All Stories

  1. Neural and psychological correlates of post-traumatic stress symptoms in a community adult sample
  2. Comparing Bayesian Variable Selection to Lasso Approaches for Applications in Psychology
  3. Best practices for addressing missing data through multiple imputation
  4. shinyDLRs: A dashboard to facilitate derivation of diagnostic likelihood ratios.
  5. Symptom‐level networks of youth‐ and parent‐reported depression and anxiety in a transdiagnostic clinical sample
  6. Best Practices for Addressing Missing Data through Multiple Imputation
  7. Missing Data and Multiple Imputation Decision Tree
  8. Symptom-Level Networks of Youth- and Parent-Reported Depression and Anxiety in a Transdiagnostic Clinical Sample
  9. Testing measurement equivalence of neurocognitive assessments across language in the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos.
  10. Investigating educators’ implicit attitudes toward social groups
  11. Insomnia, Health, and Health-related Quality of Life in an Urban Clinic Sample of People Living with HIV/AIDS
  12. Child eyewitness researchers often bin age: Prevalence of the practice and recommendations for analyzing developmental trends.
  13. Syndemics and salivary inflammation in people living with HIV/AIDS
  14. Improving Practices for Selecting a Subset of Important Predictors in Psychology: An Application to Predicting Pain
  15. The situation or the person? Individual and task‐evoked differences in BOLD activity
  16. Longitudinal Effects of Syndemics on HIV-Positive Sexual Minority Men’s Sexual Health Behaviors
  17. Improving Practices for Selecting a Subset of Important Predictors in Psychology: An Application to Predicting Pain
  18. The Impact of Moderate Priors For Bayesian Estimation and Testing of Item Factor Analysis Models When Maximum Likelihood is Unsuitable
  19. Longitudinal Effects of Syndemics on ART Non-adherence Among Sexual Minority Men
  20. A multilevel examination of sleep, depression, and quality of life in people living with HIV/AIDS
  21. Bayesian Estimation for Item Factor Analysis Models with Sparse Categorical Indicators
  22. Comparing within-person effects from multivariate longitudinal models.
  23. Judgments of self-identified gay and heterosexual male speakers: Which phonemes are most salient in determining sexual orientation?
  24. Abstract: Advantages of a Bayesian Approach for Examining Class Structure in Finite Mixture Models
  25. Moving Forward in the Debate on Causal Indicators: Rejoinder to Comments
  26. Advantages of Integrative Data Analysis for Developmental Research
  27. Interpretational Confounding or Confounded Interpretations of Causal Indicators?
  28. Indirect effects of 12‐session seeking safety on substance use outcomes: Overall and attendance class‐specific effects
  29. A Latent Curve Model with Structured Residuals (LCM-SR)
  30. Indirect effects of 12-session seeking safety on substance use outcomes: Overall and attendance class-specific effects
  31. Assessing the Capacity of Multilevel Models With Time-Varying Covariates to Represent Relational Processes in Development