All Stories

  1. Comparing practice‐ and results‐based agri‐environmental schemes controlled by remote sensing: An application to olive groves in Spain
  2. Quantification of production inefficiencies as a cost-savings tool for increasing the viability of traditional olive farms
  3. The relative performance of ex‐ante and ex‐post measures to mitigate hypothetical and strategic bias in a stated preference study
  4. Impact of parcel fragmentation on the calculation of the real estate value of land belonging to farms
  5. The trade-offs between economic efficiency and job creation in olive grove smallholdings
  6. A practical method for the ex-ante evaluation of land consolidation initiatives: Fully connected parcels with the same value
  7. Result-oriented Agri-Environmental Climate Schemes as a means of promoting climate change mitigation in olive growing
  8. Inefficiency due to parcel fragmentation in olive orchards
  9. Is bigger better? Evidence from olive-grove farms in Andalusia
  10. Los efectos de la unidad mínima de cultivo en las tierras agrícolas de baja rentabilidad: el caso del olivar
  11. Cost analysis of parcel fragmentation in agriculture: The case of traditional olive cultivation
  12. The landscape of olive groves as a driver of the rural economy
  13. Analysis of the spatial relationship between small olive farms to increase their competitiveness through cooperation
  14. El impacto de las respuestas inconsistentes en las medidas de bienestar estimadas con el metodo del experimento de eleccion
  15. Adoption of greenhouse gas mitigation in agriculture: An analysis of dairy farmers' perceptions and adoption behaviour
  16. Incorrectly accounting for preference heterogeneity in choice experiments: Implications for welfare measurement
  17. Territorial management contracts as a tool to enhance the sustainability of sloping and mountainous olive orchards: Evidence from a case study in Southern Spain
  18. Caracterización del olivar de montaña Andaluz para la implementación de los Contratos Territoriales de Zona Rural
  19. The Impacts of Elicitation Context on Stated Preferences for Agricultural Landscapes
  20. Social attitudes in southern Spain to shape EU agricultural policy
  21. What are the consequences of ignoring attributes in choice experiments? Implications for ecosystem service valuation
  22. Improving the application of long-term ecology in conservation and land management
  23. Public preferences in irrigation and conservation development projects: Does simultaneous consideration of substitutes in choice sets matter?
  24. Modelling outcome-related risk in choice experiments
  25. Social preferences for agricultural policy instruments: joint consideration of non-attendance to attributes and to alternatives in modelling discrete choice data
  26. How Sure Can You Be? A Framework for Considering Delivery Uncertainty in Benefit Assessments Based on Stated Preference Methods
  27. Designing policies to mitigate the agricultural contribution to climate change: an assessment of soil based carbon sequestration and its ancillary effects
  28. Testing different types of benefit transfer in valuation of ecosystem services: New Zealand winegrowing case studies
  29. Estimating values of environmental impacts of dairy farming in New Zealand
  30. The value of public rights of way: A choice experiment in Bedfordshire, England
  31. A comparison of citizen and “expert” preferences using an attribute-based approach to choice
  32. Should all Choices Count? Using the Cut-Offs Approach to Edit Responses in a Choice Experiment
  33. Modeling preference heterogeneity in stated choice data: an analysis for public goods generated by agriculture
  34. The impacts of knowledge of the past on preferences for future landscape change
  35. Accounting for Negative, Zero and Positive Willingness to Pay for Landscape Change in a National Park
  36. Drivers of Environmental Change in Uplands
  37. Is there a market for functional wines? Consumer preferences and willingness to pay for resveratrol-enriched red wine
  38. Rural versus urban preferences for renewable energy developments
  39. The Reform of Support Mechanisms for Upland Farming: Paying for Public Goods in the Severely Disadvantaged Areas of England
  40. Testing Choice Experiment for Benefit Transfer with Preference Heterogeneity
  41. Estimating the benefits of water quality improvements under the Water Framework Directive: are benefits transferable?
  42. Analysing the social benefits of soil conservation measures using stated preference methods
  43. Variographic analysis of tropical forest cover from multi-scale remotely sensed imagery
  44. Economic Valuation of Environmental Impacts in the Severely Disadvantaged Areas in England