All Stories

  1. Enhancement of functional properties of V0.6Ti0.4 alloy superconductor by the addition of yttrium
  2. Temperature-induced first-order electronic topological transition in β-Ag2Se
  3. Influence of eutectic microstructure on the critical current density of V1−xZrx superconductors
  4. Localization of electronic states resulting from electronic topological transitions in the Mo1−xRex alloys: A photoemission study
  5. Magnetic and thermodynamic properties of PrPt3.88Fe0.12Ge12 superconductor
  6. Finding new materials for high field superconducting applications
  7. Renormalization of electron–phonon coupling in the Mott–Ioffe–Regel limit due to point defects in the V1−x Ti x alloy superconductors
  8. Study of Nb0.18Re0.82 non-centrosymmetric superconductor in the normal and superconducting states
  9. Effect of light and heavy rare earth mixing on the properties of Nd1−x Gd x Co2
  10. Internal strain induced superconductivity in arc melted Ti0.97Fe0.03 alloy
  11. Magnetic properties in the vortex state of Pr 1-x Nd x Pt 4 Ge 12 and PrPt 3.88 Fe 0.12 Ge 12 superconductors
  12. A revisit to the temperature dependence of electrical resistivity of α - Titanium at low temperatures
  13. Vortex–glass transformation within the surface superconducting state ofβ-phase Mo1-xRexalloys
  14. Thermal properties and electronic structure of superconducting germanide skutterudites and : a multi-band perspective
  15. Electronic structure of Mo1−xRexalloys studied through resonant photoemission spectroscopy
  16. High-field paramagnetic Meissner effect and flux creep in low- T c Ti–V alloy superconductors
  17. Magnetic irreversibility and pinning force density in the Mo100− Re alloy superconductors
  18. High field paramagnetic Meissner effect in Mo100−xRex alloy superconductors
  19. Strong electron–phonon coupling and multiband effects in the superconducting β -phase Mo 1− x Re x alloys
  20. Critical current and flux pinning properties of the superconducting Ti–V alloys
  21. Evidence of multiband superconductivity in theβ-phase Mo1−xRexalloys
  22. The influence of electron-phonon coupling and spin fluctuations on the superconductivity of the Ti-V alloys
  23. Spin-fluctuations in Ti0.6V0.4 alloy and its influence on the superconductivity
  24. High field paramagnetic effect in the superconducting state of Ti0.8V0.2alloy
  25. Magnetic properties of the ternary aluminide TbFe2Al10
  26. Scaling of the isothermal entropy change and magnetoresistance in Ni-Mn-In based off-stoichiometric Heusler alloys
  27. Magnetic irreversibility and pinning force density in the Ti-V alloys
  28. Electrical transport and magnetic properties of superconducting Mo[sub 52]Re[sub 48] alloy
  29. Photoconductivity of Cobalt Doped CdS Thin Films
  30. Synthesis, Structural, Electrical and Magnetic Studies of Ni- Ferrite Nanoparticles
  31. Evidence for two superconducting gaps in the unconventional superconductor PrPt4Ge12
  32. A study on the effect of tantalum-impurity content on the superconducting properties of niobium materials used for making superconducting radio frequency cavities
  33. Critical current density and vortex pinning in the two gap superconductor PrPt 4 Ge 12
  34. Multiple magnetic transitions in Ag-substituted DyPt2
  35. Carrier recombination in Cu doped CdS thin films: Photocurrent and optical studies
  36. Study of the dynamical features of the austenite-martensite phase transition in the Ni50(Mn, 1%Fe)34In16 alloy using scanning Hall probe imaging
  37. The magnetic properties across the martensitic transition in the Co38Ni34Al28 alloy
  38. Magneto thermal conductivity of superconducting Nb with intermediate level of impurity
  39. Bioelectret state in aromatic amino acids: A Thermally Stimulated Depolarization Current study of phenylalanine, tyrosine and tryptophan
  40. Elevating the temperature regime of the large magnetocaloric effect in a Ni–Mn–In alloy towards room temperature
  41. Magneto-transport studies of FeSe0.9 −xMx(M = Si, Sb)
  42. Temperature and magnetic field induced multiple magnetic transitions in DyAg2
  43. Thermally stimulated depolarization current studies of relaxation in L-asparagine monohydrate
  44. Resistive broadening in sulfur doped FeTe
  45. Temperature dependence of thermoelectric power and thermal conductivity in ferromagnetic shape memory alloyNi50Mn34In16in magnetic fields
  46. Domain Structures across the Martensitic Transformation in Ni2+xMn1-xGa
  47. The magnetoresistance of a PrFeAsO1−xFysuperconductor
  48. Enhanced critical parameters of nanocarbon doped MgB2 superconductor
  49. On the magneto structural transition inNdCo2
  50. Frozen magnetostructural order inGd5Ge4: A calorimetric study
  51. Low temperature heat capacity of Y 1−xNdxCo2
  52. Simple and precise thermoelectric power measurement setup for different environments
  53. Modified scaling of thermopower to heat capacity observed with low-temperature measurements inFeSi1−xAlx
  54. Field-induced first-order to second-order magnetic phase transition inSm0.52Sr0.48MnO3
  55. Impurity band conduction in FeSi1−xAlx
  56. Do the grain boundaries of β-In2S3 thin films have a role in sub-band-gap photosensitivity to 632.8nm?
  57. Anomalous thermoelectric power of the Mg1−xAlxB2system withx= 0.0–1.0
  58. Electrical and magnetic transport properties of Fe3O4thin films on a GaAs(100) substrate
  59. Anomalous lattice expansion of RuSr2Eu1.5Ce0.5Cu2O10−δ (Ru-1222) magneto superconductor: A low temperature X-ray diffraction study
  60. Synthesis and physical characterization of superconductivity–magnetism crossover compound RuSr2EuCeCu2O10−δ
  61. Erratum: Transport and magnetic properties of conducting polyaniline doped withBX3(X=F, Cl, and Br) [Phys. Rev. B73, 075205 (2006)]
  62. Transport and magnetic properties of conducting polyaniline doped withBX3(X=F, Cl, and Br)
  63. 10.4028/0-87849-370-0.115