All Stories

  1. Morbidity and mortality in Semipalatinsk area: commentary
  2. Psychotherapy of generalized anxiety disorder
  3. Алкоголь и алкоголизм: история, теория, перспективы
  4. Medical education and postgraduate training in Russia: an update
  5. On management of medical institutions: commentary with reference to the foreign experience
  6. Invasive Procedures Used in Tuberculosis With Questionable Indications: Report From Russia
  7. Alcohol and Alcoholism in Russia: An Update
  8. Fascism in Medicine and Everyday Life
  9. Selected Social and Religious Aspects of the Ukraine Conflict
  10. Exaggeration of consequences of low-dose radiation exposures with special reference to cataracts
  11. Surgical Procedures with Questionable Indications Used in Russia
  12. The Ukraine Conflict: Ecological and Demographic Aspects
  13. The Overpopulation: Environmental and Hereditary Aspects
  14. Reply to Letter to the Editor: “Cardiovascular Events After Coronavirus Disease 2019 Vaccinations: Hypersensitivity Myocarditis After Coronavirus Disease 2019 Vaccines, Diagnostic and Long-term Considerations”
  15. Renal Biopsy: History and Perspectives
  16. Alcohol and Related Problems in Russia Since 1970
  17. Обзор книги «Недобросовестность в медицинской науке и практике» (на английском языке). Nova Science Publishers, 2020
  18. Book Review. Misconduct in Medical Research and Practice. Nova Science Publishers, 2020
  19. Overtreatment of Supposedly Radiogenic Cancer and Precancerous Lesions
  20. Psychopathological consequences of child abuse: Letter from Russia
  21. Minimally invasive dentistry: history, theory and perspectives
  22. Post-COVID-19 Syndrome vs. Consequences of Vaccination with Special Reference to Cardiovascular Conditions
  23. Potential consequences of child abuse: Case report and mini-review
  24. Overestimation of Cardiovascular Consequences of Low Dose Radiation Exposures
  25. Exaggerated risk perception of asbestos-related diseases: commentary
  26. War in Ukraine: Social and Medical Perspective
  27. Konsiliarische Mitbeurteilung ntig
  28. Konsiliarische Mitbeurteilung ntig
  29. The Ukraine War: Psychiatric Aspects
  30. Asbestos-related Cancer: Exaggerated Risk Perception
  31. The Conflict in Ukraine: Medical and Psychological Aspects
  32. Минимально-инвазивная стоматология: теория и перспективы
  33. Минимально-инвазивная стоматология – теория и перспективы
  34. The Ukraine Conflict: Social, Psychological and Medical Perspectives
  35. The Russo-Ukrainian Conflict: Social, Psychological and Medical Perspectives
  36. The Conflict in Ukraine: An Update
  37. The Ukraine War: Psychological and Medical Perspective
  38. The War in Ukraine: Psychological and Religion-related Aspects
  40. Book Review: The Conflict in Ukraine. Nova Science Publishers, 2023
  41. The Ukraine War: Psychological and Medical Perspective
  42. Food Insulin Index: Implications for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
  43. The Conflict in Ukraine: Psychological Aspects
  44. Environmental and Social Aspects of the Conflict in Ukraine: an Update
  45. The Conflict in Ukraine: Social and Ecological Aspects
  46. The war in Ukraine: suggestions and peace initiatives
  47. Overestimation of medical consequences of low-dose exposures to ionizing radiation
  48. Overreaction to COVID-19: medical and political aspects
  49. Asbestos and anti-asbestos activism: medical and economical aspects
  50. Asbestos-Related Diseases and Policies: an Update
  51. Dentistry in Russia
  52. Magnesium Supplementation with Special Reference to Alcohol-Related Conditions: Experience from Russia
  53. Surgical procedures with questionable indications: an update
  54. Surgical procedures with questionable indications: an update
  55. Asbestos-related Lung Diseases: A Brief Update
  56. Cardiovascular Events After COVID-19 Vaccination: A Comment
  57. Kommentar zum russischen Gesundheitssystem
  58. Kommentar zum russischen Gesundheitssystem
  59. Exaggerated Risk Perception of Low-Dose Radiation: Motives and Mechanisms
  60. Chernobyl consequences are coming
  61. Fifth generation (5G) telecommunication systems and human health
  62. Indications for magnesium supplementation an example of alcoholism
  63. Fifth generation (5G) telecommunication systems and human health
  64. The Conflict around Ukraine: Social and Environmental Aspects
  65. Exaggerated Risk Perception of Low-Dose Exposures to Asbestos: Cui Bono?
  66. Military Aspects of Malingering, Sexual and Reproductive Coercion: Report from Russia
  67. Magnesium Supplementation with Special Reference to the Treatment of Alcoholism
  68. Surgery without Sufficient Indications: an Update from Russia
  69. Dentistry in Russia: Past and Presence
  70. Overpopulation and International Conflicts: An Update
  71. Insulin index of food products, its role in type 2 diabetes mellitus in overweight patients
  72. Diverticular disease of large bowel: view of pathologic anatomist
  73. Some aspects of alcohol-related mortality in Russia: Commentary on the article by P. Kuznetsova published in issue 4 (3) / 2020 of the Population and Economics Journal
  74. Millimeter waves and 5G standard: addition to the review
  75. Potential issues associated with dispensarisations in Russia
  77. Timely insulin administration in type 2 diabetes mellitus: pros and cons
  78. 5G wireless communication and health effects: a commentary
  79. Early start of insulin therapy in type 2 diabetes mellitus: pros and cons
  80. Some aspects of cell therapy and stem cells
  81. Chondroprotectives used for the treatment of knee osteoarthritis: A comment
  82. Chernobyl cancer studies with overseas control: high grade vs. late detection
  83. Reproductive and Sexual Coercion: The Role of Alcohol, Social and Demographic Conditions
  84. Some Aspects of the Surgical and Endoscopic Treatment of Tuberculosis in Russia
  85. The use of surfactant preparations in the absence of primary deficiency: publications, legal and regulatory framework
  86. Chapter 8. Report of the Whistleblower
  87. Markers of Radiogenic Cancer vs. Tumor Progression: an Overview of Chernobyl Studies
  88. Advances in Medicine and Biology. Volume 191
  89. Advances in Environmental Research. Volume 83
  90. Environmental Damage and Overpopulation: Demographic Aspects
  91. Epidemiological Research with Special Reference to Nuclear Worker Studies: Commentary
  92. Foreskin Retraction and Circumcision: Possible Late Consequences
  93. COVID-19 Vaccination with Special Reference to Adenoviral Vectors, Clotting Disorders and Old Age
  94. Surgical and endoscopic treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis: A report from russia
  95. The overestimation of medical consequences of low-dose exposures: Cui bono?
  97. Letter to the Editor: Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields and Possible Cancer Risk: Photochemical Aspects
  98. Back to the topic: high cardiovascular mortality in Russia
  99. X-Ray Hesitancy: Potential Concerns
  100. Misconduct in Medical Research and Practice
  101. Stem Cells And Cell Therapy: A Sober View
  102. Lutter contre les articles scientifiques falsifis
  103. Lutter contre les articles scientifiques falsifis
  104. Radiation Safety and Hormesis
  105. Radiofrequency Radiation: Ways to the Risk Assessment
  106. Some Aspects of Stem Cell Therapy
  107. Radiofrequency radiation: carcinogenic and other potential risks
  108. COVID-19: berreaktion vermeiden
  109. COVID-19: berreaktion vermeiden
  110. Damage to the economy is a risk to public health (author’s opinion)
  111. Soy phytoestrogens: efficiency in menopause and potential side effects
  112. Placebo in the guise of evidence-based medications
  113. Chromosomal Rearrangements of RET/PTC in Post-Chernobyl Thyroid Cancer
  114. Soy phytoestrogens: hormonal activity and impact on the reproductive system
  115. Perinatal mortality after the Fukushima accident: a comment
  116. Scientific Papers and Patents on Substances with Unproven Effects. Part 2
  117. Some aspects of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident
  118. Some aspects of thyroid neoplasia after chernobyl
  119. Thyroid cancer after chernobyl: re-evaluation needed
  120. COVID-19: economic damage is a health risk
  121. Shock wave therapy in cardiology: a commentary
  122. Shock wave therapy in cardiology: a comment
  123. Russland: der Alkoholkonsum im Wandel
  124. Russland: der Alkoholkonsum im Wandel
  125. Some aspects of the drug therapy of type 2 diabetes mellitus in overweight patients
  126. Scientific Papers and Patents on Substances with Unproven Effects
  127. Responsibility concerning condom use contributing to the considerable decrease in the abortion rate in Russia
  128. Management of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus with Overweight: Focus on SGLT-2 Inhibitors and GLP-1 Receptor Agonists
  129. On medical insurance: considerations based on foreign experience
  130. On the overdiagnosis and overtreatment of thyroid carcinoma after the Chernobyl accident
  131. Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields: Carcinogenic and Other Biological Effects
  132. Thyroid neoplasia after Chernobyl: A comment
  133. Некоторые аспекты применения стволовых клеток в кардиологии
  134. Electromagnetic radiofrequency radiation with special reference to otorhinolaryngology and brain tumors
  135. Drugs and dietary supplements with unproven effects in research and practice: Part 2
  136. Letter to the Editor. The male to female ratio at birth: environmental vs. social factors
  138. Drugs and dietary supplements with unproven effects in research and practice
  139. Studies of radiation risk at low doses and low dose rates: a new approach needed
  140. О роли низкоуглеводной высокожировой диеты в лечении и профилактике сахарного диабета и ожирения
  141. Cesarean combined with tubal sterilization: some medical and demographic aspects
  142. The male to female ratio at birth: The role of femicide and other mechanisms
  143. Alcohol Abuse, Reproductive Coercion and Intimate Partner Violence: Case Reports and Mini-Review
  144. Hormesis and radiation safety norms: Comments for an update
  145. Chernobyl-related thyroid cancer
  146. The potential use of flavonoids as venoactive drugs and the role of citrus fruits
  147. Alcohol-related poisonings in Russia: Obfuscated facts
  148. Alcohol consumption in Russia: Distorted vision
  149. Urological concern after nuclear accidents
  150. Recent advances in the drug therapy of type 2 diabetes mellitus with overweight
  151. Alcohol, Condom Use and Sexually Transmitted Infections: A Letter from Russia
  152. Male to Female Ratio at Birth: the Role of Background Radiation vs. Other Factors
  153. Asbestos and mesothelioma: A comment
  154. Bronchoscopy in Children for Research with Questionable Indications: An Overview of Russian Patents and Publications
  155. Popular Alcoholic Beverages in Russia with Special Reference to Quality and Toxicity
  156. Child Abuse, Autism and Excessive Alcohol Consumption
  157. RET/PTC3 Rearrangement in Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma
  158. Cardiovascular mortality in Russia: a comment
  159. Calf hemodialysate hypothesis: Nutritive value plus placebo effect
  160. Re: The high price of public fear of low-dose radiation
  161. Rusya'da Alkol ve Alkolizm: Politikalar ve Etkileri
  162. Pine Tree Tapping in Siberia with Special Reference to Alcohol Consumption
  163. On RET/PTC Rearrangements in Thyroid Carcinoma after the Chernobyl Accident
  164. International trends in health science librarianship part 20: Russia
  165. Child Abuse, Autistic Symptoms and Alcohol Over-Consumption: A Case Study
  166. Mobile phones: carcinogenic and other potential risks
  167. Grapefruit: perspectives in nutrition and pharmacology
  168. Asylum: Psychiatric and Social Aspects
  169. О ФАКТОРЕ ЭФФЕКТИВНОСТИ ДОЗЫ И МОЩНОСТИ ДОЗЫ (DDREF), "Радиационная биология. Радиоэкология"
  170. Invasive Procedures withQuestionable Indications used in Russia: Recent History
  171. Reliability of Surveys on Alcohol Consumption, Sexual Coercion and Contraception
  172. Meldonium (Mildronate): Primum nоn nocere
  173. Debate on the Chernobyl Disaster
  174. Letter to the Editor: Treatment of Gonorrhea in Russia: Recent History
  175. Condom Use, Alcohol, and Reliability of Survey Data
  176. Re: Atomic bomb testing and its effects on global male to female ratios at birth.
  177. On the endoscopic methods used in pediatrics with questionable indications
  178. Rusya'da Akut Pankreatit ve Alkol
  179. Alcohol Consumption in Russia and Some Aspects of Public Health
  180. On the tumor risk from dental diagnostic X-ray exposure
  181. Alcoholic Beverage Type and Pancreatitis
  182. Endoscopy in children for research
  183. On The Use of Human Tissues in Research and Practice
  184. Dose and dose-rate effectiveness of radiation: first objectivity then conclusions
  185. On the use of carnosine and antioxidants: a letter from Russia
  186. Hypothesis: overestimation of Chernobyl consequences
  187. Nuclear Facilities and Nuclear Weapons as a Guarantee of Peace
  188. Comment on “Use of Carnosine for Oxidative Stress Reduction in Different Pathologies”
  189. Sergei V. Jargin. 2016. Hypothesis: overestimation of Chernobyl consequences. Journal of Environmental and Occupational Science 5(3):59-63.
  190. On the use of acetylcysteine as a mucolytic drug
  191. Consequences of the Fukushima nuclear accident with special reference to the perinatal mortality and abortion rate
  192. Letter to the Editor. Questionable information on poisonings by alcohol surrogates
  193. Malignancies after Chernobyl Accident: What Is True and What Is Untrue
  194. Отклик на статью: Котеров А.Н., Ушенкова Л.Н., Бирюков А.П. Зависимости доза–эффект для частоты генных перестроекRET/PTCв папиллярных карциномах щитовидной железы после облучения. Объединенный анализ молекулярно-эпидемиологических данных
  195. Surgical Procedures with Questionable Indications: A Letter from Russia
  196. On the Endoscopic Methods Used with Questionable Indications
  197. Alcohol and Alcoholism in Russia: Insider’s Observations and Review of Literature
  198. Biological Effectiveness of Ionizing Radiation: Acute vs. Protracted Exposures
  199. Back to Chernobyl: Some Aspects of Cancer Diagnostics
  200. Hormetic use of stress in gerontological interventions requires a cautious approach
  201. Development of Antiatherosclerotic Drugs on the Basis of Cell Models: A Comment
  202. Cardiovascular mortality trends in Russia: possible mechanisms
  203. Medical and societal aspects of alcohol consumption in Russia
  204. Orekhov`s Method: Reassessment of In vitro Lipid Uptake Assays
  205. Solid cancer increase among Chernobyl liquidators: alternative explanation
  206. Vodka vs. Fortified Wine in Russia: Retrospective View
  207. Medizinische Terminologie in mehrsprachigen Ländern: die Schweiz als Vorbild für Osteuropa
  208. Medizinische Terminologie in mehrsprachigen Ländern: die Schweiz als Vorbild für Osteuropa
  209. Hormesis
  210. Some Selected Solutions for Ukraine
  211. Alcohol Abuse in Russia: History and Perspectives
  212. Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism in Russia
  213. Asbestos and its substitutes: International coordination and independent research needed
  214. Some Aspects of Renal Biopsy for Research
  215. Invasive procedures with questionable indications and possible placebo effects
  216. Hormesis and homeopathy: The artificial twins
  217. Back to the Mechanisms of Cancer Incidence Increase after Chernobyl
  218. Elder Abuse, Manipulation towards Suicide, and Homicide: Borders Can be Vague
  219. Focused review of mathematical modeling of radiation-related abnormalities in the Techa River cohort
  220. Some Aspects of Nonbeverage Alcohol Consumption in the Former Soviet Union
  221. On the RET/PTC3 Rearrangements in Chernobylrelated Thyroid Cancer vs. Late Detection
  222. Asbestos-Related Research: First Objectivity then Conclusions
  223. Invasive procedures with questionable indications
  224. Concerns about Soy Cultivation: What is Known and What is not Known
  225. Societal and political will for cancer prevention in Russia
  226. Renal Cell Carcinoma after Chernobyl: on the Role of Radiation vs. Late Detection
  227. Elder Abuse and Neglect vs. Parricide: A Letter From Russia
  228. Depleted uranium instead of lead in munitions: the lesser evil
  229. Chernobyl-Related Cancer and Precancerous Lesions: Incidence Increase Vs. Late Diagnostics
  230. Renal and pancreatic biopsy for research: Russian experience
  231. Chernobyl-related Bladder Lesions: New Interpretation Required
  232. Leukemia and cardiovascular diseases in the Techa river cohort: New interpretation required
  233. On the genetic effects of low-dose radiation
  234. Renal Biopsy for Research: An Overview of Russian Experience
  235. Elder Abuse and Neglect Versus Parricide
  236. El modelo cambiante del consumo de alcohol en Rusia
  237. Unfounded statements tending to overestimate Chernobyl consequences
  238. Alcohol Consumption by Russian Workers Before and During the Economical Reforms of the 1990s
  239. Russian Opinion on Asbestos: All Fibers Equal
  240. Letter to the Editor: On the Radiation-Leukemia Dose-Response Relationship among Recovery Workers after the Chernobyl Accident
  241. Barriers to the importation of medical products to Russia: in search of solutions
  242. On the low-dose-radiation exposure in the Techa River Cohort and mortality from circulatory diseases
  243. Phytoestrogens and other Botanicals: On the Problems of Evidence-based Evaluation
  244. Reduction of radiocesium load – reply
  245. Surfactant Therapy of Pulmonary Conditions Excluding those with Primary Surfactant Deficiency and Bronchoscopy as Delivery Method: An Overview of Russian Patents and Publications
  246. Feline companions and demography
  247. Sobre desvios de conduta em ciência: uma carta da Rússia
  248. Letters to the Editor
  249. Health care and life expectancy: A letter from Russia
  250. Renal Biopsy Research with Implications for Therapy of Glomerulonephritis
  251. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity (ADHD) and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD): on the Role of Alcohol and Societal Factors
  252. Renal Biopsy Research in the Former Soviet Union: Prevention of a Negligent Custom
  253. Food contamination after the Chernobyl accident: dose assessments and health effects
  254. Phytoestrogens and soy products: perspectives of application
  255. On the minimally invasive approach to the gingival recession
  256. Renal Biopsy Research with Implications for Therapy of Glomerulonephritis
  257. Some aspects of mutation research after a low-dose radiation exposure
  258. Social aspects of alcohol consumption in Russia
  259. Eingeschränkter Zugang zur internationalen medizinischen Fachliteratur in der ehemaligen Sowjetunion
  260. Surfactant preparations for tuberculosis and other diseases beyond infancy: A letter from Russia
  261. Supplementation of glycosaminoglycans and their precursors in osteoarthritis versus diet modification
  262. Hormesis and radiation safety norms
  263. Debate on the Chernobyl Disaster: Response to Dr. Sergei V. Jargin
  264. About the treatment of gonorrhea in the former Soviet Union
  265. On the RET Rearrangements in Chernobyl-Related Thyroid Cancer
  266. Debate on the Chernobyl Disaster: On the Causes of Chernobyl Overestimation
  267. Some aspects of medical education in the former Soviet Union
  269. Some aspects of psychiatry in Russia
  270. Overestimating Chernobyl’s Consequences: Motives and Tools
  271. Letter from Russia: Child Abuse and Alcohol Misuse in a Victim
  272. Response to “thyroid cancer after Chernobyl: mechanisms of overestimation” by Sergei V. Jargin
  273. Thyroid cancer after Chernobyl: mechanisms of overestimation
  274. Letter from Russia: Alcoholism and Dissent-Report of a Whistleblower
  275. Stem cells and cell therapy: On the eve of scientific discovery
  276. Reply to the letter to the Editor "Reduction of radiocesium load" by Sergei V. Jargin
  277. Reduction of radiocesium load: supplementation of Cs versus it's depletion by enterosorbents
  278. Thyroid Cancer after Chernobyl: Obfuscated Truth
  279. Forest fires in the former Soviet Union: no reasons for radiophobia
  280. Histopathology in iraq: reliable diagnostics in spite of shortages
  281. Psychiatry in Russia: economic upturn must bring improvements
  282. Ethical challenges in an age of overpopulation
  283. Shock wave therapy of ischemic heart disease: Some aspects of publication and advertizing in Russia
  284. Letter from Russia: Minimal Price for Vodka Established in Russia from 1 January 2010
  285. Shock wave therapy of ischemic heart disease in the light of general pathology
  286. Some Aspects of Dental Caries Prevention and Treatment in Children: a View from Russia
  287. Overestimation of Chernobyl consequences: poorly substantiated information published
  288. The state of medical libraries in the former Soviet Union
  289. The practice of pathology in Russia: On the eve of modernization
  290. Testing of anti‐atherogenic drugs on cell cultures: reliability questioned
  291. Social Vulnerability of Alcoholics and Patients with Alcohol-Related Dementia: A View from Russia
  292. Prevention of tinea pedis and onychomycosis: A view from Russia
  293. Plagiarism in radiology: A substitute for importation of foreign handbooks
  294. Stem Cells and Cell Therapy
  295. Unnecessary operations: A letter from Russian pathologist
  296. Pseudoangiomatous stromal hyperplasia of the breast
  297. On the causes of insufficient restroom environmental hygiene in the former soviet union
  298. Some aspects of computed tomography in Russia
  299. On the Causes of Alcoholism in the Former Soviet Union
  300. Overdiagnosis of schizophrenia: A view from Russia
  301. Overestimation of Chernobyl consequences: calculation of a latent period for tumors with unproven radiation etiology
  302. Kvass: A Possible Contributor to Chronic Alcoholism in the Former Soviet Union--Alcohol Content Should Be Indicated on Labels and in Advertising
  305. Nursing and Security in Iraqi Hospitals: Some Problems can be Solved without Foreign Help
  306. Overestimation of Chernobyl consequences: biophysical aspects
  308. Discussion of Evaluation of cholesterol-lowering and antioxidant properties of sugar cane policosanols in hamsters and humansAppears in Appl. Physiol. Nutr. Metab. 33: 540–541.
  309. Radiotherapy in Russia: a redundant method
  310. Some aspects of dental care in Russia
  311. Russian pathology and scientific misconduct
  312. Barriers to importation of medical products in Russia
  313. Computed Tomography in Russia: Quality and Quantity
  314. Versicherungsmedizin in Russland: Wie es heute funktioniert
  315. Perspectives of cervical cytology in Russia
  316. Legal regulations of pathology in Russia
  317. Over-estimation of radiation-induced malignancy after the Chernobyl accident
  318. Re: Involvement of Ubiquitination and Sumoylation in Bladder Lesions Induced by Persistent Long-Term Low Dose Ionizing Radiation in HumansA. M. Romanenko, A. Kinoshita, H. Wanibuchi, M. Wei, W. K. Zaparin, W. I. Vinnichenko, A. F. Vozianov and S. Fukus...
  319. Pathology in the former Soviet Union: scientific misconduct and related phenomena
  320. Where have all the flowers gone?