study
  3. Exploring Risk, Antecedents and Human Costs of Living with a Retained Surgical Item: A Narrative Synthesis of Australian Case Law 1981–2018
  4. Effectiveness of clinical criteria in directing patient flow from the emergency department to a medical assessment unit in Queensland, Australia: a retrospective chart review of hospital administrative data
  5. Implementation and Evaluation of a Standardized Nurse‐Administered Assessment of Functional and Psychosocial Issues for Patients in Acute Care
  6. Beyond the black stump: rapid reviews of health research issues affecting regional, rural and remote Australia
  7. The effectiveness and cost effectiveness of a hospital avoidance program in a residential aged care facility: a prospective cohort study and modelled decision analysis
  8. Prevention of occlusion of cEnTral lInes for children with cancer: An implementation study
  9. Oral nutritional supplements for preventing surgical site infections: protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis
  10. 3D Total Body Photography for early melanoma detection
  11. Implementation of simulation modelling to improve service planning in specialist orthopaedic and neurosurgical outpatient services
  12. Clinically-indicated replacement versus routine replacement of peripheral venous catheters
  13. Cohort study of a specialist social worker intervention on hospital use for patients at risk of long stay
  14. In Response
  15. Intrathecal Morphine–Related Perioperative Hypothermia in Women Undergoing Cesarean Delivery: A Retrospective Case-Control Study
  16. Preoperative Warming Versus no Preoperative Warming for Maintenance of Normothermia in Women Receiving Intrathecal Morphine for Cesarean Delivery
  17. Nursing service innovation: A case study examining emergency nurse practitioner service sustainability
  18. Candida albicans colonisation, continence status and incontinence-associated dermatitis in the acute care setting: a pilot study
  19. Nursing physical assessment for patient safety in general wards: reaching consensus on core skills
  20. Nursing and Medical Perceptions of a Hospital Rapid Response System
  21. The Skin Safety Model: Reconceptualizing Skin Vulnerability in Older Patients
  22. Clinically-indicated replacement versus routine replacement of peripheral venous catheters
  23. Incidence and Predictors of Lower Limb Split-Skin Graft Failure and Primary Closure Dehiscence in Day-Case Surgical Patients
  24. The primacy of vital signs – Acute care nurses’ and midwives’ use of physical assessment skills: A cross sectional study
  25. Preoperative bathing or showering with skin antiseptics to prevent surgical site infection
  26. A theoretical framework to support research of health service innovation
  27. Incontinence-associated dermatitis: a cross-sectional prevalence study in the Australian acute care hospital setting
  28. Author response
  29. Author response
  30. What factors influence nurses' assessment practices? Development of the Barriers to Nurses' use of Physical Assessment Scale
  31. Does Preoperative Oral Carbohydrate Reduce Hospital Stay? A Randomized Trial
  32. An integrated educational model for continuing nurse education
  33. Clinically-indicated replacement versus routine replacement of peripheral venous catheters
  34. Home-Based Preoperative Chlorhexidine Bathing Cloths to Prevent Surgical Site Infection
  35. Creating a therapeutic environment: A non-randomised controlled trial of a quiet time intervention for patients in acute care
  36. Clinically indicated replacement versus routine replacement of peripheral venous catheters
  37. Challenging endoscopy reprocessing guidelines: a prospective study investigating the safe shelf life of flexible endoscopes in a tertiary gastroenterology unit
  38. Developing a Research base for Intravenous Peripheral cannula re-sites (DRIP trial). A randomised controlled trial of hospital in-patients
  39. Phlebitis associated with peripheral intravenous catheters
  40. Preoperative bathing or showering with skin antiseptics to prevent surgical site infection
  41. Using a Monitored Sip Test to Assess Risk of Aspiration in Postoperative Patients
  42. Meta-analysis of preoperative antiseptic bathing in the prevention of surgical site infection
  43. Best practice in stabilisation of oral endotracheal tubes: A systematic review
  44. Influences on compliance with standard precautions among operating room nurses
  45. Reconceptualising the objectives of a pilot study for clinical research
  46. Ethical Issues in Advanced Nursing Practice