All Stories

  1. Weddell Sea Phytoplankton Blooms Modulated by Sea Ice Variability and Polynya Formation
  2. Estimating Southern Ocean Storm Positions With Seismic Observations
  3. The Importance of Remote Forcing for Regional Modeling of Internal Waves
  4. Ocean and Sea Ice and their Interactions around Greenland and the West Antarctic Peninsula in Forced Fine‐Resolution Global Simulations
  5. Southern Ocean Phytoplankton Blooms Observed by Biogeochemical Floats
  6. Physical drivers of phytoplankton bloom initiation in the Southern Ocean's Scotia Sea
  7. Characterizing the transition from balanced to unbalanced motions in the southern California Current
  8. When Mixed Layers Are Not Mixed. Storm-Driven Mixing and Bio-optical Vertical Gradients in Mixed Layers of the Southern Ocean
  9. How do the Antarctic seas contribute to the melting of the ice cap over seasons and decades?
  10. Recent Southern Ocean warming and freshening driven by greenhouse gas emissions and ozone depletion
  11. Numerical Simulations to Project Argo Float Positions in the Middepth and Deep Southwest Pacific
  12. Estimating the Velocity and Transport of Western Boundary Current Systems: A Case Study of the East Australian Current near Brisbane
  13. Multi-year Mooring Data: Air-Sea Flux in the Southern Ocean
  14. Metrics for the Evaluation of the Southern Ocean in Coupled Climate Models and Earth System Models
  15. Wave-current Interactions in the California Current Region: Potential Implications for SWOT
  16. Correlation Lengths for Estimating the Large-Scale Carbon and Heat Content of the Southern Ocean
  17. Characterization of the Deep Water Surface Wave Variability in the California Current Region
  18. The role of wind gusts in upper ocean diurnal variability
  19. Small-scale open ocean currents have large effects on wind wave heights
  20. Isopycnal eddy mixing across the Kuroshio Extension: Stable versus unstable states in an eddying model
  21. Wind modulation of upwelling at the shelf-break front off Patagonia: Observational evidence
  22. The East Pacific Rise current: Topographic enhancement of the interior flow in the South Pacific Ocean
  23. Temporal Changes in the Antarctic Circumpolar Current: Implications for the Antarctic Continental Shelves
  24. Seasonality of submesoscale dynamics in the Kuroshio Extension
  25. The Effect of the Kerguelen Plateau on the Ocean Circulation
  26. Assessing recent trends in high-latitude Southern Hemisphere surface climate
  27. New Approaches for Air-Sea Fluxes in the Southern Ocean
  28. An oceanic heat transport pathway to the Amundsen Sea Embayment
  29. Mesoscale to Submesoscale Wavenumber Spectra in Drake Passage
  30. Large-scale climate variability in Antarctica and the Southern Ocean and links to extra-polar climate
  31. Atlantic-induced pan-tropical climate change over the past three decades
  33. A Multiwavenumber Theory for Eddy Diffusivities and Its Application to the Southeast Pacific (DIMES) Region
  34. Properties of the Subantarctic Front and Polar Front from the skewness of sea level anomaly
  35. Southern Ocean wind-driven entrainment enhances satellite chlorophyll-a through the summer
  36. Improving the geoid: Combining altimetry and mean dynamic topography in the California coastal ocean
  37. How ice shelves melt
  38. Wind-induced upwelling in the Kerguelen Plateau region
  39. The diurnal salinity cycle in the tropics
  40. Isopycnal Eddy Diffusivities and Critical Layers in the Kuroshio Extension from an Eddying Ocean Model
  41. Pathways of the Agulhas waters poleward of 29°S
  42. Meridional displacement of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current
  43. Meridional volume transport in the South Pacific: Mean and SAM-related variability
  44. When land breezes collide: Converging diurnal winds over small bodies of water
  45. Eulerian and Lagrangian Isopycnal Eddy Diffusivities in the Southern Ocean of an Eddying Model
  46. Subseasonal variations in salinity and barrier-layer thickness in the eastern equatorial Indian Ocean
  47. Drake Passage OceanicpCO2: Evaluating CMIP5 Coupled Carbon–Climate Models Using in situ Observations
  48. An Assessment of Density-Based Finescale Methods for Estimating Diapycnal Diffusivity in the Southern Ocean
  49. Processes controlling upper-ocean heat content in Drake Passage
  50. Analysis of horizontal and vertical processes contributing to natural iron supply in the mixed layer in southern Drake Passage
  51. Optimal multiparameter analysis of source water distributions in the Southern Drake Passage
  52. Southern Ocean natural iron fertilization
  53. The Mean and the Time Variability of the Shallow Meridional Overturning Circulation in the Tropical South Pacific Ocean
  54. Winter mesoscale circulation on the shelf slope region of the southern Drake Passage
  55. High-Latitude Ocean and Sea Ice Surface Fluxes: Challenges for Climate Research
  56. Wind-Driven Variability of the Subtropical North Pacific Ocean
  57. Diurnal variability of upper ocean temperatures from microwave satellite measurements and Argo profiles
  58. In Situ Observations of Madden–Julian Oscillation Mixed Layer Dynamics in the Indian and Western Pacific Oceans
  59. Seasonal variability of upper ocean heat content in Drake Passage
  60. Spatial Variation in Turbulent Heat Fluxes in Drake Passage
  61. Mean dynamic topography in the Southern Ocean: Evaluating Antarctic Circumpolar Current transport
  62. Observations over an annual cycle and simulations of wind-forced oscillations near the critical latitude for diurnal–inertial resonance
  63. Subsurface melting of a free-floating Antarctic iceberg
  64. Global correlations between winds and ocean chlorophyll
  65. Ocean Winds and Turbulent Air-Sea Fluxes Inferred From Remote Sensing
  66. Vertical Structure of Kelvin Waves in the Indonesian Throughflow Exit Passages
  67. Stochastic Dynamics of Sea Surface Height Variability
  68. Isopycnal diffusivities in the Antarctic Circumpolar Current inferred from Lagrangian floats in an eddying model
  69. Assessing the potential of the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS) surface temperature and specific humidity in turbulent heat flux estimates in the Southern Ocean
  70. Asymmetric response
  71. Improving Observations of High-Latitude Fluxes Between Atmosphere, Ocean, and Ice: Surface Fluxes: Challenges at High Latitudes; Boulder, Colorado, 17–19 March 2010
  72. Modal Decay in the Australia–Antarctic Basin
  73. Estimates of wind energy input to the Ekman layer in the Southern Ocean from surface drifter data
  74. Anomalous Spiking in Spectra of XCTD Temperature Profiles
  75. Assessing eddy heat flux and its parameterization: A wavenumber perspective from a 1/10° ocean simulation
  76. Decadal-Scale Temperature Trends in the Southern Hemisphere Ocean
  77. Observations of the 2004 and 2006 Indian Ocean tsunamis from a pressure gauge array in Indonesia
  78. Southern Ocean mixed-layer depth from Argo float profiles
  79. Multiple Oscillatory Modes of the Argentine Basin. Part I: Statistical Analysis
  80. Multiple Oscillatory Modes of the Argentine Basin. Part II: The Spectral Origin of Basin Modes
  81. Sea level anomalies control phytoplankton biomass in the Costa Rica Dome area
  82. Mixing and stirring in the Southern Ocean
  83. An Assessment of the Southern Ocean Mixed Layer Heat Budget
  84. Eddies enhance biological production in the Weddell-Scotia Confluence of the Southern Ocean
  85. Estimating Eddy Heat Flux from Float Data in the North Atlantic: The Impact of Temporal Sampling Interval
  86. Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Small-Scale Mixing in Drake Passage
  87. Bathymetry from space: Rationale and requirements for a new, high-resolution altimetric mission
  88. Location of the Antarctic Polar Front from AMSR-E Satellite Sea Surface Temperature Measurements
  89. Validation of the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer for the Earth Observing System (AMSR-E) sea surface temperature in the Southern Ocean
  90. Adjustment of the Southern Ocean to Wind Forcing on Synoptic Time Scales
  91. Energetics of wind-driven barotropic variability in the Southern Ocean
  92. Statistical Characterization of Zonal and Meridional Ocean Wind Stress
  93. Global observations of the land breeze
  94. An Introduction to Ocean Remote Sensing
  95. Connections Between Ocean Bottom Topography and Earth's Climate
  96. Seafloor Topography and Ocean Circulation
  97. Using Kolmogorov-Smirnov Statistics to Compare Geostrophic Velocities Measured by the Jason, TOPEX, and Poseidon Altimeters
  98. Float Observations of the Southern Ocean. Part II: Eddy Fluxes
  99. Interpreting wind-driven Southern Ocean variability in a stochastic framework
  100. Bathymetry from space is now possible
  101. Measuring the sea breeze from QuikSCAT Scatterometry
  102. Warming of the Southern Ocean Since the 1950s
  103. Statistics of velocity gradients in two-dimensional Navier-Stokes and ocean turbulence
  104. Aliasing of high-frequency variability by altimetry: Evaluation from bottom pressure recorders
  105. Antarctic Circumpolar Current response to zonally averaged winds
  106. Global correlation of mesoscale ocean variability with seafloor roughness from satellite altimetry
  107. Velocity Probability Density Functions from Altimetry
  108. Mass, heat, and salt transport in the southeastern Pacific: A Circumpolar Current inverse model
  109. Evaluating southern ocean response to wind forcing
  110. Probability Density Functions of Large-Scale Turbulence in the Ocean
  111. Scales of spatial and temporal variability in the Southern Ocean
  112. Mean sea surface height of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current from Geosat data: Method and application
  113. Semidiurnal and diurnal tidal effects in the middle atmosphere as seen by Rayleigh lidar
  114. Gulf Stream surface transport and statistics at 69°W from the Geosat altimeter
  115. What we can learn about the Southern Ocean from satellite measurements of sea surface height.