All Stories

  1. Fear‐potentiated startle response as an endophenotype: Evaluating metrics and methods for genetic applications
  2. Assessing the coherence of narratives of traumatic events with latent semantic analysis.
  3. Latent Semantic Analysis: A new measure of patient-physician communication
  4. Graduate training implications of the Q-interactive platform for administering Wechsler intelligence tests.
  5. Can a computer administer a Wechsler Intelligence Test?
  6. Temporal stability of multiple response systems to 7.5% carbon dioxide challenge
  7. Alexithymia predicts arousal-based processing deficits and discordance between emotion response systems during emotional imagery.
  8. Acoustic startle and prepulse inhibition predict smoking lapse in posttraumatic stress disorder
  9. Enhancing the Benefits of Written Emotional Disclosure Through Response Training
  10. Efficacy of a Workbook to Promote Forgiveness: A Randomized Controlled Trial With University Students
  11. A test of Spielberger’s state-trait theory of anger with adolescents: Five hypotheses.
  12. Effects of smoking on the acoustic startle response and prepulse inhibition in smokers with and without posttraumatic stress disorder
  13. Survey of National Consortium of Torture Treatment Program therapists about the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of the psychological sequelae of torture.
  14. Efficacy of a Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment for Insomnia and Nightmares in Afghanistan and Iraq Veterans With PTSD
  15. Modular Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment of an Adolescent Female With Selective Mutism and Social Phobia
  16. Using everyday technology to enhance evidence-based treatments.
  17. A startling absence of emotion effects: Active attention to the startle probe as a motor task cue appears to eliminate modulation of the startle reflex by valence and arousal
  18. The effect of nicotine and trauma context on acoustic startle in smokers with and without posttraumatic stress disorder
  19. Effects of posttraumatic stress disorder status and covert hostility on cardiovascular responses to relived anger in women with and without PTSD
  20. Trait anxiety, disgust sensitivity, and the hierarchic structure of fears
  21. The effects of cigarette smoking on script-driven imagery in smokers with and without posttraumatic stress disorder
  22. Psychophysiology of anger: Introduction to the special issue
  23. Emotional dimensions as determinants of self-focused attention
  24. Play it again Sam: Repeated exposure to emotionally evocative music polarises liking and smiling responses, and influences other affective reports, facial EMG, and heart rate
  25. Psychophysiological Responses of Female Headache Sufferers and Controls Using a Picture-Viewing Paradigm
  26. Ethnic Social Comfort I: Construct Validity Through Social Distance Measurement
  27. The effects of trauma recall on smoking topography in posttraumatic stress disorder and non-posttraumatic stress disorder trauma survivors
  28. Immediate Antecedents of Cigarette Smoking in Smokers With and Without Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: A Preliminary Study.
  29. The Role of Self-Focus, Task Difficulty, Task Self-Relevance, and Evaluation Anxiety in Reaction Time Performance
  30. Reactions to facial expressions: effects of social context and speech anxiety on responses to neutral, anger, and joy expressions
  31. Ambulatory monitoring and physical health report in Vietnam veterans with and without chronic posttraumatic stress disorder
  32. Magnitude and duration of cardiovascular response to anger in Vietnam veterans with and without posttraumatic stress disorder.
  33. The role of ethnicity, gender, emotional content, and contextual differences in physiological, expressive, and self-reported emotional responses to imagery
  34. The relationship among personality variables, exposure to traumatic events, and severity of posttraumatic stress symptoms
  35. The time course of emotional and attentional modulation of the startle eyeblink reflex during imagery
  36. Emotional imagery, the visual startle, and covariation bias: An affective matching account
  37. Effect of worrisome and relaxing thinking on fearful emotional processing
  38. The impact of imagining completed versus interrupted smoking on cigarette craving.
  39. Effect of self-focused attention on the startle reflex, heart rate, and memory performance among socially anxious and nonanxious individuals
  40. Smoking withdrawal symptoms in response to a trauma-related stressor among vietnam combat veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder
  41. Perceptual and perceptual-motor fluency as a basis for affective judgements: Individual differences in motor memory activation
  42. Psychophysiological responses as indices of affective dimensions
  43. Emotional modulation of skin conductance and eyeblink responses to a startle probe
  44. Manipulation of smoking urges and affect through a brief-imagery procedure: Self-report, psychophysiological, and startle probe responses.
  45. Emotional imagery in simple and social phobia: Fear versus anxiety.
  46. Fear imagery and the startle-probe reflex.
  47. Processing fearful and neutral sentences: Memory and heart rate change