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  1. Acute effects of moderate-intensity constant training on circulatory fibroblast growth factor 21, resis-tin, and adiponectin of physically inactive young adults
  2. Moderate-intensity constant or high-intensity interval training? Metabolic effects on candidates to undergo bariatric surgery
  3. Editorial: Spotlight on aging: physiology, prevention, and management of skeletal muscle atrophy
  4. Fisioterapia temprana, funcionalidad y complicaciones postoperatorias en adultos con cirugía abdominal de urgencia
  5. Effects of aerobic exercise on fibroblast growth factor 21 in overweight and obesity. A systematic review
  6. Effects of exercise intensity on soleus muscle myostatin and follistatin levels of hyperglycaemic rats (Efectos de la intensidad del ejercicio sobre la miostatina y folistatina del músculo sóleo de ratas hiperglicémicas)
  7. Effects of exercise on irisin in subjects with overweight or obesity. A systematic review of clinical studies
  8. Respuesta fisiológica al test de lanzadera en pacientes candidatos a cirugía bariátrica
  9. Estancia hospitalaria y funcionalidad en pacientes con retraso en el inicio de tratamiento de fisioterapia
  10. Exercise induces favorable metabolic changes in white adipose tissue preventing high‐fat diet obesity
  11. Fuerza prensil en adultos chilenos sanos de 20 a 69 años: un estudio transversal
  12. Relación del factor de crecimiento de fibroblastos 21 con indicadores de masa y función muscular en personas mayores con sobrepeso u obesidad. Estudio exploratorio
  13. Demographic/anthropometric factors and physiological performance-related parameters associated with the six-minute walk test in bariatric surgery candidates, from Valdivia, Chile
  14. Blockade of High-Fat Diet Proteomic Phenotypes Using Exercise as Prevention or Treatment
  15. Constant-moderate versus high-intensity interval training on heart adiponectin levels in high-fat fed mice: a preventive and treatment approach
  16. Effect of Exercise on Hepatic Steatosis: Are Benefits Seen Without Dietary Intervention? A Systematic Review and Meta‐Analysis
  17. Effect of High Intensity Interval Training on A1c in overweight or obese adults with type 1 diabetes
  18. Efectos de una sesión de fisioterapia respiratoria en la obstrucción de la vía aérea en niños/as menores de 3 años
  19. Skeletal muscle adiponectin induction in obesity and exercise
  20. Constant-Moderate and High-Intensity Interval Training Have Differential Benefits on Insulin Sensitive Tissues in High-Fat Fed Mice
  21. Skeletal muscle adiponectin induction depends on diet, muscle type/activity, and exercise modality in C57BL/6 mice
  22. Constant-Moderate and High-Intensity Interval Training Induce Differential Metabolic Benefits on Insulin-Sensitive Tissues in High-Fat Fed Mice
  23. Diabetes and High-Fat Diet Induce Different Pathologies in Mouse Skeletal Muscle Extracellular Matrix
  24. The changing profile of extracellular vesicles in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease progression and their role in signalling to hepatocytes
  25. Differential metabolic effects of constant moderate versus high intensity interval training in high‐fat fed mice: possible role of muscle adiponectin
  26. Utility and reliability of non-invasive muscle function tests in high-fat-fed mice
  27. The emerging role of skeletal muscle extracellular matrix remodelling in obesity and exercise
  28. Muscle Extracellular Matrix and Metabolic Outcomes Favour Moderate Intensity Training Over HIIT in Obese Mice
  29. Función física de niños/as de cuatro años con residencia urbana y rural
  30. Relación entre proteínas carboniladas y factor necrótico tumoral alfa con fuerza muscular en mujeres jóvenes y mayores: estudio exploratorio
  31. Assessment of neuro-muscular function tests in mouse models of obesity and diabetes
  32. Parámetros funcionales y su relación con velocidad de marcha en adultos mayores de la comunidad chilenos
  33. Frecuencia cardíaca postejercicio aeróbico y anaeróbico en niños con y sin riesgo cardiovascular
  34. Respuesta fisiológica en el test de marcha en 6 minutos en pacientes con enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica
  35. Equilíbrio estático em pacientes com diabetes melito tipo 2 com ou sem polineuropatia diabética
  36. Perfil Antropométrico de Remeros Juveniles Chilenos
  37. Perfil Antropométrico de un Hombre de 116 años de Edad