All Stories

  1. Realism and robustness require increased sample size when studying both sexes
  2. Meta-analysis of variation suggests that embracing variability improves both replicability and generalizability in preclinical research
  3. Age-dependent trajectories differ between within-pair and extra-pair paternity success
  4. Visualizing unbiased and biased unweighted meta-analyses
  5. Ecological and Evolutionary Applications for Environmental Sex Reversal of Fish
  6. Consistent age-dependent declines in human semen quality: A systematic review and meta-analysis
  7. Meta-analysis of variation: ecological and evolutionary applications and beyond
  8. Infectious diseases of Antarctic penguins: current status and future threats
  9. Base-resolution DNA methylation landscape of zebrafish brain and liver
  10. Mitigating the epidemic of type I error: ecology and evolution can learn from other disciplines
  11. Juvenile Hormone Enhances Aversive Learning Performance in 2-Day Old Worker Honey Bees while Reducing Their Attraction to Queen Mandibular Pheromone
  12. Quantifying the predictability of behaviour: statistical approaches for the study of between-individual variation in the within-individual variance
  13. House sparrowPasser domesticussurvival is not associated with MHC-I diversity, but possibly with specific MHC-I alleles
  14. Sperm traits of masculinized fish relative to wild-type males: a systematic review and meta-analyses
  15. Female extra-pair mating: adaptation or genetic constraint?
  17. The Evolutionary Consequences of Disrupted Male Mating Signals: An Agent-Based Modelling Exploration of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals in the Guppy
  18. Geographical variation in male calls and the effect on female response in little penguins
  20. A Tale of Two Phylogenies: Comparative Analyses of Ecological Interactions
  21. General Quantitative Genetic Methods for Comparative Biology
  22. A statistical approach to distinguish telomere elongation from error in longitudinal datasets
  23. Size and experience matter: diving behaviour of juvenile New Zealand sea lions (Phocarctos hookeri)
  24. Mapping the zebrafish brain methylome using reduced representation bisulfite sequencing
  25. Feeding nestlings does not function as a signal of social prestige in cooperatively breeding chestnut-crowned babblers
  26. Providing chicks with extra food lowers male but not female provisioning in the House SparrowPasser domesticus
  27. Breeding Biology and Variable Mating System of a Population of Introduced Dunnocks (Prunella modularis) in New Zealand
  28. What determines species richness of parasitic organisms? A meta-analysis across animal, plant and fungal hosts
  29. Feeding ability of a fluvial habitat-specialist and habitat-generalist fish in turbulent and still conditions
  30. Life extension after heat shock exposure: Assessing meta-analytic evidence for hormesis
  31. The practicality of Trojan sex chromosomes as a biological control: an agent based model of two highly invasive Gambusia species
  32. Social and genetic benefits of parental investment suggest sex differences in selection pressures
  33. A general and simple method for obtainingR2from generalized linear mixed-effects models
  34. Habitat-related patterns in phenotypic variation in a New Zealand freshwater generalist fish, and comparisons with a closely related specialist
  35. Nested by design: model fitting and interpretation in a mixed model era
  36. Defining behavioural syndromes and the role of ‘syndrome deviation’ in understanding their evolution
  37. The mean strikes back: mean–variance relationships and heteroscedasticity
  38. Assessing the Patterns of Evolution in Anuran Vocal Sexual Signals
  39. Passerine Birds Breeding under Chronic Noise Experience Reduced Fitness
  40. Meta-analytic insights into evolutionary ecology: an introduction and synthesis
  41. The fitness consequences of environmental sex reversal in fish: a quantitative review
  42. Comparative and meta-analytic insights into life extension via dietary restriction
  43. Methodological issues and advances in biological meta-analysis
  44. Microsatellite resources for Passeridae species: a predicted microsatellite map of the house sparrow Passer domesticus
  45. Quantitative analysis of compensatory and catch‐up growth in diverse taxa
  46. The influence of male age on within-pair and extra-pair paternity in passerines
  47. Parasitism and behavioural syndromes in the fish Gobiomorphus cotidianus
  48. A comparative analysis of chemically induced sex reversal in teleosts: challenging conventional suppositions
  49. Food supplements increase adult tarsus length, but not growth rate, in an island population of house sparrows (Passer domesticus)
  50. Neglected biological patterns in the residuals
  51. Disentangling the roles of natural selection and genetic drift in shaping variation at MHC immunity genes
  52. Small Subordinate Male Advantage in the Zebrafish
  53. The Risk and Intensity of Sperm Ejection in Female Birds
  54. Dominance and plumage traits: meta-analysis and metaregression analysis
  55. Behavioural ecology is not an endangered discipline
  56. No evidence for adverse effects on fitness of fitting passive integrated transponders (PITs) in wild house sparrows Passer domesticus
  57. Great challenges with few subjects: Statistical strategies for neuroscientists
  58. Inbreeding Depression Accumulation across Life-History Stages of the Endangered Takahe
  59. Limited inbreeding depression in a bottlenecked population is age but not environment dependent
  60. The influence of sex and body size on nestling survival and recruitment in the house sparrow
  61. Model averaging, missing data and multiple imputation: a case study for behavioural ecology
  62. Repeatability for Gaussian and non-Gaussian data: a practical guide for biologists
  63. The consequences of parasitic infections for host behavioural correlations and repeatability
  64. Environmental Sensitivity in Relation to Size and Sex in Birds: Meta‐Regression Analysis
  65. Elevated reproductive effort increases blood parasitaemia and decreases immune function in birds: a meta-regression approach
  66. Missing inaction: the dangers of ignoring missing data
  67. The mask of seniority? A neglected age indicator in house sparrows Passer domesticus
  68. Effect size, confidence interval and statistical significance: a practical guide for biologists
  69. Does the badge of status influence parental care and investment in house sparrows? An experimental test
  70. The effects of changes in consequences on hens’ performance in delayed-matching-to-sample tasks
  71. The case against retrospective statistical power analyses with an introduction to power analysis
  72. Is avian sex determination unique?: clues from a warbler and from chickens
  73. Measuring vertebrate telomeres: applications and limitations
  74. The effect of acoustic and visual priming stimuli on the reproductive behaviour of female zebra finches, Taeniopygia guttata
  75. O sibling, where art thou? a review of avian sibling recognition with respect to the mammalian literature
  76. Relatedness does not affect the mating effort of Eisenia fetida Sav. (Oligochaeta) despite evidence for outbreeding depression
  77. Heart rate changes reveal that little blue penguin chicks ( Eudyptula minor ) can use vocal signatures to discriminate familiar from unfamiliar chicks