All Stories

  1. Mitigating against the between‐ensemble‐member precipitation bias in a lagged sub‐seasonal ensemble
  2. Challenges of forecast uncertainty within the warning value chain – a UK example from Storm Eunice
  3. Novel evaluation of sub‐seasonal precipitation ensemble forecasts for identifying high‐impact weather events associated with the Indian monsoon
  4. Author Correction: Global water resources and the role of groundwater in a resilient water future
  5. Global water resources and the role of groundwater in a resilient water future
  6. A novel way of correcting between-ensemble-member biases in a lagged S2S ensemble
  7. Seamless rainfall prediction skill comparison between GLOSEA5 and NEPS-G ensemble prediction systems
  8. Climate variability affects water-energy-food infrastructure performance in East Africa
  9. Sensitivity of projected climate impacts to climate model weighting: multi-sector analysis in eastern Africa
  10. High Stakes Decisions Under Uncertainty: Dams, Development and Climate Change in the Rufiji River Basin
  11. Lake Malawi’s threshold behaviour: A stakeholder-informed model to simulate sensitivity to climate change
  12. A method for constructing synthetic parallel tracks for augmenting in-situ data with satellite observations
  13. The El Niño event of 2015–2016: climate anomalies and their impact on groundwater resources in East and Southern Africa
  14. The El Niño event of 2015–16: Climate anomalies and their impact on groundwater resources in East and Southern Africa
  15. The El Niño event of 2015–16: Climate anomalies and their impact on groundwater resources in East and Southern Africa
  16. The El Niño event of 2015–16: Climate anomalies and their impact on groundwater resources in East and Southern Africa
  17. Supplementary material to "The El Niño event of 2015–16: Climate anomalies and their impact on groundwater resources in East and Southern Africa"
  18. The El Niño event of 2015–16: Climate anomalies and their impact on groundwater resources in East and Southern Africa
  19. The role of regional circulation features in regulating El Niño climate impacts over southern Africa: A comparison of the 2015/2016 drought with previous events
  20. Role of Andaman Sea in the intensification of cyclones over Bay of Bengal
  21. Determination of chloromethane and dichloromethane in a tropical terrestrial mangrove forest in Brazil by measurements and modelling
  22. Chloromethane and dichloromethane in the tropical Atlantic Ocean
  23. Small cumulus clouds enable the Indian monsoon to progress
  24. Impacts of Amazonia biomass burning aerosols assessed from short-range weather forecasts
  25. Impacts of Amazonia biomass burning aerosols assessed from short-range weather forecasts