All Stories

  1. A qualitative study of Brazilian nurses involvement in child health surveillance.
  2. Explanations for increasing hospital admissions of children under 5 years of age in the UK.
  3. 6Cs and ten commitments: nurses’ understanding and use of courage
  4. Parents’ help-seeking behaviours during acute childhood illness at home
  5. The safety netting behaviour of first contact clinicians: a qualitative study
  6. Let us strive to avert avoidable deaths
  7. Treatment of acute otitis media in childhood
  8. Bronchiolitis: treatment in the community
  9. The role of felt or enacted criticism in understanding parent's help seeking in acute childhood illness at home: A grounded theory study
  10. Diagnosis and treatment of asthma in children
  11. Containing acute childhood illness within family life: a substantive grounded theory
  12. Grounded theory sampling: `whole' family research
  13. Grounded theory sampling
  14. Research with children: a critical review of the guidelines
  15. Acute childhood illness at home: the parents' perspective
  16. Sharing evidence: research in child health network
  17. Educating the newCommunity Children's Nurses: challenges and opportunities?
  18. Parent participation 2: findings and their implications for practice
  19. Parent participation 1: literature review and methodology
  20. Fasting for day surgery: the parental role